Library Trustees – Meeting Minutes
Only in-person attendees will be counted toward a quorum, but all are welcome to join via zoom. Email [email protected] for the zoom link.
Meetings are generally held on the third Thursday of the month at 5:30pm. Date/time changes will be posted on the public online event calendar.
Minutes before September 2023:
Record of the Frost Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
Town Hall, Marlborough, NH
May 18, 2023
Call to order: At 5:30, Chairman Ed Moura called the meeting of the trustees to order. In attendance:
Julie Farhm, Gilda Goodrich, Ed Moura, Earl Nelson, Gina Paight, and Jane Pitt. Attending by phone: Bob
Sweet. Public attending: Ellen Smith, town administrator, and Terry Maugeri, alternate trustee nominee.
Alternate trustees: Ed Moura moved that Terry Maugeri be recommended to the Board of Selectmen for
appointment as an Alternate Library Trustee for a term of one year. Gilda Goodrich seconded the motion.
The vote to approve was unanimous.
Earl Nelson moved that Charley Wright be recommended to the Board of Selectmen for reappointment as
an Alternate Library Trustee for a term of one year. Jane Pitt seconded the motion. The vote to approve was unanimous.
The trustees welcomed Terry to the board. The selectmen will finalize the appointment process for the
alternate trustees.
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes for the April 20, 2023 meeting was made by Ed Moura
and seconded by Gina Paight. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Nonpublic session: Terry Maugeri left the meeting at 5:42. The Chair requested that Ellen Smith attend the
nonpublic session and the trustees agreed.
At 5:42 Ed Moura moved that the trustee meeting move to a nonpublic session under RSA 91-A:3, II (a).
The dismissal, promotion, or compensation of any public employee or the disciplining of such employee, or the investigation of any charges against him or her, unless the employee affected (1) has a right to a public meeting, and (2) requests that the meeting be open, in which case the request shall be granted. Gina Paight seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Julie Farhm, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Ed Moura, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes;
Gina Paight, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes, and Earl Nelson, yes. The vote to approve was unanimous.
Return to public session at 7:12 pm. Motion made to seal the nonpublic minutes was made by Gina Paight, seconded by Jane Pitt because it would adversely affect the reputation of any person other than a member of this board. Roll call vote to seal the minutes: Julie Farhm, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Ed Moura, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes, and Earl Nelson, yes. The motion passed.
Library Temporary Staff: Kristin requested that the trustees consider three people for temporary help. Ed
Moura moved that the three people recommended by the Director begin the process for employment. Earl Nelson seconded the motion. The vote to approve was unanimous.
Bob Sweet left the meeting at 7:15.
Treasurer Report: No report. Julie Farhm moved that the trustees direct Rufus Frost to consult with N. H.
Public Deposit Investment Pool about investing the Mary Lodge Funds. Gina Paight seconded the motion.
The vote to approve was unanimous.
Gina Paight moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:25.
Next regular meeting: June 15, 2023, 5:30
Respectfully submitted,
Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH
April 20, 2023
Call to order: At 5:32, Chairman Ed Moura called the meeting of the trustees to order. In attendance:
Julie Farhm, Gilda Goodrich, Ed Moura, Gina Paight, Jane Pitt, and Kristin Readel. Attending by Zoom:
Rufus Frost V (5:45), Bob Sweet. Public attending: Ellen Smith, Kate Fuller. Public attending by Zoom:
Dick Butler.
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes for the February 16, 2023 meeting was made by Julie
Farhm and seconded by Gina Paight. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Reports and Update:
Correspondence: Dick Butler, president of the Marlborough Historical Society, reviewed his letters to the
trustees. He reflected on the use of the second floor, expressing the Society’s point-of-view of the upstairs.
The Society is requesting insulation in the storage area to be paid for from a shared pool of money: library
and Society. He expressed that the insulation work should be completed sooner than later. Dick asked the
trustees to reconsider the stair lift. Bob Sweet recommended making a decision in 6 weeks.
Grant: Ellen Smith, Town Administrator, presented information on the $750.000 Community Development
Finance Authority Grant that the town has applied for on behalf of the library addition project. The
application period opened on March 24 and is due tomorrow. The grants will be awarded the week of May 29th. Ellen explained that the library addition meets many of the targets: community center, activity focused, 47% match. The objective of the grant is to serve the target population and have a significant effect on the community. She pointed out that the town can meet the time frame. Letters of support from community organizations, local, county, and state officials have been attached to the application.
An energy audit must be completed. Resilient Buildings Group has been engaged, intending to
complete the audit by mid-June. Ellen is applying for another grant to defray some of the costs of the audit.
The possible construction time frame: grant award end of May, back to bidders, if all goes well, looking at a September start.
Ellen anticipates an increase in scheduling and record keeping in perpetuity.
Jane suggested that some of the space could be privatized.
The trustees thanked Ellen for her work.
Ed Moura moved that the Trustees wholeheartedly support the application of the Community Center
Investment Program. Julie Farhm seconded the motion. The vote of support was unanimous.
The Trustees returned to Mr. Butler’s request for additional space after the construction. Kristin will
forward Dick Butler’s sketch.
Bob Sweet moved that the Trustees postpone action on the Historical Society request and meet at the May 18th meeting jointly with the Historical Society. Julie Farhm second the motion. The motion and second were withdrawn.
Bob Sweet moved that the Historical Society be given permission to expand into the Mabel Page room as
proposed. Jane seconded the motion. The vote to approve was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report: Rufe shared the account balances as of February 26, 2023 as follows:
Checking account: $ 25,734.16
Special Gift fund: $151,253.54 ($136,676.22 Mary Lodge)
Public Hearing 6:33 pm
Rufe Frost moved that the $5000 gift in memory of Rufus Frost III be accepted. Ed Moura seconded the
motion. All the comments were positive and grateful. The trustees unanimously accepted the gift. Public hearing concluded.
Rufe Frost moved that $136,676.22 (Mary Lodge Fund) be transferred to the Trustees of trust Funds to be held in a money market account. Ed Moura seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved.
Ed Moura moved that the Trustee accept the treasurer’s report. Julie Farhm seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved.
Gina Paight moved that Julie Farhm be nominated to the position of vice chairman. Ed Moura seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved.
Director’s Report: Kristin Readel presented her report.
● Kristin reported that Wilcox Tree Service pruned and removed damaged trees. The MacVeagh’s offered
to replace the trees.
● Ellen is working with Jackie Leahy to answer questions about spending and paperwork for the Moose
Plate Grant. Bob recommends that the Trustees get an estimate for the front doors and railings. Kristin
will contact Cheshire Fencing.
● Staff hourly increases were reported: 8.7% for staff and 15% for one assistant.
Alternate Trustee: Bob Sweet moved that the Trustees ask Terry Maugeri to serve as an alternate trustee. Julie Farhm seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved.
New Business: Charter Board Composition will be revisited in May.
Gina Paight moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:55.
Next regular meeting: May 18, 2023, 5:30
Respectfully submitted,
Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH
February 16, 2023
Call to order: At 5:33, Chairman Ed Moura called the meeting of the trustees to order. In attendance:
Julie Farhm (alternate replacing Gina Paight), Gilda Goodrich, Dana Mann, Ed Moura, Jane Pitt, Merri
Rayno, and Kristin Readel. Attending by Zoom, Rufus Frost V, Kate Fuller, Bob Sweet
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes as corrected for the January 26, 2023, meeting was.
made by Merri Rayno and seconded by Ed Moura. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Reports and Update:
Treasurer’s Report: Rufus shared the account balances as of February 16, 2023, as follows:
Checking account: $ 24,671.32
Special Gift fund: $151,247.74 ($136,676.22 Mary Lodge)
Ed asked Rufe to provide a yearend report.
Ed Moura moved that the trustees accept the $1000 granted to the library by the Homestead Thrift Shop. Merri
Rayno seconded the motion. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Rufe brought to the attention of the trustees that one gift given in memory of Rufus Frost III is in the amount.
of $5000. A public hearing to accept the funds will be part of the next trustees meeting. Kristin will send the
notice to the Sentinel for publication.
Old Business:
● Both Charley Wright and Julie Farhm will be on the ballot for town meeting.
● Bob Sweet reported on the balance of two library trust funds that do not have restrictions.
Frost Free Library Fund-$27,332
Anne Burlin Fund- $26,000
● Discussion continued on the funding of the addition. Jane explained that the library was not a priority.
She continued by explaining that many projects (downtown flooding, a new fire truck,
etc.) come ahead of the library. Additionally, she reminded trustees that they agreed not to ask for any.
taxpayer money. Rufe asked if the selectboard could commit to expending the funds if they were raised
at town meeting? Jane would not commit the selectboard.
● Ed asked if Gina could call a meeting of the building advisory committee.
● Jane raised concerns about parking at the library.
Director’s Report: Kristin Readel presented the end of year report and “Year in Review 2022” with graphics.
Julie Farhm moved that the trustees accept the director’s report. Dana Mann seconded the motion. The vote to
accept was unanimous.
New Business:
● The trustees reviewed the Library Charter. The State Librarian recommends that library charters be
updated. Jane asked several questions, and Rufe volunteered to work with Kristin to research the
● Kate Fuller spoke briefly that the bookkeeping and administrative work is going well. She noted that
vendors are sending multiple copies of invoices.
Ed Moura moved to adjourn the meeting. Merri Rayno seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 6:54.
Next regular meeting: March 16, 2023, 5:30
Respectfully submitted,
Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH
January 26, 2023
Call to order: At 5:03, Chairman Ed Moura called the meeting of the trustees to order. In attendance:
Julie Farhm (alternate replacing Bob Sweet), Gilda Goodrich, Ed Moura, Gina Paight, Merri Rayno,
Kristin Readel, and Charley Wright (alternate replacing Dana Mann). Public attending by Zoom, Richard
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes for the December 15, 2022, meeting was made by Merri Rayno and seconded by Julie Farhm. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Reports and Update:
Treasurer’s Report: No report. No gifts to be approved.
Director’s Report: Kristin Readel reported on the following:
● Tom Weller met with Doug Poirier, an IT consultant from Umbral. His recommendation for IT
connections was about a $40,000 increase to the addition. Tom Weller is looking over the request.
● Al diBicarri has offered tiles for the renovation. He will connect with Tom Weller or Doug Hamshaw.
● The trustees looked at the library’s statistics and discussed that the information will be helpful for
planning programming.
● The plexiglass storms have been replaced on the granite section of the library.
● Dead River recommends a dehumidifier for the basement. Gina will speak to Craig to ask about the size
Ed Moura moved that the library purchase a dehumidifier, not to exceed $400. Julie Farhm seconded
the motion. The vote to purchase was unanimous.
● 71 people attended the Saturday community event. Kristin thanked Ellen Smith for her help.
Julie Farhm moved that the trustees accept the director’s report. Merri Rayno seconded the motion. The vote to
accept was unanimous.
New Business:
The trustees decided to put off the fund transfer of the Mary Lodge Fund until after the bids for the addition
have been opened.
Historical Society: Dick Butler reported that the society’s move of their collection is 98 % complete. Dick
asked if the society could paint the closet floor. The trustees found no problems if the society wanted to paint
the floor.
Trustee Nominations: Candidates for the open trustee position were reminded to file a declaration of
candidacy at the town hall by February 3rd.
Ed Moura moved to adjourn the meeting. Merri Rayno seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 6:05.
Next regular meeting: February 16, 2023, 5:30
Respectfully submitted,
Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH
December 15, 2022
Call to order: At 5:37, Chairman Ed Moura called the meeting of the trustees to order. In attendance:
Julie Farhm (alternate replacing Gina Paight), Gilda Goodrich, Dana Mann, Ed Moura, Merri Rayno,
Kristin Readel and by Zoom: Charley Wright (alternate replacing Earl Nelson), Rufus Frost V and Bob
Sweet. Public attending by Zoom, Richard Butler
Building update: Bob Sweet reported that Gina Paight will be scheduling a building committee meeting.
The requests for bids will go out Jan. 11th. Bids will be opened on February 8th.
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes for the November 17, 2022, meeting was made by
Merri Rayno and seconded by Dana Mann. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Reports and Update:
Treasurer’s Report: No report. No gifts to be approved.
Bob Sweet moved to encumber $3037 from unexpended funds in the 2022 budget and authorize the Chair or
vice-chair to sign a contract with Carbone’s window & Awning, LLC to remove plexiglass window coverings
and install fade resistant Lexan in the eight windows of the granite building. Ed Moura seconded the motion.
The vote to approve was unanimous.
Historical Society: Dick Butler reported that the society has started to move out of the archive room, about
5% of the work has been completed. He anticipates completing the move by the end of January or beginning of February.
Director’s report:
● Kristin reported a snow closing for Dec. 16 and 17. She will work from home.
● Kristin asked the trustees to consider working on an emergency plan in the new year.
● Safety- The trustees discussed the number of hours with only one person on duty. The library has 29
public service hours. With 65 employee hours to work with, Kristin will adjust the hours with the staff
to achieve the goal of 2 person coverage and report back to the trustees.
● Julie Farhm moved that the library trustees approve the Right-to-Know Policy as printed by the Local
Government Center. Ed Moura seconded the motion. The vote to approve was unanimous.
● Mango Languages has been added to the collection.
● Kristin will contact Deb Hoadley, Director, Moultonborough Public Library, about strategic planning.
New Business:
Ed introduced the topic of bookkeeping and administration. Kristin will meet with staff to see if there is
interest in taking over the bookkeeping. Ed moved that the trustees hire a bookkeeper for 12 weeks at 2 hours a week for up to $600 to work with Kristin, the funds to come from the library budget. Julie Farhm seconded the motion. The vote to approve was unanimous.
Julie Farhm moved to adjourn the meeting. Gilda Goodrich seconded the motion.
Meeting adjourned at 6:32.
Next regular meeting: January 19, 2023, 5:30
Respectfully submitted
Record of the Frost Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH
November 17, 2022
Call to order: At 5:32, Chairman Ed Moura called the meeting of the trustees to order. In attendance:
Julie Farhm (alternate replacing Earl Nelson), Gilda Goodrich, Gina Paight, Jane Pitt, Ed Moura, Merri
Raynor, Charley Wright (alternate, not voting), Kristin Readel and by Zoom: Rufus Frost V and Bob Sweet.
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes for the October 13, 2022, meeting was made by Merri
Rayno and seconded by Julie Farhm. The vote to accept passed in the affirmative with two abstentions
(Paight and Pitt).
Reports and Update:
Treasurer’s Report: No report. Rufe announced that he will be reporting quarterly, but he will still supply the
list of gifts to be accepted, monthly.
Budget: Rufe presented the draft budget. The following comments were made:
● Payroll shown is the same as last year, but it will include a COLA in the final budget.
● The trustees discussed adding a stipend for cell phone use.
● The selectmen will look into which department is paying the land line bill.
● The trustees discussed encumbering funds for replacing the storm windows in the granite section. Rufe
offered to contact Doug Hamshaw and Carbone’s Window. Discussion will continue at the December
● Discussion ensued about the carpet in the 1960’s addition.
● Facility maintenance will remain at $5000.
● Additional funds were added to the Adult Book line to meet the needs for young adult books.
Bob Sweet moved that the draft budget as presented with changes and the recommendation for the COLA,
pending final presentation in December, be accepted. Ed Moura seconded the motion. The vote to accept
passed in the affirmative with two abstentions (Paight and Pitt).
Rufe reported that the Frost family will make a decision about the Rufus Frost III memorial funds in the near
Director’s report: The Gift Policy- The trustees decided that there was no need to change the Gift Policy.
Old Business:
● Data Collection- Charley has not yet met with Kristin. This information will be presented at a later
● Stone Village Memorial: Ed Moura moved that the Stone Village Memorial stone be accepted. Jane
seconded the motion. Bob and Gilda expressed reservations about setting a precedent for using library
grounds for memorial monuments. The vote to accept was six yes, 2 no (Sweet and Goodrich) and one
abstention (Mann).
New Business:
● Trustee Nomination: Merri Rayno will not be running for another term. Julie Farhm expressed interest
in running for an elected position in 2023.
● Bob asked about the teen Halloween program that the trustees received a letter about. In response to
Gina’s letter, the advertising for the “Franken Toys” program was taken down from social media. Jane
asked about the decision to offer that program, and Kristin explained that the parents of the tweens
were offered several activity choices and the parents chose the “Franken Toys” activity. Ed
recommended that residents who have concerns about material or programming follow the protocol and
use the library’s form to register their complaints. Discussion ensued about the library mission
statement and its connection to programming. Kristin left the meeting at 6:45.
Bob Sweet read a statement: While acknowledging the right of the Board of Selectmen to be critical of
policies, procedures, and programming of the Frost Free Library, The Board of Trustees affirms that
decisions regarding such policies, procedures, and programming are the responsibility of the library’s
Board of Trustees, and theirs alone, in accordance with state law, Chapter 202 A: Public Libraries. He
moved the inclusion of this statement in the minutes. Rev Dana Mann seconded the motion. The vote to
accept passed in the affirmative with two abstentions (Paight and Pitt).
Gina Paight stated that she was offended by the program. She said when she checked the library
calendar for the Teen event, she saw comments about the selectmen’s opinion. Charley stated that
programming should have learning goals attached.
● Event calendar: Gina notified trustees that the event calendar is showing personal events. The trustees
asked Kristin to remove personal events from the calendar.
● Digital Literacy Grant- the presenter is donating the fees. The grant is being used for the purchase of
hardware. Any additional funds needed for IT will come from the library budget.
● Community House- Some discussion on the Community House elevator and security.
Julie Farhm moved to adjourn the meeting. Gilda Goodrich seconded the motion.
Meeting adjourned at 7:17.
Next regular meeting: December 15, 2022, 5:30
Respectfully submitted,
Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH
November 17, 2022
Call to order: At 5:32, Chairman Ed Moura called the meeting of the trustees to order. In attendance:
Julie Farhm (alternate replacing Earl Nelson), Gilda Goodrich, Gina Paight, Jane Pitt, Ed Moura, Merri
Raynor, Charley Wright (alternate, not voting), Kristin Readel and by Zoom: Rufus Frost V and Bob Sweet.
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes for the October 13, 2022, meeting was made by Merri
Rayno and seconded by Julie Farhm. The vote to accept passed in the affirmative with two abstentions
(Paight and Pitt).
Reports and Update:
Treasurer’s Report: No report. Rufe announced that he will be reporting quarterly, but he will still supply the
list of gifts to be accepted, monthly.
Budget: Rufe presented the draft budget. The following comments were made:
● Payroll shown is the same as last year, but it will include a COLA in the final budget.
● The trustees discussed adding a stipend for cell phone use.
● The selectmen will look into which department is paying the land line bill.
● The trustees discussed encumbering funds for replacing the storm windows in the granite section. Rufe
offered to contact Doug Hamshaw and Carbone’s Window. Discussion will continue at the December
● Discussion ensued about the carpet in the 1960’s addition.
● Facility maintenance will remain at $5000.
● Additional funds were added to the Adult Book line to meet the needs for young adult books.
Bob Sweet moved that the draft budget as presented with changes and the recommendation for the COLA,
pending final presentation in December, be accepted. Ed Moura seconded the motion. The vote to accept
passed in the affirmative with two abstentions (Paight and Pitt).
Rufe reported that the Frost family will make a decision about the Rufus Frost III memorial funds in the near
Director’s report: The Gift Policy- The trustees decided that there was no need to change the Gift Policy.
Old Business:
● Data Collection- Charley has not yet met with Kristin. This information will be presented at a later
● Stone Village Memorial: Ed Moura moved that the Stone Village Memorial stone be accepted. Jane
seconded the motion. Bob and Gilda expressed reservations about setting a precedent for using library
grounds for memorial monuments. The vote to accept was six yes, 2 no (Sweet and Goodrich) and one
abstention (Mann).
New Business:
● Trustee Nomination: Merri Rayno will not be running for another term. Julie Farhm expressed interest
in running for an elected position in 2023.
● Bob asked about the teen Halloween program that the trustees received a letter about. In response to
Gina’s letter, the advertising for the “Franken Toys” program was taken down from social media. Jane
asked about the decision to offer that program, and Kristin explained that the parents of the tweens
were offered several activity choices and the parents chose the “Franken Toys” activity. Ed
recommended that residents who have concerns about material or programming follow the protocol and
use the library’s form to register their complaints. Discussion ensued about the library mission
statement and its connection to programming. Kristin left the meeting at 6:45.
Bob Sweet read a statement: While acknowledging the right of the Board of Selectmen to be critical of
policies, procedures, and programming of the Frost Free Library, The Board of Trustees affirms that
decisions regarding such policies, procedures, and programming are the responsibility of the library’s
Board of Trustees, and theirs alone, in accordance with state law, Chapter 202 A: Public Libraries. He
moved the inclusion of this statement in the minutes. Rev Dana Mann seconded the motion. The vote to
accept passed in the affirmative with two abstentions (Paight and Pitt).
Gina Paight stated that she was offended by the program. She said when she checked the library
calendar for the Teen event, she saw comments about the selectmen’s opinion. Charley stated that
programming should have learning goals attached.
● Event calendar: Gina notified trustees that the event calendar is showing personal events. The trustees
asked Kristin to remove personal events from the calendar.
● Digital Literacy Grant- the presenter is donating the fees. The grant is being used for the purchase of
hardware. Any additional funds needed for IT will come from the library budget.
● Community House- Some discussion on the Community House elevator and security.
Julie Farhm moved to adjourn the meeting. Gilda Goodrich seconded the motion.
Meeting adjourned at 7:17.
Next regular meeting: December 15, 2022, 5:30
Respectfully submitted,
Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH
November 17, 2022
Call to order: At 5:32, Chairman Ed Moura called the meeting of the trustees to order. In attendance:
Julie Farhm (alternate replacing Earl Nelson), Gilda Goodrich, Gina Paight, Jane Pitt, Ed Moura, Merri
Raynor, Charley Wright (alternate, not voting), Kristin Readel and by Zoom: Rufus Frost V and Bob Sweet.
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes for the October 13, 2022, meeting was made by Merri
Rayno and seconded by Julie Farhm. The vote to accept passed in the affirmative with two abstentions
(Paight and Pitt).
Reports and Update:
Treasurer’s Report: No report. Rufe announced that he will be reporting quarterly, but he will still supply the
list of gifts to be accepted, monthly.
Budget: Rufe presented the draft budget. The following comments were made:
● Payroll shown is the same as last year, but it will include a COLA in the final budget.
● The trustees discussed adding a stipend for cell phone use.
● The selectmen will look into which department is paying the land line bill.
● The trustees discussed encumbering funds for replacing the storm windows in the granite section. Rufe
offered to contact Doug Hamshaw and Carbone’s Window. Discussion will continue at the December
● Discussion ensued about the carpet in the 1960’s addition.
● Facility maintenance will remain at $5000.
● Additional funds were added to the Adult Book line to meet the needs for young adult books.
Bob Sweet moved that the draft budget as presented with changes and the recommendation for the COLA,
pending final presentation in December, be accepted. Ed Moura seconded the motion. The vote to accept
passed in the affirmative with two abstentions (Paight and Pitt).
Rufe reported that the Frost family will make a decision about the Rufus Frost III memorial funds in the near
Director’s report: The Gift Policy- The trustees decided that there was no need to change the Gift Policy.
Old Business:
● Data Collection- Charley has not yet met with Kristin. This information will be presented at a later
● Stone Village Memorial: Ed Moura moved that the Stone Village Memorial stone be accepted. Jane
seconded the motion. Bob and Gilda expressed reservations about setting a precedent for using library
grounds for memorial monuments. The vote to accept was six yes, 2 no (Sweet and Goodrich) and one
abstention (Mann).
New Business:
● Trustee Nomination: Merri Rayno will not be running for another term. Julie Farhm expressed interest
in running for an elected position in 2023.
● Bob asked about the teen Halloween program that the trustees received a letter about. In response to
Gina’s letter, the advertising for the “Franken Toys” program was taken down from social media. Jane
asked about the decision to offer that program, and Kristin explained that the parents of the tweens
were offered several activity choices and the parents chose the “Franken Toys” activity. Ed
recommended that residents who have concerns about material or programming follow the protocol and
use the library’s form to register their complaints. Discussion ensued about the library mission
statement and its connection to programming. Kristin left the meeting at 6:45.
Bob Sweet read a statement: While acknowledging the right of the Board of Selectmen to be critical of
policies, procedures, and programming of the Frost Free Library, The Board of Trustees affirms that
decisions regarding such policies, procedures, and programming are the responsibility of the library’s
Board of Trustees, and theirs alone, in accordance with state law, Chapter 202 A: Public Libraries. He
moved the inclusion of this statement in the minutes. Rev Dana Mann seconded the motion. The vote to
accept passed in the affirmative with two abstentions (Paight and Pitt).
Gina Paight stated that she was offended by the program. She said when she checked the library
calendar for the Teen event, she saw comments about the selectmen’s opinion. Charley stated that
programming should have learning goals attached.
● Event calendar: Gina notified trustees that the event calendar is showing personal events. The trustees
asked Kristin to remove personal events from the calendar.
● Digital Literacy Grant- the presenter is donating the fees. The grant is being used for the purchase of
hardware. Any additional funds needed for IT will come from the library budget.
● Community House- Some discussion on the Community House elevator and security.
Julie Farhm moved to adjourn the meeting. Gilda Goodrich seconded the motion.
Meeting adjourned at 7:17.
Next regular meeting: December 15, 2022, 5:30
Respectfully submitted,
Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH
November 17, 2022
Call to order: At 5:32, Chairman Ed Moura called the meeting of the trustees to order. In attendance:
Julie Farhm (alternate replacing Earl Nelson), Gilda Goodrich, Gina Paight, Jane Pitt, Ed Moura, Merri
Raynor, Charley Wright (alternate, not voting), Kristin Readel and by Zoom: Rufus Frost V and Bob Sweet.
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes for the October 13, 2022 meeting was made by Merri
Rayno and seconded by Julie Farhm. The vote to accept passed in the affirmative with two abstentions
(Paight and Pitt).
Reports and Update:
Treasurer’s Report: No report. Rufe announced that he will be reporting quarterly, but he will still supply the
list of gifts to be accepted, monthly.
Budget: Rufe presented the draft budget. The following comments were made:
● Payroll shown is the same as last year, but it will include a COLA in the final budget.
● The trustees discussed adding a stipend for cell phone use.
● The selectmen will look into which department is paying the land line bill.
● The trustees discussed encumbering funds for replacing the storm windows in the granite section. Rufe
offered to contact Doug Hamshaw and Carbone’s Window. Discussion will continue at the December
● Discussion ensued about the carpet in the 1960’s addition.
● Facility maintenance will remain at $5000.
● Additional funds were added to the Adult Book line to meet the needs for young adult books.
Bob Sweet moved that the draft budget as presented with changes and the recommendation for the COLA,
pending final presentation in December, be accepted. Ed Moura seconded the motion. The vote to accept
passed in the affirmative with two abstensions (Paight and Pitt).
Rufe reported that the Frost family will make a decision about the Rufus Frost III memorial funds in the near
Director’s report: The Gift Policy- The trustees decided that there was no need to change the gift Policy.
Old Business:
● Data Collection- Charley has not yet met with Kristin. This information will be presented at a later
● Stone Village Memorial: Ed Moura moved that the Stone Village Memorial stone be accepted. Jane
seconded the motion. Bob and Gilda expressed reservations about setting a precedent for using library
grounds for memorial monuments. The vote to accept was six yes, 2 no(Sweet and Goodrich) and one
New Business:
● Trustee Nomination: Merri Rayno will not be running for another term. Julie Farhm expressed interest
in running for an elected position in 2023.
● Bob asked about the teen Halloween program that the trustees received a letter about. In response to
Gina’s letter, the advertising for the “Franken Toys” program was taken down from social media. Jane
asked about the decision to offer that program, and Kristin explained that the parents of the tweens
were offered several activity choices and the parents chose the “Franken Toys” activity. Ed
recommended that residents who have concerns about material or programming follow the protocol and
use the library’s form to register their complaints. Discussion ensued about the library mission
statement and its connection to programming. Kristin left the meeting at 6:45.
Bob Sweet read a statement: While acknowledging the right of the Board of Selectmen to be critical of
policies, procedures, and programming of the Frost Free Library, The Board of Trustees affirms that
decisions regarding such policies, procedures, and programming are the responsibility of the Library’s
Board of Trustees, and theirs alone, in accordance with state law, Chapter 202 A: Public Libraries. He
moved the inclusion of this statement in the minutes. Rev Dana Mann seconded the motion. The vote to
accept passed in the affirmative with two abstentions(Paight and Pitt).
Gina Paight stated that she was offended by the program. She said when she checked the library
calendar for the Teen event, she saw comments about the selectmen’s opinion. Charley stated that
programming should have learning goals attached.
● Event calendar: Gina notified trustees that the event calendar is showing personal events. The trustees
asked Kristin to remove personal events from the calendar.
● Digital Literacy Grant- the presenter is donating the fees. The grant is being used for the purchase of
hardware. Any additional funds needed for IT will come from the library budget.
● Community House- Some discussion on the Community House elevator and security.
Julie Farhm moved to adjourn the meeting. Gilda Goodrich seconded the motion.
Meeting adjourned at 7:17.
Next regular meeting: December 15, 2022, 5:30
Respectfully submitted,
Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH
November 17, 2022
Call to order: At 5:32, Chairman Ed Moura called the meeting of the trustees to order. In attendance:
Julie Farhm (alternate replacing Earl Nelson), Gilda Goodrich, Gina Paight, Jane Pitt, Ed Moura, Merri
Raynor, Charley Wright (alternate, not voting), Kristin Readel and by Zoom: Rufus Frost V and Bob Sweet.
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes for the October 13, 2022 meeting was made by Merri
Rayno and seconded by Julie Farhm. The vote to accept passed in the affirmative with two abstentions
(Paight and Pitt).
Reports and Update:
Treasurer’s Report: No report. Rufe announced that he will be reporting quarterly, but he will still supply the
list of gifts to be accepted, monthly.
Budget: Rufe presented the draft budget. The following comments were made:
● Payroll shown is the same as last year, but it will include a COLA in the final budget.
● The trustees discussed adding a stipend for cell phone use.
● The selectmen will look into which department is paying the land line bill.
● The trustees discussed encumbering funds for replacing the storm windows in the granite section. Rufe
offered to contact Doug Hamshaw and Carbone’s Window. Discussion will continue at the December
● Discussion ensued about the carpet in the 1960’s addition.
● Facility maintenance will remain at $5000.
● Additional funds were added to the Adult Book line to meet the needs for young adult books.
Bob Sweet moved that the draft budget as presented with changes and the recommendation for the COLA,
pending final presentation in December, be accepted. Ed Moura seconded the motion. The vote to accept
passed in the affirmative with two abstensions (Paight and Pitt).
Rufe reported that the Frost family will make a decision about the Rufus Frost III memorial funds in the near
Director’s report: The Gift Policy- The trustees decided that there was no need to change the gift Policy.
Old Business:
● Data Collection- Charley has not yet met with Kristin. This information will be presented at a later
● Stone Village Memorial: Ed Moura moved that the Stone Village Memorial stone be accepted. Jane
seconded the motion. Bob and Gilda expressed reservations about setting a precedent for using library
grounds for memorial monuments. The vote to accept was six yes, 2 no(Sweet and Goodrich) and one
New Business:
● Trustee Nomination: Merri Rayno will not be running for another term. Julie Farhm expressed interest
in running for an elected position in 2023.
● Bob asked about the teen Halloween program that the trustees received a letter about. In response to
Gina’s letter, the advertising for the “Franken Toys” program was taken down from social media. Jane
asked about the decision to offer that program, and Kristin explained that the parents of the tweens
were offered several activity choices and the parents chose the “Franken Toys” activity. Ed
recommended that residents who have concerns about material or programming follow the protocol and
use the library’s form to register their complaints. Discussion ensued about the library mission
statement and its connection to programming. Kristin left the meeting at 6:45.
Bob Sweet read a statement: While acknowledging the right of the Board of Selectmen to be critical of
policies, procedures, and programming of the Frost Free Library, The Board of Trustees affirms that
decisions regarding such policies, procedures, and programming are the responsibility of the Library’s
Board of Trustees, and theirs alone, in accordance with state law, Chapter 202 A: Public Libraries. He
moved the inclusion of this statement in the minutes. Rev Dana Mann seconded the motion. The vote to
accept passed in the affirmative with two abstentions(Paight and Pitt).
Gina Paight stated that she was offended by the program. She said when she checked the library
calendar for the Teen event, she saw comments about the selectmen’s opinion. Charley stated that
programming should have learning goals attached.
● Event calendar: Gina notified trustees that the event calendar is showing personal events. The trustees
asked Kristin to remove personal events from the calendar.
● Digital Literacy Grant- the presenter is donating the fees. The grant is being used for the purchase of
hardware. Any additional funds needed for IT will come from the library budget.
● Community House- Some discussion on the Community House elevator and security.
Julie Farhm moved to adjourn the meeting. Gilda Goodrich seconded the motion.
Meeting adjourned at 7:17.
Next regular meeting: December 15, 2022, 5:30
Respectfully submitted,
Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH
November 17, 2022
Call to order: At 5:32, Chairman Ed Moura called the meeting of the trustees to order. In attendance:
Julie Farhm (alternate replacing Earl Nelson), Gilda Goodrich, Gina Paight, Jane Pitt, Ed Moura, Merri
Raynor, Charley Wright (alternate, not voting), Kristin Readel and by Zoom: Rufus Frost V and Bob Sweet.
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes for the October 13, 2022 meeting was made by Merri
Rayno and seconded by Julie Farhm. The vote to accept passed in the affirmative with two abstentions
(Paight and Pitt).
Reports and Update:
Treasurer’s Report: No report. Rufe announced that he will be reporting quarterly, but he will still supply the
list of gifts to be accepted, monthly.
Budget: Rufe presented the draft budget. The following comments were made:
● Payroll shown is the same as last year, but it will include a COLA in the final budget.
● The trustees discussed adding a stipend for cell phone use.
● The selectmen will look into which department is paying the land line bill.
● The trustees discussed encumbering funds for replacing the storm windows in the granite section. Rufe
offered to contact Doug Hamshaw and Carbone’s Window. Discussion will continue at the December
● Discussion ensued about the carpet in the 1960’s addition.
● Facility maintenance will remain at $5000.
● Additional funds were added to the Adult Book line to meet the needs for young adult books.
Bob Sweet moved that the draft budget as presented with changes and the recommendation for the COLA,
pending final presentation in December, be accepted. Ed Moura seconded the motion. The vote to accept
passed in the affirmative with two abstensions (Paight and Pitt).
Rufe reported that the Frost family will make a decision about the Rufus Frost III memorial funds in the near
Director’s report: The Gift Policy- The trustees decided that there was no need to change the gift Policy.
Old Business:
● Data Collection- Charley has not yet met with Kristin. This information will be presented at a later
● Stone Village Memorial: Ed Moura moved that the Stone Village Memorial stone be accepted. Jane
seconded the motion. Bob and Gilda expressed reservations about setting a precedent for using library
grounds for memorial monuments. The vote to accept was six yes, 2 no(Sweet and Goodrich) and one
New Business:
● Trustee Nomination: Merri Rayno will not be running for another term. Julie Farhm expressed interest
in running for an elected position in 2023.
● Bob asked about the teen Halloween program that the trustees received a letter about. In response to
Gina’s letter, the advertising for the “Franken Toys” program was taken down from social media. Jane
asked about the decision to offer that program, and Kristin explained that the parents of the tweens
were offered several activity choices and the parents chose the “Franken Toys” activity. Ed
recommended that residents who have concerns about material or programming follow the protocol and
use the library’s form to register their complaints. Discussion ensued about the library mission
statement and its connection to programming. Kristin left the meeting at 6:45.
Bob Sweet read a statement: While acknowledging the right of the Board of Selectmen to be critical of
policies, procedures, and programming of the Frost Free Library, The Board of Trustees affirms that
decisions regarding such policies, procedures, and programming are the responsibility of the Library’s
Board of Trustees, and theirs alone, in accordance with state law, Chapter 202 A: Public Libraries. He
moved the inclusion of this statement in the minutes. Rev Dana Mann seconded the motion. The vote to
accept passed in the affirmative with two abstentions(Paight and Pitt).
Gina Paight stated that she was offended by the program. She said when she checked the library
calendar for the Teen event, she saw comments about the selectmen’s opinion. Charley stated that
programming should have learning goals attached.
● Event calendar: Gina notified trustees that the event calendar is showing personal events. The trustees
asked Kristin to remove personal events from the calendar.
● Digital Literacy Grant- the presenter is donating the fees. The grant is being used for the purchase of
hardware. Any additional funds needed for IT will come from the library budget.
● Community House- Some discussion on the Community House elevator and security.
Julie Farhm moved to adjourn the meeting. Gilda Goodrich seconded the motion.
Meeting adjourned at 7:17.
Next regular meeting: December 15, 2022, 5:30
Respectfully submitted,
Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH
October 13, 2022
Call to order: At 5:32, Chairman Ed Moura called the meeting of the trustees to order. In attendance:
Julie Farhm (alternate replacing Gina Paight), Gilda Goodrich, Ed Moura, Merri Raynor, Charley Wright
(alternate replacing Bob Sweet), Earl Nelson, Kristin Readel and Rufus Frost V by Zoom.
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes for the September 2, 2022 meeting as revised was made
by Merri Rayno and seconded by Julie Farhm. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Reports and Update:
Treasurer’s Report: Account balances as of September 31, 2022 are as follows:
Checking account: $ 16,340.67
Special Gift fund: $151,216.0
Rufe reported on the following funds:
● Funds in memory of Rufus Frost III totaled $10,195.00.
● Homestead Thrift $1000
● Digital Literacy PLA/AT&T Digital Learn $4000 grant
● Homestead Thrift $1500
● American Legion $200
Ed Moura moved that the trustees accept the funds granted to the library. Julie Farhm seconded the motion.
The vote to accept was unanimous.
Rufe offered to work with Kristin on the Digital Learning grant.
Rufus Frost V moved that the trustees will set-up a PayPal account. Merri seconded the motion. The vote to
set-up the account was unanimous. Kristin will set-up the account.
Meeting time: After a short discussion, the trustees agreed to change the meeting time to the third Thursday of
the month from 5:30 to 7. The Next meetings: November 17 and December 15.
Data: Charley reported on the need to disaggregate our data for planning, training, and programing. This will
also help the director know who we are serving. Charley will meet with Kristin after he has a chance to look at
the last quarterly report. Kristin will research what our provider is able to provide for data collection.
Vandalism: Kristin reported that several panes of glass were broken by pellets from a BB gun. The estimate to
repair the damage is $300.
Ed Moura moved that the damaged panes be repaired. Julie Farhm seconded the motion, and the vote to repair
the damage was unanimous.
Charlie will send Kristin a recommendation for a “ring camera” for placing over the front door.
Directors Report: Kristin Readel presented her report:
● Municibid – Kristin was given a limit of $200 for the purchase of 2 used rolling bookcases. Kristin will
speak with Craig about using Municibid.
● Building Committee- The trustees briefly discussed the additional expenses for the building project.
● The Trustees and Friends will have a workday: November 5 from 12-3, Rain Date November 12.
● Ed thanked Kristin for her fine work with administration.
● Inter-library Loan Policy: The trustees reviewed the inter-library loan policy. Merri moved that the
trustees approve the policy. Julie Farhm seconded the motion. The vote to approve was unanimous.
● Ed asked Kristin what programming she anticipates changing when the library goes to temporary
services. She said that aside from the concerts, all programming will be as usual.
Julie Farhm moved to adjourn the meeting. Gilda Goodrich seconded the motion.
Meeting adjourned at 6:58.
Next regular meeting: November 17, 2022, 5:30
Respectfully submitted,
Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH
September 2, 2022
Meeting in the Community House Basement
Call to order: At 5:35, Chairman Ed Moura called the meeting of the trustees to order. In attendance:
Gilda Goodrich, Gina Paight, Ed Moura, Kristin Readel, Bob Sweet and Julie Farhm (alternate replacing
Earl Nelson). Guest: Rev. Dr. Dana Mann.
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes for the July 7, 2022 meeting was made by Ed Moura and
seconded by Gina Paight. The vote to accept was unanimous.
● Kristin received a letter from Homestead Thrift Shop stating that their regular contribution starting in
October will be increased to $1,500. The Homestead Thrift Shop also pledged $6000 to help cover
moving costs.
● The McKane family made a contribution of Ghost Army material. Gina Paight moved that the trustees
accept the Ghost Army Book and DVD. Julie Farhm seconded the motion. The vote to accept was
● A summer resident sent a note expressing appreciation for the staff’s helpfulness and excellent service.
Reports and Update:
Treasurer’s Report: no report
Directors Report: Kristin Readel presented her report:
● Summer reading program wrapped up.
● Betty Christiansen, certified yoga instructor, will teach 3 weeks of Chair Yoga for Yoga month through
Community Health Education at Cheshire Medical Center.
● Author Howard Mansfield will visit in September
● Magician Bob Fellows performed.
● There was an article in the ELF magazine about the metal detectors.
● Successful application for PLA Digital Literacy Workshop Tier 1, $4,000. This will cover both devices
and pay for a presenter. Kristin is investigating using the school for the program.
● The flag will be replaced.
Gina Paight moved that the trustees accept the $1,500 Homestead Thrift gift and the $4000 PLA Grant. Julie
Farhm seconded the motion. The vote to accept was unanimous.
● Discussion of the Interlibrary Loan Policy is moved to next month. Kristen will resend the Policy to the
● Kristin informed the trustees that the downloadable line in the budget will show an increase of about
11%, going up to $800. The library staff will teach patrons how to use the downloadables more
● The trustees thanked Bob for spearheading the effort to place the historic marker plaque on the front of
the building.
Julie Farhm moved that the trustees accept the director’s report. Bob Sweet seconded the motion. The vote to
accept was unanimous.
Old Business:
● Ed Moura welcomed Rev. Dana Mann, pastor for the Federated Church in Marlborough, to the meeting.
The trustees discussed the duties and responsibilities of a library trustee. Ed invited Rev. Mann to join
the board as a charter trustee. Rev. Mann will contact the board when she has made her decision.
● 150 Building Committee-
○ Gina reported that the addition will go out to bid in November.
○ A letter to update contributors will go out in the next few weeks.
○ The current plan is to break ground in the spring.
○ The library will need temporary services for 8 to 9 months.
● Transition services: Charley, Ed and Kristin will put together a table for what can be covered during the
8 to 9 month construction period.
Treasurer’s Report:
Rufe Frost joined the meeting by phone at 6:30. He said he will send the treasurer’s report later.
New Business:
● Budget subcommittee: Work will begin in November. Rufe, Kristin and possibly Gina will make-up the
committee. The committee will include any one time purchases needed for the move.
● The trustees discussed a form for acknowledging memorial gifts. Bob shared the form created by the
Julie Farhm moved to adjourn the meeting. Gina seconded the motion.
Meeting adjourned at 6:50.
Next regular meeting: October 6, 2022, 5:30
Respectfully submitted,
Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH
July 7, 2022
Call to order: At 5:30, Chairman Ed Moura called the meeting of the trustees to order. In attendance:
Gilda Goodrich, Gina Paight, Jane Pitt, Ed Moura, Merri Rayno, Kristin Readel and Charley Wright
(alternate replacing Earl Nelson). By Zoom: Bob Sweet. Public attending: Kathy Oliver.
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes for the June 2, 2022 meeting was made by Merri Rayno and seconded by Ed Moura. The vote to accept was unanimous.
● The library received a letter from Lori Fisher, Assistant State Librarian, announcing that Diane
Murphy Quinlin is replacing Terry Knowles as the Director of the Charitable Trust Unit of the NH
Dept. of Justice.
● Kristin received an email from George Streeter accompanying the gift of two metal detectors given in
memory of Rufus Frost III. Ed Moura moved that the trustee accept the two metal detectors given in
memory of Rufus Frost III. Gina Paight seconded the motion. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Public Input: Kathy Oliver shared that she is writing an article about Rufus Frost III for the “Marlborough
Bulletin.” The trustees recommended that she contact Rufe and Bob for information for her article. Kristin
will send Rufe’s contact information to Kathy.
Reports and Update:
Treasurer’s Report: no report
Directors Report: Kristin Readel presented her report.
The trustees reviewed the Metal Detector Lending Policy. Merri moved that the trustees accept the Metal
Detector Lending Policy. Ed seconded the motion. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Ed Moura moved that the director’s report be accepted. Gina Paight seconded the motion. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Old Business:
● Historical Society- Bob reviewed the memo (included below) of his conversation with Dick Butler. The
trustees agreed that the Historical Society could be guaranteed six weeks to move their materials.
Memo to: Dick Butler
From: Bob Sweet
July 5, 2022
This memo will confirm our conversation this morning about the Marlborough Historical Society and the Frost Free Library during and after construction of the addition.
As I indicated in an earlier note, in conversation with Tom Weller, it was confirmed that the Historical Society will be able to use the Mabel Page room for storage of materials currently in the Historical Society room on the second floor. In addition, the current bathroom could be made available for storage if needed after fixtures have been removed. Dick indicated they will not plan to use this space during construction.
Your concerns about loss of space on the second floor have been alleviated as the only thing to be done in the HS room is sheetrocking to cover the already installed installation. Neither height nor square footage will be reduced.
The new closet under the stairs measures 5’9” x 4’3” with height going from 8’ down to 6’. We acknowledge that this space is limited.
I talked with Tom Weller today about your hope that the length could be extended by a few more feet. He said they would take it under advisement, but structural issues and fire safety concerns, plus additional cost would fall in the equation. As I had indicated, the wall at that lower end of the closet is located strategically/structurally to support the staircase. The HS will use this storage space for materials they deem appropriate at a later date.
RE: the current bathroom. The fixtures will be removed during construction. The Trustees see this space being made available to the Historical Society immediately after construction. We anticipate the eventual removal of the two walls leaving that space primarily available to the HS for storage and display. You indicated the HS display cases currently in the Mabel Page room would probably be moved down there as well as the possibility of an old display case currently in storage upstairs, that would set on a table. We agreed removal of the door would make the space more inviting until the walls come down. You asked that a wall mounted bulletin board might be affixed in the corner between the windows for posting documents, photos, etc.
You noted that in the future you saw the space where the bathroom now is to be used cooperatively between the HS and FFL for display space. You said you would be talking soon with Kristin about such things. We agreed that your conversations with Kristin would be about programming and issues about the building and construction would go through me to the Trustees.
When you asked how much advance notice the HS would have before construction begins, I indicated I thought we could give you at least a month’s notice. We could probably give you a good idea once the Selectmen accept a bid. You indicated you anticipate the HS will need six weeks to get everything moved. (I was relieved to hear you say you had some interested younger people to draw on for help!)
As noted the Historical Society would love to have more space downstairs, but as you said, all that can go downstairs frees up more room upstairs. The Board of Trustees of the Library are eager to continue a close relationship with the Historical Society as we move into the next phase of our existence.
We will continue to keep you abreast of changes and information as it becomes available.
● Temporary Library Space- The trustees discussed various possibilities to meet the community’s library
needs during construction: outsourcing or moving to another space. Bob recommended the trustees
appoint a committee to study the costs of various options. Charley, Ed and Kristin will study the options
and report back at the September meeting.
● Historical Marker- Bob reported that Keene Monument will affix the historic marker seal within two to
three weeks.
● Bob reported that he met with Rev. Dr. Dana Mann. She would like to meet with the trustees to learn the expectations before agreeing to serve as a clergy ex-officio trustee. Bob said that including another
member would broaden the board’s perspective. He will ask Rev. Mann to the September meeting.
Ed Moura moved to adjourn the meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 6:35.
Next regular meeting: September 1, 2022, 5:30
No meeting in August.
Respectfully submitted,
Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH
June 2, 2022
Call to order: At 5:32, Chairman Ed Moura called the meeting of the trustees to order. In attendance:
Julie Farhm (alternate replacing Earl Nelson), Gilda Goodrich, Gina Paight, Jane Pitt, Ed Moura, Merri
Rayno, Kristin Readel, Bob Sweet. No public attending.
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes for the May 5, 2022 meeting was made by Bob Sweet
and seconded by Merri Rayno. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Reports and Update:
Treasurer’s Report: Account balances as of June 2, 2022 are as follows:
Checking account: $ 6,827.17
Special Gift fund: $151,197.00
There was some discussion about the Mary Lodge Fund and planning for a possible future fund drive.
Bob Sweet moved that the treasurer’s report be accepted. Ed Moura seconded the motion. The vote to accept
was unanimous.
Building Update: Gina gave a short update on the building project. The selectmen held a conference call with
Tom Weller. He is in the process of finishing the design and preparing the construction document with pricing.
He said that a fall start with a winter build could have increased costs. On the completion of the pricing, the
building committee will meet. It was noted that the Library and the Historical Society will need two months to
pack and move.
Directors Report: Kristin Readel presented her report.
● The children have named the library’s axolotl, Gillbert Clementine.
● Marrisa Mannion-King, a youth wellness coordinator with Cheshire Medical Center, has offered to work
with the library.
● Dave’s Auto is preparing an estimate to repair and seal the book drop.
● The trustees reviewed the Privacy and Confidentiality Policy.
Julie Farhm moved to reapprove the existing Privacy and Confidentiality Policy. Bob Sweet seconded the
motion. The vote to reapprove was unanimous.
Bob Sweet moved that the director’s report be accepted. Ed Moura seconded the motion. The vote to accept
was unanimous.
Old Business:
● Subcommittees
Maintenance: Kristin will contact Craig Cashman
Personnel: Julie, Gilda and Ed
Policy: Merri
New Business: Gina reported on her meeting with Iris Waite, mechanical engineer, to provide the trustees
with an estimate for furnaces for the current library. The estimate for her to do the study for heating and cooling
is between $1,000-$1,500. She will provide several options. Bob Sweet moved the trustees contract with Iris
Waite of Design Day Mechanical, for HVAC heating and cooling for the current library up to $1,500 from line item 630. Ed Moura seconded the motion. The vote to accept the motion was unanimous.
Bob Sweet asked Gilda to update the church council on the timeline for using the community house.
Ed Moura moved to adjourn the meeting. Gilda Goodrich seconded the motion.
Meeting adjourned at 7:02.
Next regular meeting: July 7, 2022, 5:30
No meeting in August
Respectfully submitted,
Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH
May 5, 2022
Call to order: At 5:36, Vice-Chairman Merri Rayno called the meeting of the trustees to order. In
attendance: Julie Farhm (alternate replacing Ed Moura), Gilda Goodrich, Gina Paight, Jane Pitt, Merri
Rayno, Kristin Readel, Bob Sweet. By Zoom: Rufus Frost V and Earl Nelson (5:55). No public attending.
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes for the April 7, 2022 meeting was made by Bob Sweet
and seconded by Jane Pitt. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Reports and Update:
Treasurer’s Report: Rufus Frost presented the treasurer’s report. Account balances as of May 4, 2022 are as
Checking account: $ 7,786.60
Special Gift fund: $151,190.79
Gina Paight moved that the trustees accept a donation of $50 from the Lord family, a donation of $1000
from Homestead Thrift Shop, and a $491 NH State Library Summer Learning Grant. Gilda Goodrich
seconded the motion. The vote to accept the funds was unanimous.
Rufus asked about returning the Mary Lodge Funds to the Trustees of Trust Funds for reinvestment.
Discussion ensued.
Bob Sweet moved that the treasurer’s report be accepted. Julie Farhm seconded the motion. The vote to accept
was unanimous.
Directors Report: Kristin Readel presented her report.
● Kristin will call Keating Plumbing and ask them to take a look at the seeping sewer pipe.
● Kristin recommends completing a Historical Planning Study for LCHIP grants which can be required for
repairs costing $50,000 or specialized repair such as slate, pointing and storm windows. The trustee
recommended tabling the study until next summer.
Bob Sweet moved that the director’s report be accepted. Julie Farhm seconded the motion. The vote to accept
was unanimous.
Old Business:
● Personnel Reports- Jane summarized the NH State Supreme Court decision Littleton vs Taylor. Bob
explained that storing the personnel records at the town hall suggests that the director is a town
employee under the control of the selectmen. Jane said Section 204 is very clear that the trustees hire
employees and evaluate said employees. Trustees are responsible for library employees. Earl shared a
story from a particular town about the problems of keeping duplicate personnel records. Bob
suggested leaving the files where they are currently stored.
New Business:
Succession Planning- Library currently has up-to-date job descriptions. Town has protocols for hiring.
Merri Rayno moved to adjourn the meeting. Gilda Goodrich seconded the motion.
Meeting adjourned at 6:43.
Next regular meeting: June 2, 2022, 5:30
No meeting in July
Respectfully submitted,
Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH
April 7, 2022, Accepted at 5/5/2022
Call to order: At 5:34 Chairman Ed Moura called the meeting of the trustees to order. In attendance:
Julie Farhm, Ed Moura, Earl Nelson, Gina Paight, Jane Pitt, Merri Rayno, Gilda Goodrich, Kristin Readel,
Bob Sweet. By Zoom: Rufus Frost V. No public
Ed introduced Julie Farhm, trustee alternate. The trustee introduced themselves and welcomed Julie to the
board. Kristin asked the trustees to check their contact information.
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes as corrected for the March 17, 2022 meeting was made
by Bob Sweet and seconded by Merri Rayno. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Reports and Update:
Treasurer’s Report: Rufe Frost presented the treasurer’s report. Account balances as of March 17, 2022 are as
Checking account: $ 6,697.56
Special Gift fund: $151,184.37
Rufe included Unanticipated revenue of $591, for a NH State Library Summer Learning Grant of $491.00
and a stipend to Kristin for steam supplies of $100 from Maine Math and Science Alliance.
Bob Sweet moved that the treasurer’s report be accepted. Ed Moura seconded the motion. The vote to accept
was unanimous.
Directors Report:
● The library has a community service volunteer for 25 hours
● Kristin attended a workshop on “Keeping track of Governance.”
● Gilda and Ed Goodrich will create a floor plan for the community House basement.
● Bob will check into the fundraising to see if moving costs are included.
● Short discussion about the mold problem in the office.
● Calendar update will add election of officers to April. Kristin will boldface any changes to the calendar.
● Ed will edit the Conflict of Interest document.
Ed Moura moved that the director’s report be accepted. Merri Rayno seconded the motion. The vote to accept
was unanimous.
Old Business:
● The building committee reports that the specs are being worked on.
● Rufe said that the online payment option is no longer being looked into.
● Alternate: The name Charley Wright was offered as an additional alternate. Bob spoke to the
advantage of having additional alternates. Bob Sweet moved that the trustees recommend the name of
Charley Wright, as an alternate trustee, to the selectmen. Ed Moura seconded the motion. The vote to
recommend was unanimous.
New Business:
Bob Sweet moved that the director’s evaluations be removed from the town personnel records and be stored at
the library. Gilda Goodrich seconded the motion. Bob spoke in support of his motion. Bob stated that RSA
202A gives the responsibility of library personnel to the board of trustees based on a 1994 case, Littleton vs.
Taylor, the supreme court ruled that library employees are not town employees. Ed recommended postponing
the decision until after the executive session. The motion and the second were withdrawn.
Director’s Evaluation: Kristin asked that her evaluation be discussed as part of the regular meeting. Bob Sweet
asked questions about the evaluation. Ed Moura explained his chart. He recommended using the narrative as
opposed to the numbers from the chart. Bob recommends that we have a personnel committee going forward.
We will discuss this at a later meeting. Rufus asked about the release of the evaluation. He also suggested that
the trustees discuss the weighting of the improvement plan. Kristin set a meeting with Ellen Smith, but she
missed the appointment. Ed said setting a meeting was a start in the right direction, but it needs improvement.
Gina shared an instruction book prepared by Ellen Smith along with emails outlining invoice problems. In the
end, Kristin signed the improvement plan.
Ed Moura moved to adjourn the meeting. Merri Rayno seconded the motion.
Meeting adjourned at 7:30.
Next regular meeting: May 12, 2022, 5:30
Respectfully submitted,
Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH
March 17, 2022, accepted 5/5/2022
Call to order: At 5:35 Vice Chairman Merri Rayno called the meeting of the trustees to order.
In attendance: Earl Nelson, Gina Paight, Jane Pitt, Merri Rayno, Gilda Goodrich, Kristin Readel. By Zoom:
Rufus Frost V and Bob Sweet. No public
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes as corrected for the February 19, 2022 meeting was made
by Bob Sweet and seconded by Merri Rayno. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Reports and Update:
Treasurer’s Report: Rufe Frost presented the treasurer’s report. Account balances as of March 17, 2022 are as
Checking account: $ 4,897.33
Special Gift fund: $151,177.95
Rufe said that he will include an “Unanticipated revenue” section on his report. He is looking into PayPal or
some other mobile payment option.
Gilda Goodrich moved the trustees to accept $1,500 from Cheshire County Conservation District, $200 from
Monadnock Lions Club, and a metal detector (prize for summer reading program) from Streeter’s Metal
Detecting. Gina Paight seconded the motion. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Rufe Frost moved that the trustees appoint a representative to a new position entitled, Assistant Treasurer. The
Assistant Treasurer shall be granted access to all FFL Trustee bank accounts and will serve as an in-person
representative in the Marlborough/Keene area if necessary. Bob Sweet seconded the motion. The vote to create
the position was unanimous.
Bob Sweet moved that the trustees elect Gina Paight as assistant treasurer. Earl Nelson seconded the motion.
The vote to elect Gina Paight was unanimous.
Gina Paight moved that the treasurer’s report be accepted. Earl Nelson seconded the motion. The vote to accept
was unanimous.
Directors Report:
● Servpro estimate: Gina shared with the board the changes to the addition that impact the office. She said
that the architect recommends that town money be set aside to be used to remediate any mold issues that
come up during construction. Tom Weller recommends making the minimal amount of repair to the
mold problem. The trustees discussed the options. Kristin suggested that we continue as we have been
since it is only for a few months before the start of construction.
● Mask policy: Kristin recommends changing the masking policy to optional masking.
New Business:
● Gina announced that Tom Weller will continue the work to finish the design on April 1.
● Moving Plan: Tom Weller and Charles Michael did not recommend storing any additional books in the
old section. Bob Sweet will approach Malaise Lindenfeld to inquire about possible storage locations.
Bob will also check with Joan Ames. Kristin will check into storage units.
Old Business:
Alternate: Bob Sweet moved that the trustees recommend the name of Julie Farhm, as an alternate trustee, to
the selectmen. Merri Rayno seconded the motion. The vote to recommend was unanimous.
Conflict of Interest Policy: Merri Rayno moved that the trustees adopt the “Conflict of Interest” policy. Gilda
Goodrich seconded the motion. Gina recommended the name “Frost Free Library Board of Trustees” be added
and the word “public” to be removed. The vote to approve as amended was unanimous.
Bob Sweet requested that the trustees include in the April agenda a nonpublic executive session to discuss the
director’s performance review. He requested that the evaluation and response should be circulated to the board
prior to the next meeting.
Merri Rayno moved to adjourn the meeting. Earl Nelson seconded the motion.
Meeting adjourned at 6:35.
Next regular meeting: April 7, 2022 at 5:30 at the library.
Respectfully submitted,
Gilda Goodrich
Approved March 17, 2022
Record of the Frost Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH
February 19, 2022
Call to order: At 8:35 Chairman Ed Moura called the meeting of the trustees to order.
In attendance: Eduardo Moura, Earl Nelson, Gina Paight, Jane Pitt, Merri Rayno, Gilda Goodrich, Kristin
Readel. By Zoom: Rufus Frost V and Bob Sweet. Public Attending: Richard Butler
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes for the December 11, 2021 meeting was made by Bob
Sweet and seconded by Ed Moura. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Reports and Update:
Trust Fund Transfer: Bob Sweet moved that the interest only be approved for withdrawal from the Kate Davis
Book Fund, $121.55; the M.J. Livingston Library Fund, $81.53; and the Russell Wallace Fund, $184.83 as per
direction of said trusts, total not to exceed the amounts available at the end of 2021 as per the Annual Town
Report. Gilda Goodrich seconded the motion. Bob spoke to his motion. He is recommending transferring the
book fund interest only. He does not recommend shifting the interest from all the accounts yearly. He stated that
the additional funds might be needed for improvements to the granite structure. Jane questioned if the trust fund
interest should be transferred yearly to help support the library. Gina explained that withholding some of the
income for anticipated repairs was reasonable. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Alternates: Ed Moura reintroduced the topic of alternate members for the purpose of providing an in person
quorum for meetings. He explained the two alternate positions he is recommending. After some discussion, Ed
moved that as provided for in RSA 202-A:10 that the Library board appoint, as soon as possible, one Library
Trustee-Alternate, to a one year term to the board with the same rights and obligations as other members of the
board when the board, without the Alternate’s presence, is otherwise unable to muster a live person quorum to
fulfill its public meeting requirements. Bob Sweet seconded the motion. The vote to accept was unanimous.
New meeting time: Ed Moura moved that beginning in March, our monthly meeting will occur on the first
Thursday of the month from 5:30-7:00. Rufe Frost seconded the motion.
Treasurer’s Report: Rufe Frost presented the treasurer’s report. Account balances as of February 18, 2022 are
as follows:
Checking account: $ 4,697.15 This includes a donation from the Homestead Thrift Shop and Steven Mathew.
Special Gift fund: $151,172.15
Ed Moura moved that the treasurer’s report be accepted. Merri Rayno seconded the motion. The vote to accept
was unanimous.
The board discussed the potential need for an assistant treasurer. Rufe will prepare a motion for an assistant
position for the next meeting.
Ed Moura moved that the trustees accept a $1000 gift from the Homestead Thrift Shop for general library use.
Rufe Frost seconded the motion. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Director’s Report: Kristin Readel presented her report.
● Policy- Ed will work on the conflict of interest policy for the next meeting.
● Kristin has applied for two grants: Summer learning, $500 and Cheshire County Conservation, $1500,
for the seed library.
● Mold abatement: The board asked Kristin to set-up a time for Serv-Pro to address the office, closet and
air ducts in accordance with the EPA requirements.
Ed Moura moved that the director’s report be accepted. Merri Rayno seconded the motion. The vote to accept
was unanimous.
Merri Rayno moved to adjourn the meeting. Earl Nelson seconded the motion.
Meeting adjourned at 10:10.
Next regular meeting: March 17, 2022 at 5:30 at the library.
Respectfully submitted,
Gilda Goodrich
For the record of the Frost Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH
January 15, 2022
Call to order: Chairman Ed Moura canceled the meeting for lack of a quorum.
In attendance: Eduardo Moura, Merri Rayno, Gilda Goodrich, Earl Nelson, Kristin Readel, and Bob Sweet by
Record of the Frost Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH
December 11, 2021
Call to order: At 8:35 Chairman Ed Moura called the meeting of the trustees to order.
In attendance: Eduardo Moura, Gina Paight, Merri Rayno, Bob Sweet, Gilda Goodrich, Kristin Readel, and
Rufus Frost V by Zoom.
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes for the November 13, 2021 meeting was made by Bob
Sweet and seconded by Merri Rayno. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Reports and Update:
Historical Society: The current location of the society’s materials will not be affected in the building
renovation. The Trustees value their partnership with the Historical Society.
Director’s Report: Kristin Readel presented her report.
Grants: Bob Sweet moved that the Trustees accept the grants as listed:
● NHHC, $200.00
● NHHC, $200.00
● Harbor Freight Gift Card, $250.00
● NH State Library, $300.00
● NH Humanities to Go, $200.00
Ed Moura seconded the motion. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Logo: Bob Sweet moved to table the discussion and decision on the logo. Ed Moura seconded the motion. The
vote to accept was unanimous. The Trustees thank the people who worked on this project: Russell Brandwein
and Silver Direct.
Merri Rayno moved that the director’s report be accepted. Bob Sweet seconded the motion. The vote to accept
was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report: Rufe Frost presented the treasurer’s report. Account balances as of December 10, 2021 are
as follows:
Checking account: $ 3,444.74 This includes a gift in the memory of Bruce Mitchell.
Special Gift fund: $151,159.31
Bob Sweet moved that the treasurer’s report be accepted. Gina Paight seconded the motion. The vote to accept
was unanimous.
Budget Review:
● Bob Sweet moved that 5 hours a week be added to the Social Media Assistant position for a total of 10
hours a week. Rufus Frost V seconded the motion. The motion was approved with five yes votes and
one abstention (Selectman Paight).
● Ed recommends a cost of living adjustment come from the town. Ed, Rufus and Kristin will look at the
salary information from the State Library and present the information to the selectmen along with the
● Equipment maintenance- Trustees recommended increasing this line to $1000.00
● The Trustees directed Ed to speak with Ellen Smith to move forward on the Capital Reserve Fund
warrant article.
● Bob recommended increasing the maintenance line to $5000.00. The Trustees looked at a list of items
needing maintenance and made a preliminary determination on how to pay for each item. Kristin will
get estimates for some of the repairs in preparation for next year’s budget.
● Bob reminded the Trustees that the LCHIP grant is a possibility for financing repairs to the original
Proposed addition: Ed and Kristin reviewed the E/S building plans and suggested several alterations. Bob will
speak with the selectmen about who will present the proposed alterations to Tom Weller.
Gilda Goodrich moved to adjourn the meeting. Merri Rayno seconded the motion.
Meeting adjourned at 10:10.
Next regular meeting: January 15, 2022 at 8:30 at the library.
Respectfully submitted,
Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH
November 13, 2021
Call to order: At 8:37 Chairman Ed Moura called the meeting of the trustees to order.
In attendance: Eduardo Moura, Gina Paight, Merri Rayno, Jane Pitt, Bob Sweet, Gilda Goodrich, Kristin
Readel, and Rufus Frost V by phone.
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes for the October 7, 2021 meeting was made by Merri Rayno
and seconded by Gina Paight. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Reports and Update:
Director’s Report: Kristin Readel presented her report.
● The library purchased an AED out of the facility budget and it is ready to be installed.
● Shannon Main and Steve of Candy Color studio offered a pop-up craft table for the holidays with the
proceeds going to the Friends. Kristin passed the offer to the Friends.
● Kristin reported staffing during her two weeks at home recovery time is covered.
● Jane has offered Kristin her unused personal and vacation time. The selectmen noted that there is no
precedent for town employees. Discussion continued.
Bob Sweet moved that Jane Richard-Jones’s unused personal and vacation time be transferred to Kristin’s
recovery time. Gilda Goodrich seconded the motion. The vote to accept passed: four yes votes; one no vote; and
two abstensions.
Kristin will keep in touch with Ed and Ellen Smith during her recovery.
● Ed explained the work done by the Pizza Planning meeting. He shared the four goals:
- Engagement with the community
- Review of operations
- Plan and schedule for regular maintenance and upkeep
- Additional fundraising
Bob Sweet moved that the Trustees adopt the four goals developed by the Pizza Planning committee as the
library’s foundational goals for 2022. Merri Rayno seconded the motion. The vote to accept was unanimous.
● Bob asked about parking lot lighting. Kristin will contact Amer Electric about bulbs and possibly new
spot lights.
● Bob Sweet reported that Keene Monument will attach the plaques to the front of the library when they
are next in town.
Merri Rayno moved that the director’s report be accepted. Bob Sweet seconded the motion. The vote to accept
was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report: Rufe Frost presented the treasurer’s report. Account balances as of November 13, 2021
are as follows:
Checking account: $ 3,565.65
Special Gift fund: $151,153.10
The checking account includes $500.00 in programing checks that have not yet been cut.
Merri Rayno moved that the treasurer’s report be accepted. Gilda Goodrich seconded the motion. The vote to
accept was unanimous.
Budget Review: Rufus and Kristin presented the preliminary budget.The trustees made several suggestions.
Rufe and Kristin will continue to work on the budget. The final budget will be presented at a future meeting.
The trustees discussed the need to create a capital reserve fund.
Bob Sweet moved that the Trustees submit a Town Meeting warrant article to establish a Library Capital
Reserve Fund. Ed Moura seconded the motion. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Rufe Frost moved to accept the report as presented. Merri Rayno seconded the motion. The vote to accept was
Bob Sweet moved that the Trustees adjourn the meeting until after the trustees meet with Tom Weller. Merri
Rayno seconded the motion. Rufe left the meeting at 9:40. At 10:00 the Trustees returned to the meeting and
discussed the east side proposal as presented by Tom Weller.
Bob Sweet moved that the Board of Trustees accept as a working plan the east side schematic dated November
13, 2021 as presented by Tom Weller. Gilda Goodrich seconded the motion.
Bob Sweet will take the plan to the 150 Committee and the Friends for support. Gina and Jane will request a
warrant article for the additional $150,000 from the town.
The vote to accept was unanimous.
Bob Sweet moved to adjourn the meeting. Gilda Goodrich seconded the motion.
Meeting adjourned at 10:48.
Next regular meeting:
Respectfully submitted,
Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH
October 7, 2021
Call to order: At 5:36 PM, Chairman Ed Moura called the meeting of the trustees to order.
In attendance: Eduardo Moura, Gina Paight, Merri Rayno, Jane Pitt, Bob Sweet, Rufus Frost V, and Gilda
Goodrich(joins 5:40).
Public attending: In person: Andrew Cullen and Teresa Horne. By Zoom link: Rufus Frost III and Richard
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes for the September 15, 2021 meeting was made by Bob
Sweet and seconded by Gina Paight. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Reports and Update:
Treasurer’s Report: Rufe Frost presented the treasurer’s report. Account balances as of October 7, 2021 are as
Checking account: $ 3,483.69 This includes a gift in the name of Mark Mitchell, and a check to Brodart for
books using ARPA funds.
Special Gift fund: $151,146.69
Bob Sweet moved to accept the report as presented. Gina Paight seconded the motion. The vote to accept was
Director’s Report: Kristin Readel presented her report.
● Kristin and Craig Cashman looked at the sinkholes in the library lawn. She anticipates that they will be
filled soon. Kristin will let Craig know about upcoming outside events. Mr. Cullen shared his concerns
about the sinkholes and safety for the public.
● Kristin is waiting to hear about the ticketing system for the town’s new IT company, Umbral
● Rufe Frost will lead the way with setting the budget. Bob recommended raising the maintenance line,
and he suggested adding some additional funds to cover extra costs for the temporary space.
Rufe Frost moved to accept the report as presented. Merri Rayno seconded the motion. The vote to accept was
Library Expansion: Ed Moura spoke at length about his concerns for the library expansion project, referencing
the March 16, 2018 vote for a specific project to be built on the westside of the library. He offered this motion:
Motion 1: Ed Moura moved the Frost Free Library’s private trust funds and other non-public assets may only be
expended on a library expansion plan that has been presented to and met with the prior duly recorded approval
of the Trustees. Bob Sweet seconded the motion. No discussion. The vote to approve the motion passed with
five yes votes, zero no votes, and Selectmen Paight and Pitt abstaining.
Motion 2: Ed Moura moved the Frost Free Library site and its unique environmental assets may only be
exploited on a building development plan that has been presented to and met with the prior duly recorded
approval of the Trustees. Gilda Goodrich seconded the motion.
Ed reminded the Trustees that, despite the selectmen’s decision to rule-out the westside addition, we all want
this Project to be successfully designed to meet the needs of town residents and library patrons per the needs
assessment survey. The Trustees want to move forward with this project, keeping in mind the assets that have
been entrusted to the Trustees for 155+ years. The Trustees’ foundational principles have been and must
continue to be accommodating to changes over time, but they should never be readily compromised. Ed invited
the selectmen to speak about their decision, especially to explain which eastside plan the selectmen were
supporting. Selectman Pitt said the selectmen did not have a prepared presentation. Trustees had questions for
the selectmen. Rufe Frost asked for the difference in cost between the eastside and westside projects. Bob
explained that the difference is $200,000 with an additional $40,000 in architectural fees. Ed noted that the 150
Committee was unable, not unwilling, to bridge the anticipated cost difference between the two proposals. Bob
reported that the selectmen said they were willing to sponsor an article at Town Meeting to help cover
additional costs. Merri Rayno asked how the eastside location is better. Jane Pitt shared that the eastside is fairly
comparable in site issues and safer for the community. The distance from the tunnel is important. The decision
of the Selectboard was for a safer location. At the end of discussion the vote was taken. The vote to approve the
motion passed with five yes votes, zero no votes, and Selectmen Paight and Pitt abstaining.
Motion 3: Ed Moura moved that not to preclude any prior motion, and whereas the Trustees continue to endorse
the West side addition as our primary Project objective per the September 15th, 2021vote; and whereas the
Selectmen continue to insist on an East side option, the Trustees will support any Selectmen-sponsored attempts
to gain governmental funds including a Town Meeting Warrant Article to raise public funds to cover what an
East side addition should cost versus the West side site plan. Gilda Goodrich seconded the motion.
Ed Moura spoke to his motion saying that since we do not want “No Project” to take place, we will also
support any petitions and Warrant Article efforts that should arise to overturn the Selectmen’s decision to step
away from the West side agreement and to otherwise direct the Selectmen to facilitate and support the project
on the west side as previously agreed to by the parties and at Town Meeting. The Friends and 150 Committee
members are confident that this article can gather ample support, but would propose to compromise and
subordinate it to a successful outcome on the Eastside funding. Ed explained that some donors are concerned.
Gina Paight stated that she understands donor frustration over the change and offered the Selectboard to sit
down with any donor and talk about the reason for the change. Ed stated that the selectmen’s decision brings
risks to the project. Ed asked for an answer to what is wrong with the westside option? And what are the
benefits for the eastside? Gina Paight referred to the Selectmen’s letter of September 28, 2021, explaining the
decision is to avoid risk to the tunnel. Ed asked questions about the letter and the position of the proposed
addition near the tunnel. Jane Pitt spoke at length reminding the Trustees about the original agreement signed by
the four groups, she is hopeful to get back to working together. There was further discussion about the
proposals. Selectmen answered some community member questions about the culvert. At the end of the
discussion the vote was taken. The vote to approve the motion passed with five yes votes, zero no votes, and
Selectmen Paight and Pitt abstaining.
Bob reported that the Friends, 150 Committee, and Selectmen will meet next week. Rufe Frost reminded the
Trustees about time passing and the need to move forward on this project.
Bob Sweet moved to adjourn the meeting. Rufe Frost seconded the motion.
Meeting adjourned at 7:06 PM.
Next regular meeting: Saturday, November 13, 8:30 am
Respectfully submitted,
Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH
September 15, 2021
Call to order: Location: Town office building. At 7:02 PM, chairman Ed Moura called the meeting of the
trustees to order.
In attendance: Eduardo Moura, Gilda Goodrich, Earl Nelson(joins at 7:20), Gina Paight, Jane Pitt, Bob Sweet
and Rufus Frost V by phone.
Public attending: No public
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes for the July 17, 2021 meeting was made by Bob Sweet and
seconded by Ed Moura. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Bob Sweet requested the following information be added for the record: At no time has the architect indicated
to the Building Advisory Committee that the Westside addition was not workable. The report of M&W Soils
Engineering dated June 30, 2021 to the Board of Selectmen, indicates “That likely puts the edge of the footing
about 3 feet away from the tunnel. From the geotechnical viewpoint, the separation distance is not an issue as
long as the base of the footing is roughly level or deeper than the bottom of the tunnel.”
Correspondence: In anticipation of the construction, Richard Butler, president of the Marlborough Historical
Society, requested a 7 to 8 week time frame to pack and move the society’s collection. Dick supplied a drawing
indicating that the collection would be stored along the granite wall in the Mabel Paige room. He stated that the
collection may need to be stored for 20 to 24 months. The trustees felt the request was reasonable and Ed Moura
will communicate this to Mr. Butler.
Reports and Update:
Treasurer’s Report: Rufe Frost presented the treasurer’s report. Account balances as of September 11, 2021
are as follows:
Checking account: $ 4,511.41 This includes the ARPA Grant, donations, and the purchase of the charging
Special Gift fund: $151,140.38
Bob Sweet moved to accept the report as distributed. Ed Moura seconded the motion. The vote to accept was
Earl Nelson arrives 7:20
Director’s Report:
● Per director’s report, Ed Moura moved to hire Rhiannon Lee as children’s program assistant position.
Bob Sweet seconded the motion.
Ed Moura moved that the trustees go to private non-public per RSA 91 A3 IIc. Earl Nelson seconded the
motion. Roll call vote: Ed Moura, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Rufe Frost, Yes; Earl Nelson, Yes; Gina Paight,
Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; and Bob Sweet, Yes. The vote to enter non-public was unanimous.
Return to public meeting:
The vote to hire Rhiannon Lee, pending the completion of the hiring process, was unanimous.
● N.H. Historical marker- Bob Sweet moves to authorize the affixing the N.H. Historical marker to the
front of the original granite building to the right of the front door; that this be done by contracting with
Keene Monument at a cost not to exceed $500, money to be taken from the Alice Bullock Trust Fund.
Ed Moura seconded the motion. The vote to approve the motion: 6 yes and 1 no.
Motion to accept the director’s report as distributed was made by Ed Moura and seconded by Gilda Goodrich.
The vote to accept was unanimous.
Building Advisory Committee: Gina reported that the Selectmen and the 150 Committee will meet on Friday,
and they are hoping to have a plan after that meeting.
Bob Sweet moved that the Board of Trustees recommend the addition originally approved January 25, 2018, be
approved as revised making said addition two feet narrower and four feet longer. Ed Moura seconded the
motion. Bob spoke to his motion. The 150 Committee is asking the Trustees to take a position. Bob thinks the
original plan will better suit the library. The first eastside option will increase the costs by $250,000, and the
second eastside option will reduce usable space but still cost $150,000 more. Ed noted that the additional
expense is problematic. The vote to approve was four yes with the three selectmen abstaining.
Unfinished Business:
● Roof slates- Gina will call Guyer and Brown and have them look at the roof.
New Business:
Ed raised the issue of the board being composed of an even number of trustees. Gina read from the charter that
“the Board of Trustees, consist of the Selectmen of the town for the time being, the Clergymen settled or
statedly officiating in said town, and three other persons without regard to residence, chosen or appointed as the
town may decide.” Ed suggested the possibility of alternate trustees with one year terms. Discussion ensued. Ed
will call the NH Municipal Association and research the question of alternates voting.
Bob Sweet moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 PM.
Next regular meeting: October 9, 2021, at 8:30 AM at the library.
Respectfully submitted,
Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH
July 17, 2021
Call to order: At 8:38 AM, chairman Ed Moura called the meeting of the trustees to order.
In attendance: Eduardo Moura, Chair, Rufus Frost V, Gilda Goodrich, Gina Paight, Jane Pitt, Bob Sweet, and
Kristin Readel.
Public attending: Teresa Horne
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes for the June 17, 2021 meeting as amended was made by
Bob Sweet and seconded by Jane Pitt. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Correspondence: Julie Perrin, Jaffrey Library Director, sent an invitation to the Trustees offering to open their
door to our patrons during construction. Ed will thank her for her offer. Her letter started a discussion about
regionalization of library services. The trustees asked Kristin if she would initiate a discussion on
regionalization of library services with area directors when she meets with the Co-op.
Public comment: Teresa Horne said she was glad to be meeting with the trustees as a member of the public.
Reports and Update:
Director’s Report:
Kristin presented her report.
● Ed volunteered to move the boxes donated by Marlborough Gardens to Joan Ames’s house.
● The Trustees discussed the process to fill the programming position. Bob Sweet moved that the trustees
establish the position of a programming assistant for 21.5 hours a month, and the position be posted
immediately in accordance with the town policy. Rufus Frost V seconded the motion. The vote to
approve was unanimous.
● Kristin purchased a new air conditioner. Gina offered the DPW to install the AC in the upstairs window.
● Bob will do some research on the best way to attach the NH Historic Seal to the granite building.
● Storage during construction: Joan Ames will take the furniture. Adult section shelving and books can be
wrapped with plastic. Other books, not moved to the temporary location, can be boxed, plastic wrapped,
and stored between the stacks in the granite section of the library.
● Kristin is doing some preliminary planning for a gender identity discussion.
● Printer needs: The trustees discussed the need for a new printer. Rufus Frost V moved that the trustees
authorize the director to purchase a new printer. Bob Sweet seconded the motion. The vote to approve
was unanimous. All documentation will be shared with Ellen Smith.
● The trustees looked over the statistics. Number of patrons (active in the last 5 years) adult 686, juvenile
188, library 234, for a total of 1117 patrons.
Motion to accept the director’s report was made by Bob Sweet and seconded by Gilda Goodrich. The vote to
accept was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report: Rufe Frost presented the treasurer’s report. Account balances as of July 16, 2021 are as
Checking account: $ 2,082.97
Special Gift fund: $151,108.20
No action taken.
Building Advisory Committee: Gina reported that the committee met and reviewed the engineer’s report about
the box culvert. She outlined several options for discussion.
A. Building as proposed is 3 feet from the underground culvert. This is not recommended by the engineers or
the architect.
B. A recommendation made by the architect for a longer(4’) and thinner (2’) building. Parking may be lost with
this plan. Bob asked to see drawings for this design.
C. A recommendation for a thinner room but the same length.
D. Building on the east side of the 1960s building. No plans available for this suggestion.
E. A final suggestion presented to the committee, extending the roofline southerly into the parking lot.
Discussion ensued about the design options.
Bob Sweet moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:15. Rufe Frost seconded the motion. The decision to adjourn
was unanimous.
Next regular meeting: September 11, 2021, at 8:30 at the library.
Respectfully submitted,
Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH
Thursday, June 17, 2021 (Rescheduled from Saturday, June 12 due to lack of quorum)
Call to order: At 4:44 chairman Ed Moura called the meeting of the trustees to order.
In attendance: Eduardo Moura, Chair, Merri Rayno, Gilda Goodrich, Bob Sweet, Earl Nelson and Kristin
By Zoom link: Jane Pitt, Rufus Frost V
No public attending
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes for the May 8, 2021 meeting was made by Bob Sweet and
seconded by Merri Rayno. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Reports and Update:
Director’s Report:
The director presented her report. Kristin added that she had purchased an air conditioner for the upstairs.
Motion to accept the director’s report was made by Bob Sweet and seconded by Earl Nelson. The vote to
accept was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report: Rufe Frost presented the treasurer’s report. Account balances as of June 17, 2021 are as
Checking account: $ 2,082.96
Special Gift fund: $151,071.59
Motion to accept the treasurer’s report dated June 17, 2021 was made by Earl Nelson and seconded by Merri
Rayno. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Building Advisory Committee: Bob forwarded the trustees an email from Bruce Lyman sharing his
observations from the test pit excavation on Wednesday, June 16, 2021. Bob thanked Earl and Bruce for being
on hand throughout the day. Bob shared that the report for Library Way, driveway and drainway from soil
engineer Randy Rhodes should be sent to the architect within a week.
Concert: Kristine reported that the Friends have planned the summer concerts and preparations are underway.
Hundred Day Impressions: Ed Moura shared his 100 day impressions of the library and board. He highlighted
the need for a high level of communication with the community.
Action Items:
● American Rescue Plan, $2911 for the purchase of accessories to maximize usage of and access to
available technology, and continued support for online patrons, particularly in support of education.
● Ed furnished the trustees with copies of the 2021 FFL Director Performance Goals. Discussion ensued.
Earl Nelson moved that the trustees accept the 2021 FFL Director Performance Goals. Merri Rayno
seconded the motion. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Unfinished Business:
● IT plan for the new building: Ed reported that he spoke with Ellen Smith about the IT consultation for
the new building. She told him that she spoke with Tom Weller and IT will get the final building plan
and make recommendations.● Temporary library services: The trustees and director discussed that the move into a temporary location
will require about a month.
New Business:
● The trustees discussed the library’s relationship with The Bulletin. The trustees agreed that the library
will use The Bulletin as a way to distribute content and for paid advertising.
● Launch Strategic Plan Process: Ed volunteered to take on the setting up of a committee.
Earl moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:01 pm. Merri seconded the motion. The decision to adjourn was
Next regular meeting was not set.
Respectfully submitted,
Gilda Goodrich
Approved 06/17/2021
Record of the Frost Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH
May 8, 2021
Location: Virtual
Call to order: At 8:34 a.m. chairman Eduardo Moura called the meeting of the Library Trustees to order.
Roll Call: Eduardo Moura, Chair, Merri Rayno, Gilda Goodrich, Bob Sweet, Rufus Frost V, and Kristin Readel.
Public attending: Richard Butler.
Approval of the minutes: Bob Sweet offered a correction to the minutes: the carpeting estimate for the old
section should be included as an add-on. Motion to accept the minutes for the April 10, 2021 meeting as
amended was made by Ed Moura and seconded by Merri Rayno. Roll call vote: Ed Moura, Yes; Merri Rayno,
Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes, and Gilda Goodrich, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Correspondence: none
Public comment: Dick Butler said he was glad to be listening in and offered his help with the upcoming move
and construction. Mr. Butler has given Kristin a layout for storing the Historical Society’s artifacts during the
construction project.
Director’s Report: The Trustees reviewed the Director’s report. The following items were discussed.
● Bob recommended we not plan to move until bids are received. Because of increasing prices, we may
put the project off for a year. At the moment the construction industry is very volatile. Ed recommended
that we wait for the Building Committee to give us the green light. We will look to move by August 1st.
● The Historical Society materials will be moved beginning in June.
● Shelving in the Mabel Page room will be moved after the agreement with the church is finalized.
● Continued discussion about storage. The portrait will be kept with the furniture. Kristin has several
offers for the storage of furniture, but she is still looking for climate controlled storage for the books.
Treasurer’s Report:
Rufe Frost reported on the following accounts:
Account balances as of May 6, 2021 are as follows:
Checking account: $ 2082.96
Special Gift fund: $ 151,071.59
Bob Sweet moved that the trustees accept the Director’s report and the Treasurer’s report. Merri Rayno
seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Ed Moura, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes,
and Gilda Goodrich, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
150/ Building Committee: Bob Sweet reported on the following items:
● The driveway may be shifted to Library Way.
● Money is still coming in.
● $412,000 has been turned over to the Town account. Bob is checking if the interest earned will remain
with the account.
● Bob said the committee is looking into ways to use volunteers to reduce costs in the contract.
Rufus Frost V left the meeting at 9:07.
● On May 20th Bob will be meeting with King and Company and MHS Architectural Millwork.● 5 feet of granite wall will be opened up behind the circulation desk.
Policy Review: The trustees asked the director to continue to maintain universal COVID guidelines and best
Action Items:
● IT advice: The trustees will ask the selectmen about getting IT advice for the temporary location
(Community House) and the addition from RTM.
● Ed shared what he learned from his conversation with State of NH Technology Resources Librarian,
Bobbi Slossar.
● Kristin is waiting for the applications for the The American Rescue Plan Grant, $2911, to drop.
New Business: Ed shared his preliminary plan for goal setting with the director. At our next meeting, the
trustees will review the 5 goals previewed and Kristin will add a professional growth goal for review.
Announcements: Nikki anticipates returning in July.
At 9:48 Ed Moura moved to adjourn the meeting. Bob Sweet seconded the motion.
Next regular meeting will be June 12 at 8:30 in the virtual format.
Respectfully submitted,
Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH
April 10, 2021
Location: Virtual
Call to order: At 8:34 a.m. chairman Eduardo Moura called the meeting of the Library Trustees to order.
Roll Call: Eduardo Moura, Chair, Merri Rayno, Gilda Goodrich, Bob Sweet, Gina Paight, Jane Pitt, Rufus Frost
V, and Kristin Readel. No public attending.
Approval of the minutes: Motion to accept the minutes for the March 13, 2021 meeting was made by Jane Pitt
and seconded by Gina Paight. Roll call vote: Ed Moura, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Jane Pitt,
Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes, and Gilda Goodrich, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report:
Rufe Frost reported that the Elizabeth Richards Concert Fund has been closed and the balance sent to the
Account balances as of April 9, 2021 are as follows:
Checking account: $ 2007.93
Special Gift fund: $ 151,051.74
Gilda Goodrich moved that the trustees accept the report. Jane Pitt seconded the motion.
Roll call vote: Ed Moura, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob
Sweet, Yes, and Gilda Goodrich, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Director’s Report: The Trustees reviewed the Director’s report. The following items were discussed.
● 80% of the facilities budget has been used. The trustees discussed the age and condition of the furnace.
Kristin will contact Dead River to inquire about the condition of the furnace.
● Amer Electric has finished the work on the alarm.
● Bob suggested that new carpeting estimate for the old section should be included as an add-on.
● Kristin inquired about using the old section for storage during construction. Stacks will be wrapped for
protection. Discussion ensued. Kristin will check on the cost of a box trailer rent for 7 months.
● Kristin sees the move as a chance for community involvement.
● Rufe offered to check on furniture storage. He offered to be responsible for the Frost portrait.
● Kristin will itemize the items that will be disposed of and trustees will vote on the list.
● Temporary library services will be out of the Community House basement. Bob will continue to work
with the church on the agreement.
● Kristin believes children’s programming will be minimized during construction.
Gina Paight moved that the trustees accept the director’s report. Bob Sweet seconded the motion. Roll call vote:
Ed Moura, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes, and
Gilda Goodrich, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Policy Review: The trustees reviewed the Frost Free Library, Social Media Policy. Rufe Frost moved that the
trustee accept the Social Media Policy. Bob Sweet seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Ed Moura, Yes; Merri
Rayno, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes, and Gilda Goodrich, Yes.
The vote to accept was unanimous.
150 Building Committee: Gina Paight asked the trustees for input on the architect’s list dated 4/10/2021. Gina
reminded the Trustees that the committee is trying to control spending.
● Preconstruction- Trustees previously discussed storage. The Historical Society has been notified.
● Landscaping- Deb Reynolds and the Friends will take care of moving plants and shrubs.
● Windows- Discussion about replacing all remaining windows in the 1960s addition (3 additional
windows). Gina will ask the architect about contractor mark-up or doing it on our own. Trustees
recommended tilt windows for easy cleaning.
● Trustees agreed that the current door should be replaced.
● Building envelope addition- Trustees agreed to add the additional insulation.
● Electrical and communication- The sign will need power but location is uncertain. No decisions made on
parking lot and concert lighting. A light will need to be near the side door. Trustees recommended that
an additional conduit be run for a possible future generator.
● IT and communications layout- Kristin is mapping out locations. Ed reminded the committee that all IT
and communications should be fiber compatible.
● HVAC- The trustees agreed that the 4 ton unit will be adequate.
● Plumbing- Discussion about the type of drinking fountain. Trustees suggested moving the water fountain
to the entryway. Gina is inquiring about a possible donation from Filtrine.
● Casework and interior design- Bob will need the specs to approach possible contributors for interior
Bob reported that Eleanor Drury will look into possible available federal funds.
Future agenda items:
● Technology plan and needs assessment. Develop both long and short term plans.
At 10:41 Gilda Goodrich moved to adjourn the meeting. Gina Paight seconded the motion.
Next regular meeting will be May 8 at 8:30 in the virtual format.
Respectfully submitted,
Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH
March 13, 2021
Location: Virtual
Call to order: At 8:34 a.m. chairman Teresa Horne called the meeting of the Library Trustees to order.
Roll Call: Teresa Horne, Chair, Merri Rayno, Vice Chair, Eduardo Moura (trustee elect), Bob Sweet, Gina Paight, Jane Pitt and Kristin Readel.
Public attending: Gilda Goodrich
Election of officers: All terms for one year.
Teresa Horne moved to elect Eduardo Moura as chairman of the board of trustees. Merri Rayno seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; and Bob Sweet, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Teresa Horne submitted her resignation.
Bob Sweet moved to accept Teresa Horne’s resignation with gratitude. Merri Rayno seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Merri Rayno, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; and Bob Sweet, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Teresa Horne remained in the meeting as public. Merri Rayno chaired the remainder of the meeting.
Bob Sweet moved that the trustees appoint Gilda Goodrich to fulfill the remainder of Teresa Horne’s term. Merri Rayno seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Merri Rayno, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; and Bob Sweet, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Bob Sweet moved that Merri Rayno continue as vice-chair. Gina Paight seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Merri Rayno, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; and Bob Sweet, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Merri Rayno moved that Gilda Goodrich continue as secretary. Bob Sweet seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Merri Rayno, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; and Bob Sweet, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Bob Sweet moved that Rufus Frost V continue as treasurer. Merri Rayno seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Merri Rayno, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; and Bob Sweet, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Approval of the minutes: Motion to accept the minutes for the February 13, 2021 meeting was made by Merri Rayno and seconded by Bob Sweet. Roll call vote: Merri Rayno, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; and Bob Sweet, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Director’s Report: The Trustees reviewed the Director’s report. The following items were discussed.
- Amer Electric is installing the motion detectors on Monday, March 15th. Bob asked about the connections outside. Kristin will follow-up with Amer.
- Kristin shared that there is much community interest in the seed library.
- The library’s virtual programs have attendees from many places across the country.
Bob Sweet moved that the trustees accept the director’s report. Merri Rayno seconded the motion.
Kristin asked if the report was meeting the needs of the trustees? Ed Moura recommended that Kristin share statistics quarterly and all agreed.
9:01 Rufus Frost V joined the meeting.
Merri Rayno called for the vote on accepting the Director’s Report. Roll call vote: Merri Rayno, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes, and Bob Sweet, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report:
Rufe Frost reported that the Concert Fund of $554 has been transferred to the Friends. The written report will be sent out later this week.
Merri Rayno moved that the trustees accept the treasurer’s verbal report. Bob Sweet seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Merri Rayno, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes, and Bob Sweet, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
New Business:
- HVAC meeting with the architect- Gina invited Bob to attend the meeting. Ed asked, that with the addition, would it be possible to add heat to the Mabel Page room. Bob did not think that there would be money to include heat upstairs.
- Gina reported that under the direction of the architect, she is getting three quotes for a hazardous inspection for areas that will be disturbed during construction, primarily inspecting for lead and asbestos.
- Town meeting: March 16, 2021, 7pm, business meeting. Jeff Miller will be available to speak to the warrant article. Bob will pick-up the annual report and take it to the Town Meeting for distribution.
Old Business:
Substitute coverage- After some discussion about hiring substitutes, the trustees decided to continue current practice, using our own people.
150 Building Committee: Bob Sweet reported on the committee’s activities.
- Of the needed $847,000, the committee has in hand all but about $30,000.
- The building committee will meet the week of March 22.
- After a bid is accepted, the 150 Committee plans to send a postcard to update the community and contributors.
Other business:
Ed Moura started a discussion on the American Rescue Plan Act.
- Kristin explained that the money comes through the State Library. She expects to receive a survey for Congressional District 2.
- Jane recommended that Kristin put together a needs analysis for the connectivity piece, including possible hardware purchase. Kristin will reach out to Mount Caesar Library for hardware purchase recommendations.
Ed Moura inquired about future programming for the new addition. The discussion included creating a subcommittee to oversee programming along with creating policies and procedures for using the new meeting room.
At 10:15 Bob Sweet moved to adjourn the meeting. Merri Rayno seconded the motion.
Next regular meeting will be April 10 at 8:30 in the virtual format.
Respectfully submitted,
Gilda Goodrich
Frost Free Library Board of Trustees Meeting
Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH
February 13, 2021 Location: Virtual
Approved March 13,2021
Call to order: At 8:38 a.m. chairman Teresa Horne called the meeting of the trustees to order.
Roll Call: Teresa Horne, Chair, Gilda Goodrich, Merri Rayno, Bob Sweet, Gina Paight, Jane Pitt and Kristin Readel.
Public attending: Richard Butler and Eduardo Moura
Approval of the minutes: Motion to accept the minutes for the January 9, 2021 meeting was made by Bob Sweet and seconded by Meri Rayno. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; and Bob Sweet, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Town meeting: March 9, 2021, voting and March 16, 2021, 7pm, business meeting.
Treasurer’s Report: Rufe sent his report. Account balances as of February 12, 2021 are as follows: Checking account: $ 2007.72 Special Gift fund: $ 151,015.15 Elizabeth Richards Concert Fund: $ 554.92 Rufe explored two options for the disposition of the Mary Lodge Fund. In the end, he recommended keeping the funds in the Special Gift Fund (6669) because we may need them soon and current interest rates are quite low. Motion to receive the treasurer’s report was made by Bob Sweet and seconded by Teresa Horne. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; and Bob Sweet, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Director’s Report: Gina volunteered to replace Teresa on the Mutual Aid Alarm form. The Trustees reviewed the Director’s report. The following items were discussed.
● Draft budget from the Budget Advisory meeting. Bob questioned the reduction to the staff salary line. The change reflects a reduction in sub-hours and an adjustment to one staff member’s hours due to Covid. Continued discussion about the draft budget.
● Break-ins are under investigation and there have been no further incidents.
● Social media policy from the NHLA tabled until next month. Trustees will be sent the updated version.
● Possible First Amendment audits
Merri Rayno moved that the Trustees accept the Director’s Report. Bob Sweet seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; and Bob Sweet, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
150 Building Committee: Bob Sweet reported on the committee’s activities.
● $846,069 has been raised with $837,164 approved for construction.
● The architect’s contract has been signed. Bob thanked Gina for her work. ● Discussion about the construction budget. Bob will talk with the building committee about a memo to explain the budget.
● Discussion about the use of the Mary Lodge Fund in entirety, referencing minutes from February 8, 2020.
● Discussion about the purchase of a burglar alarm. The trustee reviewed the bids submitted by Amer Electric and Monadnock Security System. Bob Sweet moved that the Trustees accept the Amer Electric contract, including any additional work needed in areas of vulnerability, not to exceed $2000, to be paid for from the Ruth Hemenway Trust Fund. Gilda Goodrich seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; and Bob Sweet, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Old Business:
● Craig Cashamn has shared his concerns with town officials about the windows in the 1967 addition, currently secured with wood slats. The board discussed reapplying for a LCHIP grant to cover the windows. Ed Moura volunteered to take on the challenge of working on the LCHIP grant.
● The trustees tabled the decision about replacing the stolen laptop.
● Kristin will discuss with the Friends the possibility of them taking over the concert series.
At 10:49 Bob Sweet moved to adjourn the meeting. Teresa Horne seconded the motion.
Bob Sweet expressed, on behalf of the Trustees, our deep appreciation to Teresa Horne for her 12 years of service and commitment to the library.
Next regular meeting will be March 13 at 8:30 in the virtual format. Respectfully submitted, Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library Board of Trustees Meeting Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH January 9, 2021 Location: Virtual
Call to order: At 8:33 a.m. chairman Teresa Horne called the meeting of the trustees to order. Roll Call: Teresa Horne, Chair, Gilda Goodrich, Merri Rayno, Bob Sweet, Earl Nelson(left at 9:00), Gina Paight, Rufus Frost V, and Kristin Readel.
Selectmen concerns: ● The trustees discussed the recent break-in. Bob will share with the architect that an alarm and lockable closet need to be included in the construction plan. ● The trustees discussed the library’s social media. Merri and Kristin will work on a social media policy. Earl left the meeting at 9:00am.
Approval of the minutes: Motion to accept the minutes as amended for December 12, 2020 meeting was made by Bob Sweet and seconded by Teresa Horne. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes, and Rufus Frost V, yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report: Rufe presented his report. Account balances as of January 2021 are as follows: Checking account: $ 2007.72 This includes the transfer of $760 (Joanne B. Morse Fund) to the building fund. Special Gift fund: $ 150,995.92 Elizabeth Richards Concert Fund: $ 554.90 Rufe offered to help the Friends set-up a Venmo account. Rufe reported that he has not moved the Mary Lodge Fund, but he will continue researching higher yielding accounts. Motion to receive the treasurer’s report was made by Bob Sweet and seconded by Gina Paight. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes, and Rufus Frost V, yes. The vote was unanimous.
Director’s Report: Teresa and Merri volunteered to have their names placed on the Mutual Aid Alarm form. The Trustees reviewed the Director’s report. The following items were discussed. ● Discussion about weatherstripping. Bob Sweet moved that the Trustees accept the Director’s Report without the budget discussion. Teresa Horne seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes, and Rufus Frost V, yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Budget 2021 The trustees discussed the proposed 2021 budget, $106,391.00. The trustees approved increases in salaries, improved internet services, equipment and facility maintenance, heating oil, and periodicals, with reductions in staff development and mileage. Bob Sweet moved that the Trustees adopt the proposed budget and refer it to the town. Rufe Frost seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes, and Rufus Frost V, yes. Abstaining: Gina Paight. The vote to accept was approved.
150 Building Committee: Bob Sweet reported on the committee’s activities. ● He reported that there will be a public announcement about the goal later this week. ● He stated that the use of the Mary Lodge Fund depends on the construction costs. ● The building committee is up and going. ● The architect’s contract is with PRIMEX. ● Finalizing bid specifications will begin at the end of January with the project going out for bid at the end of March; bids returning in April. ● Bob will make sure the most current plans are available to the committee members.
● Some discussion about securing trust fund money to purchase a burglar alarm.
At 11:31 Bob Sweet moved to adjourn the meeting. Teresa Horne seconded the motion.
Next regular meeting will be February 13 at 8:30 in the virtual format. Respectfully submitted, Gilda Goodrich
Approved as amended January 9, 2021
Record of the Frost Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH
December 12, 2020
Location: Virtual
Call to order: At 8:36 a.m. chairman Teresa Horne called the meeting of the trustees to order.
Roll Call: Teresa Horne, Chair, Gilda Goodrich, Merri Rayno, Bob Sweet, Jane Pitt, Gina Paight, Rufus
FrostV, and Kristin Readel.
Approval of the minutes: Motion to accept the minutes for November 14, 2020 meeting was made by Bob
Sweet and seconded by Teresa Horne. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno,
Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes, and Rufus Frost V, yes. The vote to accept was
Treasurer’s Report:
Rufe sent his report. There has been very little activity last month.
Account balances as of December 2020 are as follows:
Checking account: $ 2785.56 This includes the $760 from the Joanne B. Morse Fund.
Special Gift fund: $ 150,976.67 This includes the transfer to the Checking account.
Elizabeth Richards Concert Fund: $ 554.87
After discussion about Venmo accounts, Rufe offered to look into creating a Venmo account for the library and
the Friends. Kristin will send Jackie Leahy’s information to Rufe.
Rufe reported that he needs additional information for Live Oak Bank to set up a savings account for the Mary
Lodge Fund. He will be in touch with Ellen Smith.
Motion to accept the treasurer’s report dated November 15, 2020 was made by Teresa Horne and seconded by
Merri Rayno. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina
Paight, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes, and Rufus Frost V, yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Director’s Report: Teresa reported for the Personnel Committee on the Director’s performance review that all
concerns have been addressed and Ellen Smith agrees with the outcome.
The Trustees reviewed the Director’s report. The following items were discussed.
● The trustees reviewed the current Computer Use Policy. Kristin will send an updated version of the
Computer Use Policy before the next meeting. The Mission Statement will be included on the top of
each policy as a standard format with the pertinent RSAs included.
● Bob thanked Kristin for the letter to the trustees.
● There was discussion about the CLiF Grant.
● Kristin asked the selectmen to share any budget concerns that the trustees should keep in mind as they
prepare the 2021 budget.
Rufe Frost moved that the Trustees accept the Director’s Report. Teresa Horne seconded the motion. Roll call
vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Bob Sweet,
Yes, and Rufus Frost V, yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
150 Building Committee: Bob Sweet reported on the committee’s activities.
● Bob Sweet expressed deep appreciation to the library community for nominating him for the Lillian
Edelmann Trustee of the Year.
● The committee voted and approved the agreement with the Selectmen and the 150 Committee. Rufus
Frost III, co-chair, signed for the 150 Committee.
● Doug Hamshaw and Jeff Miller will represent the 150 Committee on the Building Advisory Committee.
Bob Sweet will represent the trustees. Selectman Gina Paight will chair the committee.The other
members: Deb Reynolds for the Friends, Craig Cashman, Mike Wilbur, Bruce Lyman, and Casper
● He reported that the committee is within reach of their fundraising goal.
Bob moved the trustees to adopt the agreement with the Selectmen as distributed. Teresa Horne seconded the
motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina
Paight, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes, and Rufus Frost V, yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Bob Sweet moved that Teresa Horne sign the agreement on behalf of the Trustees. Rufe Frost seconded the
motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina
Paight, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes, and Rufus Frost V, yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Old Business: Wilcox Tree Service has been paid in full.
New Business:
● Kristin introduced the idea of completing a Community Assessment as a collaboration with other
organizations. She feels this would be valuable. Bob would like to push this off for a few months.
Kristin will make this a goal for 2022 and she will use 2021 to research tools available, assess
community interest, and preparation.
● Jane Pitt updated the trustees about the retirement of Chief Lyons at the end of December. Zachary
Byam is the officer incharge. The position will be advertised.
● Kristin explained that there are new digital resources for subscription through the State Library,
BrainFuse, $800 and Nubanusit Coop, New England Newsbank. There was discussion about the
continued purchase of the local newspaper.
At 9:58, Bob Sweet moved to adjourn the meeting. Teresa Horne seconded the motion.
Next regular meeting will be January 9th at 8:30 in the virtual format.
Respectfully submitted,
Gilda Goodrich
Draft Record of the Frost Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH
December 12, 2020
Location: Virtual
Call to order: At 8:36 a.m. chairman Teresa Horne called the meeting of the trustees to order.
Roll Call: Teresa Horne, Chair, Gilda Goodrich, Merri Rayno, Bob Sweet, Jane Pitt, Gina Paight, Rufus FrostV, and Kristin Readel.
Approval of the minutes: Motion to accept the minutes for November 14, 2020 meeting was made by Bob Sweet and seconded by Teresa Horne. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes, and Rufus Frost V, yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report: Rufe sent his report. There has been very little activity last month. Account balances as of December 2020 are as follows: Checking account: $ 2785.56 This includes the $760 from the Joanne B. Morse Fund. Special Gift fund: $ 150,976.67 This includes the transfer to the Checking account. Elizabeth Richards Concert Fund: $ 554.87 After discussion about Venmo accounts, Rufe offered to look into creating a Venmo account for the library and the Friends. Kristin will send Jackie Leahy’s information to Rufe. Rufe reported that he needs additional information for Live Oak Bank to set up a savings account for the Mary Lodge Fund. He will be in touch with Ellen Smith. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report dated November 15, 2020 was made by Teresa Horne and seconded by Merri Rayno. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes, and Rufus Frost V, yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Director’s Report: Teresa reported for the Personnel Committee on the Director’s performance review that all concerns have been addressed and Ellen Smith agrees with the outcome. The Trustees reviewed the Director’s report. The following items were discussed. ● The trustees reviewed the current Computer Use Policy. Kristin will send an updated version of the Computer Use Policy before the next meeting. The Mission Statement will be included on the top of each policy as a standard format with the pertinent RSAs included. ● Bob thanked Kristin for the letter to the trustees. ● There was discussion about the CLiF Grant. ● Kristin asked the selectmen to share any budget concerns that the trustees should keep in mind as they prepare the 2021 budget. Rufe Frost moved that the Trustees accept the Director’s Report. Teresa Horne seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes, and Rufus Frost V, yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
150 Building Committee: Bob Sweet reported on the committee’s activities. ● Bob Sweet expressed deep appreciation to the library community for nominating him for the Lillian Edelmann Trustee of the Year. ● The committee voted and approved the agreement with the Selectmen and the 150 Committee. Rufus Frost III, co-chair, signed for the 150 Committee. ● Doug Hamshaw and Jeff Miller will represent the 150 Committee on the Building Advisory Committee. Bob Sweet will represent the trustees. Selectman Gina Paight will chair the committee.The other members: Deb Reynolds for the Friends, Craig Cashman, Mike Wilbur, Bruce Lyman, and Casper Bemis. ● He reported that the committee is within reach of their fundraising goal. Bob moved the trustees to adopt the agreement with the Selectmen as distributed. Teresa Horne seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes, and Rufus Frost V, yes. The vote to accept was unanimous. Bob Sweet moved that Teresa Horne sign the agreement on behalf of the Trustees. Rufe Frost seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes, and Rufus Frost V, yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Old Business: Wilcox Tree Service has been paid in full.
New Business: ● Kristin introduced the idea of completing a Community Assessment as a collaboration with other organizations. She feels this would be valuable. Bob would like to push this off for a few months. Kristin will make this a goal for 2022 and she will use 2021 to research tools available, assess community interest, and preparation. ● Jane Pitt updated the trustees about the retirement of Chief Lyons at the end of December. Zachary Byam is the officer incharge. The position will be advertised. ● Kristin explained that there are new digital resources available at the library: Brain Fuse and Newsbank. There was discussion about the continued purchase of the local newspaper.
Approved as amended January 9, 2021 Record of the Frost Free Library Board of Trustees Meeting Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH December 12, 2020 Location: Virtual Call to order: At 8:36 a.m. chairman Teresa Horne called the meeting of the trustees to order. Roll Call: Teresa Horne, Chair, Gilda Goodrich, Merri Rayno, Bob Sweet, Jane Pitt, Gina Paight, Rufus FrostV, and Kristin Readel. Approval of the minutes: Motion to accept the minutes for November 14, 2020 meeting was made by Bob Sweet and seconded by Teresa Horne. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes, and Rufus Frost V, yes. The vote to accept was unanimous. Treasurer’s Report: Rufe sent his report. There has been very little activity last month. Account balances as of December 2020 are as follows: Checking account: $ 2785.56 This includes the $760 from the Joanne B. Morse Fund. Special Gift fund: $ 150,976.67 This includes the transfer to the Checking account. Elizabeth Richards Concert Fund: $ 554.87 After discussion about Venmo accounts, Rufe offered to look into creating a Venmo account for the library and the Friends. Kristin will send Jackie Leahy’s information to Rufe. Rufe reported that he needs additional information for Live Oak Bank to set up a savings account for the Mary Lodge Fund. He will be in touch with Ellen Smith. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report dated November 15, 2020 was made by Teresa Horne and seconded by Merri Rayno. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes, and Rufus Frost V, yes. The vote to accept was unanimous. Director’s Report: Teresa reported for the Personnel Committee on the Director’s performance review that all concerns have been addressed and Ellen Smith agrees with the outcome. The Trustees reviewed the Director’s report. The following items were discussed. ● The trustees reviewed the current Computer Use Policy. Kristin will send an updated version of the Computer Use Policy before the next meeting. The Mission Statement will be included on the top of each policy as a standard format with the pertinent RSAs included. ● Bob thanked Kristin for the letter to the trustees. ● There was discussion about the CLiF Grant. ● Kristin asked the selectmen to share any budget concerns that the trustees should keep in mind as they prepare the 2021 budget. Rufe Frost moved that the Trustees accept the Director’s Report. Teresa Horne seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes, and Rufus Frost V, yes. The vote to accept was unanimous. 150 Building Committee: Bob Sweet reported on the committee’s activities. ● Bob Sweet expressed deep appreciation to the library community for nominating him for the Lillian Edelmann Trustee of the Year. ● The committee voted and approved the agreement with the Selectmen and the 150 Committee. Rufus Frost III, co-chair, signed for the 150 Committee. ● Doug Hamshaw and Jeff Miller will represent the 150 Committee on the Building Advisory Committee. Bob Sweet will represent the trustees. Selectman Gina Paight will chair the committee.The other members: Deb Reynolds for the Friends, Craig Cashman, Mike Wilbur, Bruce Lyman, and Casper Bemis. ● He reported that the committee is within reach of their fundraising goal. Bob moved the trustees to adopt the agreement with the Selectmen as distributed. Teresa Horne seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes, and Rufus Frost V, yes. The vote to accept was unanimous. Bob Sweet moved that Teresa Horne sign the agreement on behalf of the Trustees. Rufe Frost seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes, and Rufus Frost V, yes. The vote to accept was unanimous. Old Business: Wilcox Tree Service has been paid in full. New Business: ● Kristin introduced the idea of completing a Community Assessment as a collaboration with other organizations. She feels this would be valuable. Bob would like to push this off for a few months. Kristin will make this a goal for 2022 and she will use 2021 to research tools available, assess community interest, and preparation. ● Jane Pitt updated the trustees about the retirement of Chief Lyons at the end of December. Zachary Byam is the officer incharge. The position will be advertised. ● Kristin explained that there are new digital resources for subscription through the State Library, BrainFuse, $800 and Nubanusit Coop, New England Newsbank. There was discussion about the continued purchase of the local newspaper. At 9:58, Bob Sweet moved to adjourn the meeting. Teresa Horne seconded the motion. Next regular meeting will be January 9th at 8:30 in the virtual format. Respectfully submitted, Gilda Goodrich At 9:58, Bob Sweet moved to adjourn the meeting. Teresa Horne seconded the motion.
Next regular meeting will be January 9th at 8:30 in the virtual format. Respectfully submitted, Gilda Goodrich
Board of Trustees Meeting
Draft Record of the Frost Free Library
Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH
December 12, 2020
Location: Virtual
Call to order: At 8:36 a.m. chairman Teresa Horne called the meeting of the trustees to order.
Roll Call: Teresa Horne, Chair, Gilda Goodrich, Merri Rayno, Bob Sweet, Jane Pitt, Gina Paight, Rufus FrostV, and Kristin Readel.
Approval of the minutes: Motion to accept the minutes for November 14, 2020 meeting was made by Bob Sweet and seconded by Teresa Horne. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes, and Rufus Frost V, yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report: Rufe sent his report. There has been very little activity last month. Account balances as of December 2020 are as follows: Checking account: $ 2785.56 This includes the $760 from the Joanne B. Morse Fund. Special Gift fund: $ 150,976.67 This includes the transfer to the Checking account. Elizabeth Richards Concert Fund: $ 554.87 After discussion about Venmo accounts, Rufe offered to look into creating a Venmo account for the library and the Friends. Kristin will send Jackie Leahy’s information to Rufe. Rufe reported that he needs additional information for Live Oak Bank to set up a savings account for the Mary Lodge Fund. He will be in touch with Ellen Smith. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report dated November 15, 2020 was made by Teresa Horne and seconded by Merri Rayno. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes, and Rufus Frost V, yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Director’s Report: Teresa reported for the Personnel Committee on the Director’s performance review that all concerns have been addressed and Ellen Smith agrees with the outcome. The Trustees reviewed the Director’s report. The following items were discussed. ● The trustees reviewed the current Computer Use Policy. Kristin will send an updated version of the Computer Use Policy before the next meeting. The Mission Statement will be included on the top of each policy as a standard format with the pertinent RSAs included. ● Bob thanked Kristin for the letter to the trustees. ● There was discussion about the CLiF Grant. ● Kristin asked the selectmen to share any budget concerns that the trustees should keep in mind as they prepare the 2021 budget. Rufe Frost moved that the Trustees accept the Director’s Report. Teresa Horne seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes, and Rufus Frost V, yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
150 Building Committee: Bob Sweet reported on the committee’s activities. ● Bob Sweet expressed deep appreciation to the library community for nominating him for the Lillian Edelmann Trustee of the Year. ● The committee voted and approved the agreement with the Selectmen and the 150 Committee. Rufus Frost III, co-chair, signed for the 150 Committee. ● Doug Hamshaw and Jeff Miller will represent the 150 Committee on the Building Advisory Committee. Bob Sweet will represent the trustees. Selectman Gina Paight will chair the committee.The other members: Deb Reynolds for the Friends, Craig Cashman, Mike Wilbur, Bruce Lyman, and Casper Bemis. ● He reported that the committee is within reach of their fundraising goal. Bob moved the trustees to adopt the agreement with the Selectmen as distributed. Teresa Horne seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes, and Rufus Frost V, yes. The vote to accept was unanimous. Bob Sweet moved that Teresa Horne sign the agreement on behalf of the Trustees. Rufe Frost seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes, and Rufus Frost V, yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Old Business: Wilcox Tree Service has been paid in full.
New Business: ● Kristin introduced the idea of completing a Community Assessment as a collaboration with other organizations. She feels this would be valuable. Bob would like to push this off for a few months. Kristin will make this a goal for 2022 and she will use 2021 to research tools available, assess community interest, and preparation. ● Jane Pitt updated the trustees about the retirement of Chief Lyons at the end of December. Zachary Byam is the officer incharge. The position will be advertised. ● Kristin explained that there are new digital resources available at the library: Brain Fuse and Newsbank. There was discussion about the continued purchase of the local newspaper.
Approved as amended January 9, 2021 Record of the Frost Free Library Board of Trustees Meeting Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH December 12, 2020 Location: Virtual Call to order: At 8:36 a.m. chairman Teresa Horne called the meeting of the trustees to order. Roll Call: Teresa Horne, Chair, Gilda Goodrich, Merri Rayno, Bob Sweet, Jane Pitt, Gina Paight, Rufus FrostV, and Kristin Readel. Approval of the minutes: Motion to accept the minutes for November 14, 2020 meeting was made by Bob Sweet and seconded by Teresa Horne. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes, and Rufus Frost V, yes. The vote to accept was unanimous. Treasurer’s Report: Rufe sent his report. There has been very little activity last month. Account balances as of December 2020 are as follows: Checking account: $ 2785.56 This includes the $760 from the Joanne B. Morse Fund. Special Gift fund: $ 150,976.67 This includes the transfer to the Checking account. Elizabeth Richards Concert Fund: $ 554.87 After discussion about Venmo accounts, Rufe offered to look into creating a Venmo account for the library and the Friends. Kristin will send Jackie Leahy’s information to Rufe. Rufe reported that he needs additional information for Live Oak Bank to set up a savings account for the Mary Lodge Fund. He will be in touch with Ellen Smith. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report dated November 15, 2020 was made by Teresa Horne and seconded by Merri Rayno. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes, and Rufus Frost V, yes. The vote to accept was unanimous. Director’s Report: Teresa reported for the Personnel Committee on the Director’s performance review that all concerns have been addressed and Ellen Smith agrees with the outcome. The Trustees reviewed the Director’s report. The following items were discussed. ● The trustees reviewed the current Computer Use Policy. Kristin will send an updated version of the Computer Use Policy before the next meeting. The Mission Statement will be included on the top of each policy as a standard format with the pertinent RSAs included. ● Bob thanked Kristin for the letter to the trustees. ● There was discussion about the CLiF Grant. ● Kristin asked the selectmen to share any budget concerns that the trustees should keep in mind as they prepare the 2021 budget. Rufe Frost moved that the Trustees accept the Director’s Report. Teresa Horne seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes, and Rufus Frost V, yes. The vote to accept was unanimous. 150 Building Committee: Bob Sweet reported on the committee’s activities. ● Bob Sweet expressed deep appreciation to the library community for nominating him for the Lillian Edelmann Trustee of the Year. ● The committee voted and approved the agreement with the Selectmen and the 150 Committee. Rufus Frost III, co-chair, signed for the 150 Committee. ● Doug Hamshaw and Jeff Miller will represent the 150 Committee on the Building Advisory Committee. Bob Sweet will represent the trustees. Selectman Gina Paight will chair the committee.The other members: Deb Reynolds for the Friends, Craig Cashman, Mike Wilbur, Bruce Lyman, and Casper Bemis. ● He reported that the committee is within reach of their fundraising goal. Bob moved the trustees to adopt the agreement with the Selectmen as distributed. Teresa Horne seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes, and Rufus Frost V, yes. The vote to accept was unanimous. Bob Sweet moved that Teresa Horne sign the agreement on behalf of the Trustees. Rufe Frost seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes, and Rufus Frost V, yes. The vote to accept was unanimous. Old Business: Wilcox Tree Service has been paid in full. New Business: ● Kristin introduced the idea of completing a Community Assessment as a collaboration with other organizations. She feels this would be valuable. Bob would like to push this off for a few months. Kristin will make this a goal for 2022 and she will use 2021 to research tools available, assess community interest, and preparation. ● Jane Pitt updated the trustees about the retirement of Chief Lyons at the end of December. Zachary Byam is the officer incharge. The position will be advertised. ● Kristin explained that there are new digital resources for subscription through the State Library, BrainFuse, $800 and Nubanusit Coop, New England Newsbank. There was discussion about the continued purchase of the local newspaper. At 9:58, Bob Sweet moved to adjourn the meeting. Teresa Horne seconded the motion. Next regular meeting will be January 9th at 8:30 in the virtual format. Respectfully submitted, Gilda Goodrich At 9:58, Bob Sweet moved to adjourn the meeting. Teresa Horne seconded the motion.
Next regular meeting will be January 9th at 8:30 in the virtual format. Respectfully submitted, Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library Board of Trustees Meeting Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH November 14, 2020
Location: Virtual Call to order: At 8:35 a.m. chairman Teresa Horne called the meeting of the trustees to order. Roll Call: Teresa Horne, Chair, Gilda Goodrich, Merri Rayno, Bob Sweet, Jane Pitt, Gina Paight, Rufus FrostV, Kristin Readel and Earl Nelson. Edward C Goodrich, Jr. and Richard Butler (8:57) attended from the public.
Approval of the minutes: Motion to accept the minutes for October 10, 2020 meeting was made by Bob Sweet and seconded by Merri Rayno. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Earl Nelson,Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes, and Rufus Frost V, yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report: Rufe sent his report. There has been very little activity last month. Account balances as of November 14, 2020 are as follows: Checking account: $ 2025.56 Special Gift fund: $ 151,718.60 Elizabeth Richards Concert Fund: $ 554.85 Rufe reported that he will be moving the Mary Lodge Fund to a savings account with Live Oak Bank with an Apy of 0.7. He asked Kristin to send him copies of the By-Laws, Charter and Friend 501(c)(3) to complete this transaction. Rufe presented a preliminary draft of the Frost Free Library Credit Card Policy. After discussion, several clerical changes were made. After a review of the final document, Bob Sweet moved that the Trustees adopt the Frost Free Library Credit Card Policy as provided by Rufus Frost V. Teresa Horne seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Earl Nelson,Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes, and Rufus Frost V, yes. The vote to accept was unanimous. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report dated November 14, 2020 was made by Gina Paight and seconded by Teresa Horne. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Earl Nelson,Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes, and Rufus Frost V, yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Director’s Report: The Trustees reviewed the Director’s report. The following items were discussed. ● The break-in continues to be investigated. Kristin provided a list of missing items with their value to the State Police and Ellen Smith. ● Craig Cashman added screws to secure the window with the broken latch. ● Kristin presented an estimate from Amer Electric for outside motion sensing lights and interior sensing alarms. She will contact Amer Electric to review the location of the lights. (Earl left the meeting 9:31) ● Jane suggested that Kristin reach out to the Chief and request additional patrol drive-bys, especially in the overnight hours. ● There was discussion about overspending in separate line items of the budget, but not going over the bottom line. ● The cost for removing the old oil tank in the basement will go in 2021’s budget. Teresa moved that the Trustees accept the Director’s Report. Bob Sweet seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes, and Rufus Frost V, yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Gilda reported that she contacted Donna Croteau about including her mother’s memorial fund, Joanne B Morse Memorial Fund, in the building fund. Donna felt that this would be a good use for the fund. Bob Sweet moved that Rufus write a check transferring the Joanne B. Morse Memorial Fund to the Friends’ 150 Campaign. 150 Building Committee: Bob Sweet reported on the committee’s activities. ● Bob noted that the challenge grant is about $8,000 away from being met. ● The total amount given or pledged is about $750,000. ● Bob referred to the letter from the selectmen dated November 10th. He suggested that representatives from the 150 Committee, Jeff Miller, Doug Hamshaw and himself, meet with the selectmen in a face-to -face meeting. Jane Pitt felt that a representative from the Friends should be included in the meeting. Teresa Horne moved that the Trustees elect Bob Sweet to represent the Trustees at a joint meeting with the Select Board and the Friends. Merri Rayno seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Jane Pitt, Abstain; Gina Paight, Abstain; Bob Sweet, Yes, and Rufus Frost V, yes. The motion passed: 5 affirmative and 2 abstentions. 10: 02 Rufus Frost V and Bob Sweet leave the meeting. ●
Teresa asked what would happen if there are any leftover donations. This question will be sent to Tom Donovan for clarification.
Policies: Merri Rayno and Kristin have set-up a schedule to revise the policies. The Trustees reviewed the Materials’ Policy and the Reconsideration Form. Teresa Horne moved to accept, as amended, the Materials’ Policy and the attached Reconsideration form. Gilda Goodrich seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Old Business: The additional $200 for tree removal will come from the library budget. New Business: ● Kristin will acquire a license for a Zoom Account. There is enough money in this year’s budget to cover the cost. Renewal will go in 2021’s budget. At 10:33, Teresa Horne moved to adjourn the meeting. Gilda Goodrich seconded the motion.
Next regular meeting will be December 12th at 8:30 in the virtual format. Respectfully submitted, Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library
Record of the Frost Free Library Board of Trustees Meeting
October 10, 2020
Location: Virtual
Call to order: At 8:35 a.m. chairman Teresa Horne called the meeting of the trustees to order. Roll Call: Teresa Horne, Chair, Gilda Goodrich, Merri Rayno, Bob Sweet (arrived after the approval of the minutes), Jane Pitt, Gina Paight, Kristin Readel and Earl Nelson.. Richard Butler attended from the public.
Approval of the minutes: Motion to accept the amended minutes for August 8, 2020 meeting was made by Teresa Horne and seconded by Earl Nelson. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Earl Nelson, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous. Motion to accept the minutes for September 12, 2020 meeting with editorial corrections was made by Teresa Horne and seconded by Gina Paight. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Earl Nelson, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous. Bob asked that the secretary highlight items in the minutes that need to be moved to old business.
Treasurer’s Report: Rufe sent his report. There has been very little activity last month. Account balances as of September 30, 2020 are as follows: Checking account: $ 2025.56 Special Gift fund: $ 151.692.84 Elizabeth Richards Concert Fund: $ 554.81
Bob requested that the treasurer separate out the Mary Lodge Fund from the rest of the Special Gift Fund. Teresa mentioned the low balance in the concert fund. There was some discussion about asking the Friends for help with the concert fundraising and organizing. The trustees decided to continue this discussion in late winter.
Kristin will put this item in her calendar for a future agenda. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report dated September 30, 2020 was made by Bob Sweet and seconded by Gina Paight. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Earl Nelson, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous. Bob mentioned that he had a conversation in passing with a member of the Trustees of Trust Funds about corporate bonds. The trustee did not recommend this type of investment.
Bob Sweet moved the trustees instruct the treasurer to move the Mary Lodge Fund to a CD or other higher interest bearing account. Gina Paight seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Earl Nelson, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Kristin asked the trustees if the Joanne Morse Memorial Fund could be included with the library building fund. Dick Butler offered to get the names of the two daughters so the trustees can contact the family with the inquiry. Gilda offered to make the contact.
Director’s Report: ● Kristin shared the concerns of the staff about the mold in the dehumidifier. No decision was made but there was a recommendation to replace the dehumidifier. ● The tree was removed by Wilcox Tree Service. Bob asked Dustin Wilcox to remove some branches from trees near the building. Kristin will speak with Ellen Smith to see if there are extra funds in the Building and grounds account to cover the additional cost. ● Kristin is applying for a ALA Rural Libraries Community Engagement Grant, $3000. The focus of the grant will be a follow-up discussion on race started in March, but was sidetracked by the Covid 19 shutdown. Bob Sweet moved that the trustees authorize Kristin to apply for the ALA Grant for the continued discussion on race in our society. Gilda seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Earl Nelson, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
● Kristin intends to apply for a LCHIP grant for windows, repointing stone and the front doors. The item will go on the January agenda.
● Craig Cashman recommended that the old oil tank in the basement be removed. Dead River gave a quote of $600 for removal. Selectmen will follow-up with Craig. They will report back if the cost can be included in next year’s budget.
Policies: Merri Rayno will work with Kristin on the policy review.
150 Building Committee: Bob Sweet reported on the committee’s activities. ● Bob noted that the Community Matching contributions from the end of July is $23,728. ● Bob asked that The FFL 150 Financial Report be included: Total Amount Given or Pledged as of October 8, 2020 $728,211 Funds Received and (to be) Deposited $603,279 Funds Pledged (This includes $23,728 of anonymous “Community Matching” grants that total $50,000) $124,932 Expenses to Date $52,665 Funds Available $675,546 Mary Lodge Fund Contingency $136,182 Total Funds Available if all pledges are paid, including Mary Lodge Fund $811,728 Future Expense Estimates Weller Contract for final stages of work $58,000 Contingency for Weller Extra (10%) $5,800 Fundraising – Miscellaneous $4,000 Celebration $3,000 Legal and Engineering $5,000 Total Funds Available on 9/13/20 after future expenses if all pledges are paid, including Mary Lodge Fund $735,928 Construction Bid TBD Total Funds Available if $800,000 Raised including $50K match $807,717
● Teresa noted that the addition is a generous gift by the town, for the town, and to the town.
● The trustees reviewed the letter from Thayer Fellows: T. R. FELLOWS ENGINEERING PO Box 56, 974 Brook St REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS (802) 318-7854 Rochester, VT 05767 Civil – Structural [email protected] October 4, 2020 Tom Weller and Charles Michal Weller Michal Architects PO Box 360, Mill # 2 71 Main Street, Harrisville, NH 03450 1-(603)827-3840 [email protected] Re: Frost Free Library Expansion, Marlborough, NH; Site Inspection and Environmental Comments Reference Documents: Architectural and Structural plans, Weller & Michal Architects and Site Plan, Edward C. Goodrich Jr. LLS Dear Tom, Charles, and Others: As requested, we have reviewed the site plans and made a site visit to the Frost Free Library to determine whether the buried stone brook located at the site will be adversely affected by the proposed new construction at the library. The site is extremely attractive and the existing structures including the stone culvert are well located on the site plans. The plans indicate the proposed construction will be approximately 6’+ away from the designated Underground Drainage Way at its closest point. At least part of the Drainage Way appears to be covered with a concrete slab. There is no need to investigate the Drainage Way further because of the isolation distance. In order to protect the Drainage Way from construction, a lightweight isolation fence shall be constructed at the near edge of the Drainage Way. No equipment or storage shall be used over the Drainage Way during construction. In addition, if construction uncovers different conditions a review of the situation will be conducted, a solution to correct the condition will be defined and constructed to ensure the Drainage Way and water will be protected from degradation. The proposed building addition when complete will not detrimentally affect the buried Drainage Way. Based on our review and site investigation the quality of the water in the water way will not be degraded by the new construction. If you have additional comments or questions, please feel free to get in touch with me. Sincerely, Thayer R. Fellows Jane noted that she would have liked to be part of the site visit. She raised several concerns that were not addressed in the letter. She said the selectmen have been in touch with a geotechnical engineer about the culvert. This discussion will be postponed until the joint meeting. Bob Sweet moved that the trustees to accept the report submitted by Thayer R. Fellows for information only. Teresa seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Bob Sweet,Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Earl Nelson, Yes. Jane Pitt abstained. The motion passed. ● Bob requested that the joint meeting be sooner than later to meet the architect’s deadlines. Discussion continued about construction estimates. October 22 at 5 was agreed upon for the joint meeting. This will be a public meeting. ● Bob Sweet reported that it was the opinion of the 150 Committee that the Kinyon bill of $2,300 was the responsibility of the selectmen. Discussion on this is postponed until the joint meeting. Old Business: Previously discussed New Business: ● Kristin reported that the number of people and length of time in the library will remain the same through the winter: 5 people and 30 minutes 1 family in the children’s area ● Kristin announced that Sadie Stehlik is developing a Seed Savers Library. A grant funded the purchase of a seed cabinet and additional program support. ● Bob asked the secretary to send a letter of appreciation to Larry Robinson and the Monadnock Lions for the construction of the “Little Library” at the Community House.. At 10:35, Bob Sweet moved to adjourn the meeting. Teresa Horne seconded the motion.
Next regular meeting will be November 14 at 8:30 in the virtual format. Respectfully submitted, Gilda Goodrich
Board of Trustees Meeting
Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH
September 12, 2020
Location: Library Lawn
The Trustees meeting began with a walk around the property.
Call to order: At 8:39 a.m. chairman Teresa Horne called the meeting of the trustees to order. Teresa went on to share her thoughts on the last few meetings. She thanked the selectmen, trustees and the committees, all volunteers, who do good work for the benefit of the Town.
Roll Call: Teresa Horne, Chair, Gilda Goodrich, Merri Rayno, Rufus Frost V(by phone), Bob Sweet, Jane Pitt, Gina Paight, Kristin Readel. No public attending.
Approval of the minutes: The amended August minutes will be sent to the trustees and they will be on the October agenda.
Treasurer’s Report:
Rufe reported that there has been very little activity this month with concert fees paid.
Account balances as of September 12, 2020 are as follows:
Checking account: $ 1,977.56
Special Gift fund: $ 151,667.90
Elizabeth Richards Concert Fund: $ 554.76
Rufe would like to investigate investing the Mary Lodge money in corporate bonds. He would like to speak with the Trustees of Trust Funds about this possibility. Jane will have Ellen Smith send Rufe the list of current Trustees of Trust Funds. This will be on the October agenda.
Motion to accept the treasurer’s report dated September 12, 2020 was made by Bob Sweet and seconded by Gina paight. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Director Report: Kristin presented her report and there were no questions.
- Kristin announced a Round Table for Trustees presented by the NH Library Trustees Association on September 22 from 2-3. See Kristin for the link.
- There were no submissions in the mascot contest.
Motion to accept the director’s report was made by Teresa Horne and seconded by Jane Pit. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Policy Review: The trustees reviewed the Materials Review Policy. Kristin suggested that the renewal of library cards be annually, in line with other libraries. Gina recommended that we change Librarian to Director, throughout. Kristin recommended a 9 month card for children in the After School Program.
Bob moved that the policy include a 9 month library card for children in the After School Program with no parent signature required. Teresa seconded the motion. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Trustees will send suggestions about the policy to Kristin and the revised policy will be included for consideration on the October agenda.
150 Building Committee:
- Bob Sweet gave the trustees a copy of the 150 Committee Report dated September 12, 2020. The report detailed fundraising and expenditures through August 7, 2020. Gina thanked the committee for the report and Gilda asked if the trustees could receive monthly financial reports. Discussion about the report ensued.
- There was considerable discussion about the drainway on the 124 side of the building. Bob will convey the trustees concerns about maintaining the integrity of the drainway during construction.Jane would like to be included in the meeting when the architect and engineer meet on the site to review the drainway.
Old Business:
- Bob reported that Secord will be here next week to replace the storm window. Bob also recommended applying for an LChiP Grant to cover work on the windows and the front door. Kristin will look into the grant application.
- Dustin Wilcox submitted an estimate to cover the removal of the damaged scarlet maple beside the building. The bid does not include stumping.
Teresa moved that, with or without the addition, the diseased maple on the 124 side of the library be cut down but the stump will be left. Gilda seconded the motion. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Bob moved that the trustees withdraw the sum of $500 from the Reginald Mason fund to pay for the tree removal. Teresa seconded the motion. The vote to accept was unanimous.
New Business:
The trustees discussed the need for a substitute to cover Kristin if she is out awaiting the results of a Covid test. Kristin was out last week with a test. She will send the selectmen a narrative of her days out. She is covered under the town’s Covid Policy.
On a positive note, Kristin reported that the library is having increased use, from patrons using the internet to small meetings in the upstairs room.
At 10:41, Teresa Horne moved to adjourn the meeting. Bob Sweet seconded the motion. The vote to adjourn was unanimous.
Next regular meeting will be October 10th at 8:30, format to be decided.
Respectfully submitted,
Gilda Goodrich
Amended Draft
Record of the Frost Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH
August 8, 2020
Location: Virtual
Call to order: At 8:35 a.m. chairman Teresa Horne called the meeting of the trustees to order.
Roll Call: Teresa Horne, Chair, Gilda Goodrich, Merri Rayno, Rufus Frost V, Bob Sweet, Jane Pitt, Gina Paight, Kristin Readel and Earl Nelson joined at 9:30. No public attending.
Approval of the minutes: Motion to accept the minutes for the July 11, 2020 meeting was made by Bob Sweet and seconded by Rufe Frost. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report:
Rufe reported that there has been very little activity this month with one concert fee paid.
Account balances as of July 11, 2020 are as follows:
Checking account: $ 1,826.48
Special Gift fund: $ 151,643.81
Elizabeth Richards Concert Fund: $ 2,027.60
Rufe said it would be helpful if the director had the ability to deposit checks with a photo App. Rufe moved to authorize Kristin to deposit checks using a photo App. Bob Sweet seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Rufe said that many of the bands preferred to receive payment electronically. Rufe moved to set-up a Venmo account with Gina’s credentials included. Teresa seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Motion to accept the treasurer’s report dated August 8, 2020 was made by Bob Sweet and seconded by Merri Rayno. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Director Report:
- Included in the Director’s Report was a report on the use of library mascots submitted by Jaiden Blanchard. The Trustees discussed the idea of a mascot and authorized Kristin to direct Jaiden to conduct a mascot contest. The Trustees will choose the mascot from the entries.
- The Trustees reviewed the Personnel Policy. Several edits and revisions were discussed. Kristin will send out a revised copy prior to our next meeting.
- Kristin received a request from a neighbor to use the terrace for a small birthday party during non-library hours. Kristin contacted Primex to inquire about a TULIP policy for special event coverage. Jane requested that the policy be for a minimum amount of $1,000,000. Kristin will arrange to have a staff member present. Kristin will write up a onetime use memorandum and will share it with the trustees prior to giving it to the person making the request. At a future meeting, the trustees will review the Use of the Facilities and Premises Policy.
Motion to accept the director’s report was made by Teresa Horne and seconded by Merri Rayno. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
150 Building Committee: Bob Sweet reported on the committee’s activities.
- The community appeal will go out next week. Deb and Ron Kilyanczik made a fundraising thermometer; it will be placed near the concert sign.
- The committee will continue to advertise the community appeal through the Marlborough Bulletin and the radio.
- The site plan provided by Ed Goodrich has been delivered to the architect and the committee.
- Tom Weller is doing further work.
- Bob introduced a resolution that captures the role of the 150 Committee:
A Resolution Affirming the 150 Committee as an official Committee of the Board of Trustees
August 8, 2020
Whereas on November 12, 2016 The Board of Trustees voted to establish a 501 (c ) 3 Foundation to raise funds for construction of an addition to the Library, and
Whereas on September 9, 2017 the Trustees elected Rufus Frost, III, Robert Sweet, Jr., Charlton MacVeagh, Jeffrey Miller, Douglas Hamshaw, Maidli Hill, Sara Wardell, and Cheri Nutting to serve as Directors of said Foundation, and
Whereas those elected explored 501 (c ) 3 options and chose to request the Friends of Frost Free Library to use their status as a non-profit organization for the purpose of raising funds, saving legal fees, time, and extensive governmental paper work, and
Whereas the Friends of Frost Free Library voted for the purpose of fund raising to “recognize the 150 Committee as a committee of the Friends of Frost Free Library, enabling the Committee to make use of the 501(c )3 non-profit status,
Whereas the members of the proposed Foundation began to refer to itself as the 150 Committee, and reported same to the Trustees, and
Whereas on March 16. 2018 the Trustees of Frost Free Library approved the “plans title[s] ‘Exterior Rendered Views and Floor Plan dated February 21, 2018” by Weller and Michel Architects, Inc. be approved as the schematic design for plans for the proposed Frost Free Library addition and renovation and the 150 Committee be authorized to proceed with all appropriate and necessary actions”,(Selectmen Pitt, Paight, and Cashman abstaining), and
Whereas the 150 Committee and the Board of Trustees both acted on the basis of the Committee being responsible to the Trustees and the Committee reported monthly to the Board of Trustees,
Therefore, be it resolved that the Board of Trustees of the Frost Free Library acknowledge the de facto status of the 150 committee since the appointment of the original eight persons, and
Be it further resolved that the work of the 150 committee heretofore be accepted as the work of an official committee of the Library Trustees, and
Be it further resolved that the 150 Committee from this point forward be acknowledged as an official committee of the Board of Trustees of the Frost Free Library.
Discussion ensued. Jane stated that she believes the resolution clarifies that the 150 Committee is a subcommittee of the Trustees. She also stated that the town council’s and other opinions give the Library Trustees responsibility for the project. She informed the Trustees that the town council is contacting Tom Donovan from the Secretary of State’s office, to discuss specifically about the finances for the project. On Wednesday, August 12 the selectmen will have a phone discussion with Gary Kenyon, town council, to clarify how to proceed. There are other questions that will need to be decided, for instance: Does the library’s autonomy allow it to piggyback on the Primex policy for the town? Who will run the project? Teresa said the Trustees were grateful for the Selectmen’s insight and help in moving this project forward.
Bob Sweet moved that the Trustees adopt the resolution. Teresa Horne seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
- Following the Selectmen’s meeting with the town council, a committee from the Trustees, Selectmen and 150 Committee will meet to clarify the authority the Trustees will grant the 150 Committee for overseeing the construction. They will report back to the Trustees at the next meeting.
Old Business: The storm windows have not been replaced, and Bob will follow-up.
New Business: Teresa introduced a discussion about tree removal and the drainage tunnel. Bob will research the tree removal companies. A discussion on tree removal will go on a future agenda. Bob and Jane will coordinate a meeting between Craig Cashman, sewer and water person and a tree expert to make a recommendation at a future meeting.
At 10:12, Teresa Horne moved to adjourn the meeting. Earl Nelson seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Earl Nelson, Yes. The vote to adjourn was unanimous.
Next regular meeting will be September 12th at 8:30 in the virtual format.
Respectfully submitted,
Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH
August 8, 2020
Location: Virtual
Call to order: At 8:35 a.m. chairman Teresa Horne called the meeting of the trustees to order.
Roll Call: Teresa Horne, Chair, Gilda Goodrich, Merri Rayno, Rufus Frost V, Bob Sweet, Jane Pitt, Gina Paight, Kristin Readel and Earl Nelson joined at 9:30. No public attending.
Approval of the minutes: Motion to accept the minutes for the July 11, 2020 meeting was made by Bob Sweet and seconded by Rufe Frost. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report:
Rufe reported that there has been very little activity this month with one concert fee paid.
Account balances as of July 11, 2020 are as follows:
Checking account: $ 1,826.48
Special Gift fund: $ 151,643.81
Elizabeth Richards Concert Fund: $ 2,027.60
Rufe said it would be helpful if the director had the ability to deposit checks with a photo App. Rufe moved to authorize Kristin to deposit checks using a photo App. Bob Sweet seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Rufe said that many of the bands preferred to receive payment electronically. Rufe moved to set-up a Venmo account with Gina’s credentials included. Teresa seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Motion to accept the treasurer’s report dated August 8, 2020 was made by Bob Sweet and seconded by Merri Rayno. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Director Report:
- Included in the Director’s Report was a report on the use of library mascots submitted by Jaiden Blanchard. The Trustees discussed the idea of a mascot and authorized Kristin to direct Jaiden to conduct a mascot contest. The Trustees will choose the mascot from the entries.
- The Trustees reviewed the Personnel Policy. Several edits and revisions were discussed. Kristin will send out a revised copy prior to our next meeting.
- Kristin received a request from a neighbor to use the terrace for a small birthday party during non-library hours. Kristin contacted Primex to inquire about a TULIP policy for special event coverage. Jane requested that the policy be for a minimum amount of $1,000,000. Kristin will arrange to have a staff member present. Kristin will write up a onetime use memorandum and will share it with the trustees prior to giving it to the person making the request. At a future meeting, the trustees will review the Use of the Facilities and Premises Policy.
Motion to accept the director’s report was made by Teresa Horne and seconded by Merri Rayno. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
150 Building Committee: Bob Sweet reported on the committee’s activities.
- The community appeal will go out next week. Deb and Ron Kilyanczik made a fundraising thermometer; it will be placed near the concert sign.
- The committee will continue to advertise the community appeal through the Marlborough Bulletin and the radio.
- The site plan provided by Ed Goodrich has been delivered to the architect and the committee.
- Tom Weller is doing further work.
- Bob introduced a resolution that captures the role of the 150 Committee:
A Resolution Affirming the 150 Committee as an official Committee of the Board of Trustees
August 8, 2020
Whereas on November 12, 2016 The Board of Trustees voted to establish a 501 (c) 3 Foundation to raise funds for construction of an addition to the Library, and
Whereas on September 9, 2017 the Trustees elected Rufus Frost, III, Robert Sweet, Jr., Charlton MacVeagh, Jeffrey Miller, Douglas Hamshaw, Maidli Hill, Sara Wardell, and Cheri Nutting to serve as Directors of said Foundation, and
Whereas those elected explored 501 (c) 3 options and chose to request the Friends of Frost Free Library to use their status as a non-profit organization for the purpose of raising funds, saving legal fees, time, and extensive governmental paper work, and
Whereas the Friends of Frost Free Library voted for the purpose of fund raising to “recognize the 150 Committee as a committee of the Friends of Frost Free Library, enabling the Committee to make use of the 501(c )3 non-profit status,
Whereas the members of the proposed Foundation began to refer to itself as the 150 Committee, and reported same to the Trustees, and
Whereas on March 16. 2018 the Trustees of Frost Free Library approved the “plans title[s] ‘Exterior Rendered Views and Floor Plan dated February 21, 2018” by Weller and Michel Architects, Inc. be approved as the schematic design for plans for the proposed Frost Free Library addition and renovation and the 150 Committee be authorized to proceed with all appropriate and necessary actions”,(Selectmen Pitt, Paight, and Cashman abstaining), and
Whereas the 150 Committee and the Board of Trustees both acted on the basis of the Committee being responsible to the Trustees and the Committee reported monthly to the Board of Trustees,
Therefore, be it resolved that the Board of Trustees of the Frost Free Library acknowledge the de facto status of the 150 committee since the appointment of the original eight persons, and
Be it further resolved that the work of the 150 committee heretofore be accepted as the work of an official committee of the Library Trustees, and
Be it further resolved that the 150 Committee from this point forward be acknowledged as an official committee of the Board of Trustees of the Frost Free Library.
Discussion ensued. Jane stated that she believes the resolution clarifies that the 150 Committee is a subcommittee of the Trustees. She also stated that the town council’s and other opinions give the Library Trustees responsibility for the project. She informed the Trustees that the town council is contacting Tom Donovan from the Secretary of State’s office, to discuss specifically about the finances for the project. On Wednesday, August 12 the selectmen will have a phone discussion with Gary Kenyon, town council, to clarify how to proceed. There are other questions that will need to be decided, for instance: Does the library’s autonomy allow it to piggyback on the Primex policy for the town? Who will run the project? Teresa said the Trustees were grateful for the Selectmen’s insight and help in moving this project forward.
Bob Sweet moved that the Trustees adopt the resolution. Teresa Horne seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
- Following the Selectmen’s meeting with the town council, a committee from the Trustees, Selectmen and 150 Committee will meet to clarify the authority the Trustees will grant the 150 Committee for overseeing the construction. They will report back to the Trustees at the next meeting.
Old Business: The storm windows have not been replaced, and Bob will follow-up.
New Business: Bob introduced a discussion about tree removal and the drainage tunnel. He will research the tree removal companies. A discussion on tree removal will go on a future agenda.
At 10:12, Teresa Horne moved to adjourn the meeting. Earl Nelson seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Earl Nelson, Yes. The vote to adjourn was unanimous.
Next regular meeting will be September 12th at 8:30 in the virtual format.
Respectfully submitted,
Gilda Goodrich
Board of Trustees Meeting
Record of the Frost Free Library
Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH
July 11, 2020
Location: Virtual
Call to order: At 8:32 a.m. chairman Teresa Horne called the meeting of the trustees to order.
Roll Call: Teresa Horne, Chair, Gilda Goodrich, Merri Rayno, Rufus Frost V, Bob Sweet, Jane Pitt, Gina Paight, Earl Nelson, Kristin Readel, Public attending: Ellen Smith, Richard and Jane Butler.
Approval of the minutes: Motion to accept the minutes for the June 13, 2020 meeting was made by Bob Sweet and seconded by Teresa Horne. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Earl Nelson, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report:
Rufe reported that there has been very little activity this month: interest, one donation and one concert fee was paid.
Account balances as of July 11, 2020 are as follows:
Checking account: $ 2,101.48
Special Gift fund: $ 151,610.61
Elizabeth Richards Concert Fund: $ 2,027.33
Motion to accept the treasurer’s report dated July 11, 2020 was made by Merri Rayno and seconded by Jane Pitt. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Earl Nelson, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Correspondence: Kristin shared that the library received a very positive note from an out of town patron. She will scan the note and email it to the trustees.
Director Report: Kristin commented on her report.
- The picnic tables that were approved at the June meeting are on back order. A patron is researching different types of folding lawn furniture. Ellen Smith shared that if the furniture is needed because of Covid 19 the CARES Act money could reimburse the town. For the library to be reimbursed, the invoice for the lawn furniture would need to be paid from town funds.
- Kristin will meet with Supreme Audio about a sound system that can be used inside and outside.
- Kristin asked if any trustee would be interested in writing a grant to the NH Charitable Trust. Teresa said she would forward the email to the trustees with the grant application.
Motion to accept the director’s report was made by Rufe Frost and seconded by Teresa Horne. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Earl Nelson, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Old Business:
The trustees reviewed the Purchasing and Expenditures Policy, Frost Free Library, Version 2020.06.22. Discussion ensued. Teresa recommended that the sentence starting “All bid shall be opened on …”in the fifth paragraph should be replaced with “All bids shall be opened before the public at a date, time and place designated in the bid request.”
Bob Sweet moved that the Purchasing and Expenditures Policy, Frost Free Library, Version 2020.06.22, as changed, be approved. Gilda Goodrich seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Earl Nelson, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
150 Building Committee: Bob Sweet started the discussion on the Weller contract. Jane Pitt recommended that the 150 Committee contact a contract attorney to review the AIA B104-2017 contract, as well as future contracts. Jane will ask the town’s attorney, Gary Kenyon, for recommendations. Bob will come back to the trustees with a budget for legal fees. Bob will also set-up the postponed meeting with the AG’s office Tom Donovan. Representatives from the selectmen, trustees, 150 committee and the Friends will be invited.
More Old Business:
- Kristin reminded the trustees that we need to continue reviewing the Frost Free Library Policies. The trustees decided to look at a small piece of the policies at each future meeting.
- Kristin started the discussion on the Phased Reopening Plan, dated 7/9/2020. Discussion ensued.
Gina Paight moved that the Phased Reopening Plan be accepted. Jane Pitt seconded the motion. . Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Earl Nelson, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Public Comment: Dick and Jane Butler thanked the trustees for conducting an informational meeting.
Public session adjourned 10:41
Kristin and the Butlers left the meeting.
Gina Paight moved that the trustees move to nonpublic session in accordance with RSA 91.A:3 II (c). Teresa Seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes; Earl Nelson, Yes. The vote to move to nonpublic session was unanimous.
Returned to public session 11:45 (Gina Paight left the meeting)
Jane Pit moved to seal the minutes for the nonpublic session. Earl Nelson seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Earl Nelson, Yes. The vote to move to nonpublic session was unanimous.
During the nonpublic session, the trustees voted to create a personnel committee, consisting of the chairman, treasurer and one selectperson.
Jane Pitt offered to host future virtual meetings.
At 11:47, Bob Sweet moved to adjourn the meeting. Teresa Horne seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Earl Nelson, Yes.
Next regular meeting will be August 8th at 8:30 in the virtual format.
Respectfully submitted,
Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH
June 13, 2020
Location: Virtual
Call to order: At 8:36 a.m. chairman Teresa Horne called the meeting of the trustees to order.
Roll Call: Teresa Horne, Chair, Gilda Goodrich, Merri Rayno, Rufus Frost V, Bob Sweet, Jane Pitt, Gina Paight, Kristin Readel. Kristin reported that there was no public request to attend.
Approval of the minutes: Motion to accept the minutes for the May 9, 2020 meeting was made by Gina Paight and seconded by Jane Pitt. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report:
- Gina reported that she and Rufe are finishing up the process for handing over the books.
- Gina recommended a separate credit card, rather than a debit card, for library use. The credit card will be connected to the library budget. The invoice would come into the selectmen’s office and it would be paid in the usual way. Jane Pitt moved to authorized Ellen Smith to obtain a second town credit card for library use with a monthly limit of $500.00. Teresa Horne seconded the motion. . Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes. The vote to approve was unanimous.
- Gina reported that there has been very little activity this month: interest and one donation.
Account balances as of June 13, 2020 are as follows:
Checking account: $ 1,726.35
Special Gift fund: $ 151,579.48
Elizabeth Richards Concert Fund: $ 2,302.05
Motion to accept the treasurer’s report dated June 13, 2020 was made by Bob Sweet and seconded by Rufe Frost. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Correspondence: No correspondence
Public Comment: No public comment
Director Report: Kristin commented on her report.
- Volunteer Patricia Donnelly has helped with sanitizing quarantined materials and shelving.
- Carl Shepardson agreed to be available as library ambassador in the event of opening with public hours.
- Staff statements for reopening:
Jane Pitt moved that Jane Richards-Jones will do her job, which will include ordering materials, processing materials, shelving, setting up book displays, completing ILL requests, responding to emails, etc., with the exception of patron contact, until the library moves to the next reopening phase, for at least 10 hours a week. Bob Sweet seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes. The vote to approve was unanimous.
Jane Pitt moved that Nikki Demarest will begin to work nonpublic hours in the library on a schedule and work plan to be developed by the Director, in consultation with Nikki, for up to 10 hours. Teresa Horne seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes. The vote to approve was unanimous.
- Bob Sweet moved that the Director will increase the youth employee’s hours to 5 hours a week. Teresa Horne seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes. The vote to approve was unanimous.
- Bob Sweet thanked Kristin for all her help with a Zoom meeting he attended at the library. He also noted that he was impressed with the volunteers sanitizing and helping the staff.
- Kristin has been cleaning the bathroom and emptying the trash. The trustees directed her to contact Ellen Smith for additional custodial help.
- Because of the pandemic, Kristin purchased a laptop for a third staff work station. This was purchased from the library checking account. Kristin will let Ellen Smith know ahead of time about future IT purchases.
Motion to accept the director’s report was made by Teresa Horne and seconded by Bob Sweet. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
150 Building Committee: Bob Sweet reported on the following items:
- Rufe Frost moved that Bob Sweet be authorized to sign contracts and authorize expenditures. Teresa seconded the motion. Discussion ensued. Motion and second were withdrawn.
- Bob Sweet moved that the trustees adopt the town policies for awarding contracts. Teresa Horne seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes. The vote to approve was unanimous.
- Jane Pitt will ask Ellen Smith to send the appropriate town policies to the trustees.
- The 150 Committee is still uncertain when to reach out to the community for fundraising. They will make a decision at the June 16th meeting.
Old Business:
The trustees discussed the plexiglass storm windows. Bob will follow up with Ted Meade about the windows.
New Business:
- Kristin brought up the need for more outdoor space. She said that there is a need for additional seating and table space. Bob Sweet moved that Kristin purchase up to 5 tables with umbrellas from the special gift fund. Rufe Frost seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes. The vote to approve was unanimous.
She will let Ellen Smith know that the purchase of extra seating is a result of the Covid 19 pandemic.
Merri Rayno left at 10:00 to attend a library trustee’s training.
- The trustees reviewed the Draft Reopening Plan. Bob Sweet moved that we follow the reopening plan as presented. He withdrew his motion. Discussion ensued.
- The trustees decided to review the Reopening Plan and the architect’s contract at a special meeting.
Rufe Frost moved to adjourn the meeting. Teresa Horne seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous. Meeting adjourned 10:10.
Next regular meeting will be July 11th at 8:30 in the virtual format. Rufe will set up the meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH
June 13, 2020
Location: Virtual
Call to order: At 8:36 a.m. chairman Teresa Horne called the meeting of the trustees to order.
Roll Call: Teresa Horne, Chair, Gilda Goodrich, Merri Rayno, Rufus Frost V, Bob Sweet, Jane Pitt, Gina Paight, Kristin Readel. Kristin reported that there was no public request to attend.
Approval of the minutes: Motion to accept the minutes for the May 9, 2020 meeting was made by Gina Paight and seconded by Jane Pitt. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report:
- Gina reported that she and Rufe are finishing up the process for handing over the books.
- Gina recommended a separate credit card, rather than a debit card, for library use. The credit card will be connected to the library budget. The invoice would come into the selectmen’s office and it would be paid in the usual way. Jane Pitt moved to authorized Ellen Smith to obtain a second town credit card for library use with a monthly limit of $500.00. Teresa Horne seconded the motion. . Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes. The vote to approve was unanimous.
- Gina reported that there has been very little activity this month: interest and one donation.
Account balances as of June 13, 2020 are as follows:
Checking account: $ 1,726.35
Special Gift fund: $ 151,579.48
Elizabeth Richards Concert Fund: $ 2,302.05
Motion to accept the treasurer’s report dated June 13, 2020 was made by Bob Sweet and seconded by Rufe Frost. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Correspondence: No correspondence
Public Comment: No public comment
Director Report: Kristin commented on her report.
- Volunteer Patricia Donnelly has helped with sanitizing quarantined materials and shelving.
- Carl Shepardson agreed to be available as library ambassador in the event of opening with public hours.
- Staff statements for reopening:
Jane Pitt moved that Jane Richards-Jones will do her job, which will include ordering materials, processing materials, shelving, setting up book displays, completing ILL requests, responding to emails, etc., with the exception of patron contact, until the library moves to the next reopening phase, for at least 10 hours a week. Bob Sweet seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes. The vote to approve was unanimous.
Jane Pitt moved that Nikki Demarest will begin to work nonpublic hours in the library on a schedule and work plan to be developed by the Director, in consultation with Nikki, for up to 10 hours. Teresa Horne seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes. The vote to approve was unanimous.
- Bob Sweet moved that the Director will increase the youth employee’s hours to 5 hours a week. Teresa Horne seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes. The vote to approve was unanimous.
- Bob Sweet thanked Kristin for all her help with a Zoom meeting he attended at the library. He also noted that he was impressed with the volunteers sanitizing and helping the staff.
- Kristin has been cleaning the bathroom and emptying the trash. The trustees directed her to contact Ellen Smith for additional custodial help.
- Because of the pandemic, Kristin purchased a laptop for a third staff work station. This was purchased from the library checking account. Kristin will let Ellen Smith know ahead of time about future IT purchases.
Motion to accept the director’s report was made by Teresa Horne and seconded by Bob Sweet. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
150 Building Committee: Bob Sweet reported on the following items:
- Rufe Frost moved that Bob Sweet be authorized to sign contracts and authorize expenditures. Teresa seconded the motion. Discussion ensued. Motion and second were withdrawn.
- Bob Sweet moved that the trustees adopt the town policies for awarding contracts. Teresa Horne seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes. The vote to approve was unanimous.
- Jane Pitt will ask Ellen Smith to send the appropriate town policies to the trustees.
- The 150 Committee is still uncertain when to reach out to the community for fundraising. They will make a decision at the June 16th meeting.
Old Business:
The trustees discussed the plexiglass storm windows. Bob will follow up with Ted Meade about the windows.
New Business:
- Kristin brought up the need for more outdoor space. She said that there is a need for additional seating and table space. Bob Sweet moved that Kristin purchase up to 5 tables with umbrellas from the special gift fund. Rufe Frost seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes. The vote to approve was unanimous.
She will let Ellen Smith know that the purchase of extra seating is a result of the Covid 19 pandemic.
Merri Rayno left at 10:00 to attend a library trustee’s training.
- The trustees reviewed the Draft Reopening Plan. Bob Sweet moved that we follow the reopening plan as presented. He withdrew his motion. Discussion ensued.
- The trustees decided to review the Reopening Plan and the architect’s contract at a special meeting.
Rufe Frost moved to adjourn the meeting. Teresa Horne seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous. Meeting adjourned 10:10.
Next regular meeting will be July 11th at 8:30 in the virtual format. Rufe will set up the meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH
June 13, 2020
Location: Virtual
Call to order: At 8:36 a.m. chairman Teresa Horne called the meeting of the trustees to order.
Roll Call: Teresa Horne, Chair, Gilda Goodrich, Merri Rayno, Rufus Frost V, Bob Sweet, Jane Pitt, Gina Paight, Kristin Readel. Kristin reported that there was no public request to attend.
Approval of the minutes: Motion to accept the minutes for the May 9, 2020 meeting was made by Gina Paight and seconded by Jane Pitt. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report:
- Gina reported that she and Rufe are finishing up the process for handing over the books.
- Gina recommended a separate credit card, rather than a debit card, for library use. The credit card will be connected to the library budget. The invoice would come into the selectmen’s office and it would be paid in the usual way. Jane Pitt moved to authorized Ellen Smith to obtain a second town credit card for library use with a monthly limit of $500.00. Teresa Horne seconded the motion. . Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes. The vote to approve was unanimous.
- Gina reported that there has been very little activity this month: interest and one donation.
Account balances as of June 13, 2020 are as follows:
Checking account: $ 1,726.35
Special Gift fund: $ 151,579.48
Elizabeth Richards Concert Fund: $ 2,302.05
Motion to accept the treasurer’s report dated June 13, 2020 was made by Bob Sweet and seconded by Rufe Frost. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Correspondence: No correspondence
Public Comment: No public comment
Director Report: Kristin commented on her report.
- Volunteer Patricia Donnelly has helped with sanitizing quarantined materials and shelving.
- Carl Shepardson agreed to be available as library ambassador in the event of opening with public hours.
- Staff statements for reopening:
Jane Pitt moved that Jane Richards-Jones will do her job, which will include ordering materials, processing materials, shelving, setting up book displays, completing ILL requests, responding to emails, etc., with the exception of patron contact, until the library moves to the next reopening phase, for at least 10 hours a week. Bob Sweet seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes. The vote to approve was unanimous.
Jane Pitt moved that Nikki Demarest will begin to work nonpublic hours in the library on a schedule and work plan to be developed by the Director, in consultation with Nikki, for up to 10 hours. Teresa Horne seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes. The vote to approve was unanimous.
- Bob Sweet moved that the Director will increase the youth employee’s hours to 5 hours a week. Teresa Horne seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes. The vote to approve was unanimous.
- Bob Sweet thanked Kristin for all her help with a Zoom meeting he attended at the library. He also noted that he was impressed with the volunteers sanitizing and helping the staff.
- Kristin has been cleaning the bathroom and emptying the trash. The trustees directed her to contact Ellen Smith for additional custodial help.
- Because of the pandemic, Kristin purchased a laptop for a third staff work station. This was purchased from the library checking account. Kristin will let Ellen Smith know ahead of time about future IT purchases.
Motion to accept the director’s report was made by Teresa Horne and seconded by Bob Sweet. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
150 Building Committee: Bob Sweet reported on the following items:
- Rufe Frost moved that Bob Sweet be authorized to sign contracts and authorize expenditures. Teresa seconded the motion. Discussion ensued. Motion and second were withdrawn.
- Bob Sweet moved that the trustees adopt the town policies for awarding contracts. Teresa Horne seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes. The vote to approve was unanimous.
- Jane Pitt will ask Ellen Smith to send the appropriate town policies to the trustees.
- The 150 Committee is still uncertain when to reach out to the community for fundraising. They will make a decision at the June 16th meeting.
Old Business:
The trustees discussed the plexiglass storm windows. Bob will follow up with Ted Meade about the windows.
New Business:
- Kristin brought up the need for more outdoor space. She said that there is a need for additional seating and table space. Bob Sweet moved that Kristin purchase up to 5 tables with umbrellas from the special gift fund. Rufe Frost seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes. The vote to approve was unanimous.
She will let Ellen Smith know that the purchase of extra seating is a result of the Covid 19 pandemic.
Merri Rayno left at 10:00 to attend a library trustee’s training.
- The trustees reviewed the Draft Reopening Plan. Bob Sweet moved that we follow the reopening plan as presented. He withdrew his motion. Discussion ensued.
- The trustees decided to review the Reopening Plan and the architect’s contract at a special meeting.
Rufe Frost moved to adjourn the meeting. Teresa Horne seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous. Meeting adjourned 10:10.
Next regular meeting will be July 11th at 8:30 in the virtual format. Rufe will set up the meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Gilda Goodrich
May 9, 2020
Location: Virtual
Call to order: At 8:32 a.m. chairman Teresa Horne called the meeting of the trustees to order.
Roll Call: Teresa Horne, Chair, Gilda Goodrich, Merri Rayno, Rufus Frost V, Bob Sweet, Jane Pitt, Gina Paight, Kristin Readel. Kristin reported there was no public request to attend.
Approval of the minutes: Motion to accept the minutes for the April 11, 2020 meeting was made by Bob Sweet and seconded by Jane Pitt. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne Yes, Gilda Goodrich Yes, Merri Rayno Yes, Rufus Frost V Yes, Bob Sweet Yes, Jane Pitt Yes, Gina Paight Yes, The vote to accept was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report:
Gina reported that we will see transfer in/out amounts for the money market checking account. The library accounts were switched to online bill pay through Savings Bank of Walpole. Because checks can only be written from a checking account, any payments will need to be written from the money market account and funds transferred in from the appropriate source (Special Gift fund or Eliz. Richards Concert Fund). Rufus is working with Gina and the Savings Bank of Walpole to take over the treasurer’s responsibilities.
Gina Paight provided the treasurer’s report. Account balances as of May 9, 2020 are as follows:
Checking account: $ 1,726.12
Special Gift fund: $ 151,547.30
Elizabeth Richards Concert Fund: $ 2,051.77
Motion to accept the treasurer’s report dated May 9, 2020 was made by Jane Pitt and seconded by Teresa Horne. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Correspondence: No correspondence
Public Comment: No public comment
Director Report: Kristin answered questions about her report.
- There was discussion about the role of library ambassadors.
- Communication with the community continues to be important. Kristin will be sending a letter to the patrons through the Sentinel, Shopper, and the website. The letter is to update patrons on interim services at the library.
- There was discussion about the Draft Phased Reopening Plan. There was a question about coordinating with the town. Jane recommended that Kristin contact Cliff Warme, the town emergency management person, to get his advice on reopening the library.
- Discussion about the plexiglass storm windows. Bob will ask Doug Hamshaw his opinion. Kristin will talk to Carl about writing a grant to the LCHIP program for replacement windows.
- The Trustees thanked Kristin’s husband for cutting out the damaged sheetrock.
- The trustees decided to take no action on the large table or the need for fresh paint around the photocopier.
Motion to accept the director’s report was made by Teresa Horne and seconded by Rufe Frost. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
150 Building Committee: Bob Sweet reported on the following items:
- The committee held a Zoom meeting on May 8.
- The committee received an anonymous grant for $50,000 (no restrictions).
- A total of $704,000 has been raised: $520,000 in cash and $184,000 in outstanding pledges.
- The committee is waiting on several smaller grant requests.
- The community wide fundraising will be put off until a later date.
- An article in the next community bulletin will give an update of the project.
- The committee authorized Doug Hamshaw to ask Tom Weller to get the specifications ready to begin the bidding process.
- The selectmen would like to see the specs.
- Jane Pitt stated that the trustees will sign the contract, the Selectmen are Trustees, but she questioned if the selectmen should sign in their role as selectmen or sign acknowledging both roles. Bob will contact Tom Donovan from the NH Attorney General’s office for his opinion.
Old Business:
Rufe Frost is working with Savings Bank of Walpole on the debit card for the director.
New Business:
Kristin announced that the library just received a CLiF Grant for the summer reading program. The value is about $2000 for free books and a presentation. Summer activity planning is ongoing.
Bob Sweet moved that the meeting adjourn. Gilda Goodrich seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous. Meeting adjourned 9:30.
Next regular meeting will be June 13th at 8:30 in the virtual format. Rufe will set up the meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library, Board of Trustees Meeting, Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH
April 11, 2020
Location: Virtual
I. Call to order: At 8:32 a.m. acting chairman Teresa Horne called the meeting of the trustees to order.
II. Roll Call: Teresa Horne, Acting Chair, Gilda Goodrich, Merri Rayno, Rufus Frost V, Bob Sweet, Jane Pitt, Gina Paight, Kristin Readel. Kristin reported there was no public request to attend.
Approval of the minutes: Motion to accept the minutes for the February 8, 2020 meeting was made by Bob Sweet and seconded by Jane Pitt. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne Yes, Gilda Goodrich Yes, Merri Rayno Yes, Rufus Frost V Yes, Bob Sweet Yes, Jane Pitt Yes, Gina Paight Yes, The vote to accept was unanimous.
Correspondence: No correspondence
Public Comment: No public comment
Election of officers:
- Bob Sweet nominated Teresa Horne, Chair. Jane Pitt seconded. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
- Gilda Goodrich nominated Merri Rayno as vice chair. Jane Pitt seconded. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
- Gina Paight nominated Gilda Goodrich as secretary. Jane Pitt seconded. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
- Teresa Horne nominated Rufus Frost V as treasurer. Jane Pitt seconded. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
VI Reports:
Director Report: Kristin reported that she and the staff have been very busy.
- Book pick-ups are contact free and going well.
- Bob asked about updating the patron list. Kristin noted that the policy for the renewal of library cards should be reviewed in the future.
- The server should be up and running soon. Kristin anticipates that the library will need a new server and she will get a quote for the possible purchase for next year’s budget or from one of the library accounts.
- Discussion about the selectmen’s policy about paying employees who are ill or quarantined.
- Discussion about cleaning and sanitizing the building now and into the future.
- Discussion about reopening when and how and of course following recommendations from the State.
Motion to accept the director’s report was made by Bob Sweet and seconded by Teresa Horne. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report:
Gina Paight provided the treasurer’s report. Account balances as of April 10, 2020 are as follows:
Checking account: $ 1,684.72 This reflects the purchase of a staff laptop.
Special Gift fund: $ 151,932.60 This includes the addition of the Mary Lodge Fund.
Elizabeth Richards Concert Fund: $ 2,051.24. Kristin suggested that we make a plan to support our local restaurant sponsors.
Motion to accept the treasurer’s report dated April 10, 2020 was made by Bob Sweet and seconded by Jane Pitt. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes. The vote to accept was unanimous.
150 Building Committee: Bob Sweet reported on the following items:
- Will not break ground until spring of 2021.
- Bob reported on his conversation with Tom Donovan, Director, Charitable Trusts Unit of the NH State Attorney General’s office. Bob shared that any money expended will flow through the town budget, town meeting vote necessary and Trustees will be the vouchering agent.
- Feb 18 the 150 committee met with the selectmen to discuss the process. Selectmen want to be regularly kept informed.
- Curb cut approval- Doug Hamshaw will work on getting the approval.
- Selectmen request full bidding process not selective bidding.
- Granite culvert- Craig Cashman has pictures of the culvert. Jane reported on Craig’s observation of the condition of the culvert.
- Mary Lodge funds were taken out before the market crashed: $136,182.39.
- Moose Plate Grant – through the Governor’s Council.
- Anonymous foundation:150 Committee met with two representatives from the anonymous foundation and they will submit the library’s application at an upcoming meeting, possibly April. The request is for $50,000 to be used as a challenge grant.
- Plans are set for community fundraising.
- Currently $648,000+ in hand or pledged.
V New Business:
1. Pandemic policy- Discussion about setting a town wide plan or a library plan. Continue to follow state recommendations. Kristin will keep the town informed and continue communication with trustees.
Bob moved we ratify and endorse the actions of the director concerning the pandemic protocols that have been established by the director from the NH. Gov, the executive orders from the governor, and the NH State Library Association. Teresa seconded. Roll call vote: Teresa Horne, Yes; Gilda Goodrich, Yes; Merri Rayno, Yes; Rufus Frost V, Yes; Bob Sweet, Yes; Jane Pitt, Yes; Gina Paight, Yes.
2. Gina reported on the her research on getting a credit card for library use. We would be able to get a debit card through SBW. Kristin explained the need for the credit/debit card for on line business. She said that most of the purchases are less than $100. Discussion ensued.
Bob Sweet moved to authorize the treasurer, Rufus Frost V, to apply for a debit card at SBW with a limit of $500 a month. Rufus seconded. Jane Pitt recommended we table the motion until the May meeting. This will give Kristin time to research policy/procedures for library credit/debit cards. The motion and second were withdrawn.
Meeting adjourned 9:56.
Next regular meeting will be May 9th at 8:30 at the library or virtual as needed. Rufus will set up the same format if necessary.
Respectfully submitted, Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free , Board of Trustees Meeting, February 8, 2020
In attendance: Rufe Frost, Gilda Goodrich, Teresa Horne, Gina Paight, Jane Pitt, Kristin Readel, Bob Sweet and 150 Committee member, Doug Hamshaw
At 8:30 a.m. acting chairman Teresa Horne called the meeting of the trustees to order.
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes for the January 11, 2020 meeting was made by Bob Sweet and seconded by Jane Pitt. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report: Gina Paight provided the treasurer’s report. Account balances as of February 8, 2020 are as follows:
Checking account: $ 1,904.72 This reflects the purchase of a staff laptop.
Special Gift fund: $ 15,745.12 Gina will research CD rates for some of the special gift fund.
Elizabeth Richards Concert Fund: $ 2,050.56. Kristin will fundraise for the concert series as normal.
Motion to accept the treasurer’s report dated February 8, 2020 was made by Bob Sweet and seconded by Jane Pitt. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Director’s Report:
Kristin Readel presented her report. There was no discussion.
Motion to accept the director’s report was made by Bob Sweet and seconded by Jane Pitt. The vote to accept was unanimous.
150 Building Committee:
- Bob reported that the fundraising amount stands at $641,000, 159,000 short. He also reported that there has been a seconded ruling from the AG’s office guaranteeing that the Mary Lodge fund is available for use if it is needed.
- Bob reported that the meeting with the anonymous foundation was canceled due to weather. He hopes to reschedule before March.
- Doug Hamshaw reported on the following:The survey is in the process of being completed.The plans will be submitted to the town for a site plan review.The change in curb cut will be addressed.The 150 Committee has set a criteria for the invitational RFP. The Committee will award the bid. The selectmen will ask the town counsel to review the bid process as proposed by the 150 committee.The project will be managed by Doug Hamshaw and the architect, Weller and Michael.The Friends of the Frost Free Library will continue to pay the bills for the project.
- Bob Sweet will send Tom Donovan of the AG’s office an email explaining the particulars of the project, no town funds, the Mary Lodge fund is the property of the Library Trustees. He will send the email to the selectmen and Ellen Smith.
- Bob proposed three motions:
1. Bob moved that the Library Trustees make available the entire principal, earnings, and interest of the Mary Lodge Fund for the construction of the addition to the Frost Free Library, if needed. Rufe seconded the motion. The vote to approve was unanimous.
2. Bob moved that the entire principal, earnings, and interest of the Mary Lodge Fund be withdrawn from the Marlborough Trustees of Trust Funds and be put into a stable liquid savings instrument for the completion of the construction, at which time the Library Trustees shall determine an appropriate disposition of the Fund. Rufe seconded the motion. The vote to approve was unanimous. ( 9:40 Jane left)
3. In accord with the action of the Library Trustees on March 16, 2018, that “…the 150 Committee be authorized to proceed with all appropriate and necessary actions,” Bob moves that the Trustees authorize the 150 Committee to negotiate a contract for construction of the addition. Rufe seconded the motion. The vote to approve was unanimous.
New Business:
- Alarm update will be part of the construction.
- Kristin requested signatures for authorization for trust fund payments.
Officers will be elected at the next meeting.
Meeting adjourned 9:55.
Next regular meeting will be March 14th at 8:30 at the library.
Respectfully submitted,
Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library Board of Trustees Meeting Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH January 11, 2020
In attendance: (By Phone) Rufe Frost, Gilda Goodrich, Teresa Horne, Earl Nelson, Gina Paight, Jane Pitt, Krisitin Readel, Carl Sheapardson, Bob Sweet, and community member Mary Rayno.
At 8:33 a.m. Carl Shepardson called the meeting of the trustees to order.
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes for the December 14th, 2019 meeting was made by Bob Sweet and seconded by Teresa Horne. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report: Gina Paight provided the treasurer’s report. Account balances as of January 10, 2020 are as follows:
- Checking account: $2,176.20
- Special Gift fund: $15, 742.48
- Elizabeth Richard’s Concert Fund: $2,050.21
Motion to accept the treasurer’s report dated January 10, 2020 was made by Jane Pitt and seconded by Carl Shepardson. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Director’s Report:
Kristin Readel read her report. There was no discussion.
Motion to accept the director’s report was made by Jane Pitt and seconded by Teresa Horne. The vote to accept was unanimous.
150 Building Committee:
- Bob reported that the committee anticipates breaking ground in 2021.
- The current fund raising figure is $630,000.
- The committee and Elenor Drury will meet with the New Hampshire director of the anonymous foundation in February.
- The committee will be applying for additional grants: USDA Rural Community Grant, Eversource, Walpole Savings Bank.
- This winter the committee is planning coffee hours for community members.
Old Business:
Carl reminded the trustees that it is necessary to move income from the trust funds to the town for the purchase of books. Kristin explained that the form requires the trust fund be identified and the amount.
Teresa moved that the library trustees request the trustees of trust funds to transfer income to the town of Marlborough from the / Kate Davis Books Fund/ Kate Davis Library Book and Grounds Fund, M.J. Livingston Fund, and Russell Wallace Fund for the purpose of offsetting the proposed budget for books for 2020. Bob Sweet seconded the motion. The vote to accept was unanimous.
New Business:
Carl will be away next month, and Teresa volunteered to run February’s meeting. Speaking for the trustees, Bob extended our thanks to carl for supporting the library for his term.
At 9:06 Gina Paight moved to adjourn the meeting. Jane Pitt seconded the motion. The vote to adjourn was unanimous.
Next Regular meeting will be February 8 at 8:30 at the library.
Respectfully submitted, Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library Board of Trustees Meeting Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH December 14th, 2019
In attendance: Rufe Frost, Gilda Goodrich, Teresa Horne, Jane Pitt, Kristin Readel, Carl Shepardson, Bob Sweet, and Rob Harris a member of the trustees of trust funds.
At 8:34 a.m. Carl Shepardson called the meeting of the trustees to order.
Rob Harris, representing the trustees of trust funds, attended this meeting to answer questions that the library trustees had about the library trust funds. He gave the following information:
- The trustees of trust funds report to the Nh Attorney General’s office not the board of selectmen.
- Marlborough’s trustees of trust funds are in compliance.
- An annual report is submitted to the state, and the trustees of trust funds are audited annually.
- The library’s funds are charitable trust funds and the donors determine the use of the income.
- The library does not need to take the income every year, and it can accumulate to some extent.
- Preservation of principal is of primary importance. The professional manager, Charter Trust, is using a ‘prudent investor” strategy.
- Income grows, and principal may change from stock appreciation, but very little change.
- Mary Lodge Fund was given as a gift, but it has been treated as a. trust fund. Rob recommended that documentation about the gift be collected and sent to the Attorney General’s office. Kristin will get the documents together and Rob will send the information to the Attorney General’s office. He will also ask for a definition of “emergency”.
The trustees thanked Rob Harris for attending the meeting and sharing this important information.
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes for the November 9, 2019 meeting was made by Teresa Horne and seconded by Rufe Frost. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report: No Report
Director’s Report:
Kristin Readel presented her report. The trustees discussed security at the library. The three public computers will be replaced. Motion to go forward with the RTM purchase was made by Bob Sweet and seconded by Teresa Horne. The vote to approve the purchase was unanimous.
Motion to accept the director’s report was made by Bob Sweet and seconded by Teresa Horne. The vote to accept was unanimous.
150 Building Committee:
- Bob reported that he will be working with the HH contact person for the grant and matching grant from an anonymous foundation.
- The Moose Plate grant was received.
- The committee is researching three more grants.
- The total funds pledged or in hand for the construction is $608,000.
- The committee plans to move forward in April with contacting businesses, and they will start the community wide push in late winter.
Old Business:
Carl Shepardson reintroduced the discussion of including benefits in the director’s positions. Bob Sweet moved that an additional sentence be added to the library personnel policy under existing Director heading to read as follows: the Library director shall receive the full-time benefits defined in the town personnel policy. Teresa Horne seconded. After much discussion about the director’s hours and benefits, Bob Sweet withdrew his motion and Teresa withdrew her second. During the discussion, Jane needed to leave for a prior commitment.
Bob Sweet made a motion to return the director’s position to full-time at 37.5 hours with benefits. Rufe Frost seconded the motion. The vote to approve the motion passed.
New Business:
The trustees worked on the budget maintaining or reducing the line items. Kristin will prepare will prepare the final draft of the budget to present to the selectmen on January 7. At 11, Teresa moved to adjourn the meeting. Gilda Goodrich seconded the motion. The vote to adjourn was unanimous.
Next Regular meeting will be January 11 at 8:30 at the library.
Respectfully submitted, Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library Board of Trustees Meeting Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH November 9, 2019
In attendance: Gilda Goodrich, Teresa Horne, Gina Paight, Kristin Readel, Carl Shepardson, and Bob Sweet
At 8:35 a.m. Carl Shepardson called the meeting of the trustees to order.
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes for the October 12, 2019 meeting was made by Bob Sweet and seconded by Gina Paight. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report: Gina Paight provided the treasurer’s report. Account balances as of November 9, 2019 are as follows:
- Checking account: $ 2,187.63
- Special Gift fund: $ 15,537.29
- Elizabeth Richards Concert Fund: $ 2,049.53
Motion to accept the treasurer’s report dated November 9, 2019 was made by Bob Sweet and seconded by Teresa Horne. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Director’s Report: Kristin Readel presented her report. Kristin explained that she is researching volunteer policies in order to develop a volunteer agreement for the library. There was discussion about the theft of the DVDs.
Motion to accept the director’s report was made by Gina Paight and seconded by Gilda Goodrich. The vote to accept was unanimous.
150 Building Committee:
- Bob reported that the decision to apply for the grant and matching grant from an anonymous foundation will be made at the end of November.
- The committee should know the result of two additional grants by the end of November.
- The committee is still hopeful the break ground in 2020.
Old Business:
- Continued discussion about asking the selectmen for authorization for construction.
- Carl Shepardson shared his research on the statues about returning library trust fund income to the town. RSA 202-A:11 paragraph IV states that trustees are to “ Expend income from all trust funds for library purposes for the support and maintenance of the public library in said town or city in accordance with the conditions of each donation or bequest accepted by the town or city.” Gina will discuss with Ellen Smith how to transfer trust fund income.
Bob Sweet moved that Kristin invite the trustees of trust funds to our next meeting. Teresa Horne seconded the motion. The vote to accept was unanimous.
New Business:
The trustees discussed the personnel policy. Carl proposed, and the trustees discussed, changing the director position to full time. Gina Paight will research partial benefits.
At 10:13 Bob Sweet moved to adjourn the meeting. Teresa Horne seconded the motion. The vote to adjourn was unanimous. Next regular meeting will be December 14, 2019 at 8:30 at the library.
Respectfully submitted, Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library Board of Trustees Meeting October 12, 2019
In attendance: Rufus Frost V (by phone), Gilda Goodrich, Gina Paight, Jane Pitt, Kristin Readel, Carl Shepardson, and Bob Sweet
At 8:35 a.m. Carl Shepardson called the meeting of the trustees to order.
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes for the September 14, 2019 meeting was made by Jane Pitt and seconded by Gina Paight. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report: Gina Paight provided the treasurer’s report. Account balances as of October 12, 2019 are as follows:
- Checking account: $ 2,643.28
- Special Gift fund: $ 15,504.75
- Elizabeth Richards Concert Fund: $ 2,049.19
Motion to accept the treasurer’s report dated October 12, 2019 was made by Jane Pitt and seconded by Gina Paight. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Director’s Report:
Kristin Readel presented her report.
- The new state library interlibrary loan system, Auto-Graphics Shar-It, is going well.
- Kristin gives the new tech company, RTM, a good review.
- The trustees discussed the temporary relocation of the library during construction to the Community House basement. Many questions involved Primex. Kristin will discuss with Ellen Smith and our Primex representative about the security of the Community House, especially the elevator. Kristin will ask about a possible rider to our policy.
- Wilcox Tree Service will be trimming trees around the building and trees overhanging Library Way.
Motion to accept the director’s report was made by Bob Sweet and seconded by Gina Paight. The vote to accept was unanimous.
150 Building Committee:
- Bob reported that the decision to apply for the grant and matching grant from an anonymous foundation will be made at the end of November.
- The committee should know the result of two additional grants by the end of November.
- The committee is still hopeful the break ground in 2020.
Old Business:
- Continued discussion about asking the selectmen for authorization for construction.
- Carl Shepardson shared his research on the statues about returning library trust fund income to the town. RSA 202-A:11 paragraph IV states that trustees are to “ Expend income from all trust funds for library purposes for the support and maintenance of the public library in said town or city in accordance with the conditions of each donation or bequest accepted by the town or city.” Gina will discuss with Ellen Smith how to transfer trust fund income.
Bob Sweet moved that Kristin invite the trustees of trust funds to our next meeting. Teresa Horne seconded the motion. The vote to accept was unanimous.
New Business:
The trustees discussed the personnel policy. Carl proposed, and the trustees discussed, changing the director position to full time. Gina Paight will research partial benefits.
At 10:13 Bob Sweet moved to adjourn the meeting. Teresa Horne seconded the motion. The vote to adjourn was unanimous.Next regular meeting will be December 14, 2019 at 8:30 at the library.
Respectfully submitted, Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library Board of Trustees Meeting Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH September 14, 2019
In attendance: Carl Shepardson, Teresa Horne, Jane Pitt, Gina Paight, Kristin Readel, and Bob Sweet
At 8:34 a.m. Carl Shepardson called the meeting of the trustees to order.
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes for the Aug 10, 2019 meeting was made by Teresa Horne and seconded by Jane Pitt.The vote to accept was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report:
- Checking Account Balance $2,812.85,
- Special Gift Fund Balance $15,502.13,
- Elizabeth Richards Concert Fund $2,723.82
Bob Sweet moves to Accept as Presented, Jane Pitt Seconds, vote to accept unanimous.
ACTION: Teresa Horne will follow up with Switzer Family regarding the veteran’s memorial brick for the library.
Director’s Report:
Kristin Readel presented her report.
Requests Staff Training Day Closing for new ILL system and some changing roles. Will notify trustees once staff has agreed on a day.
Trustee replacement nominees, Selectperson appointment by Town until March to replace Craig Cashman,
ACTION: Kristin will get into closet for archives to determine who installed our current storm windows on original building to get replacement taken care of for this winter season.
Kristin will followup with Primex regarding hosting 2020 Summer Concerts on Memorial Park during construction. Still need bathroom access and parking will remain a challenge.
Trustees direct Kristin to create summary of Grant Funds she’s acquired since her start date and email to Trustees.
Trustee Sweet states he believes it is important to keep the concerts as close to the library as possible.
Bob Sweet Moves to accept as presented, Teresa Horne seconds,Vote accepted with Select persons Pitt and Paight abstaining.
150 Building Committee:
- Bob Sweet reported that the fundraising to date is $545,000.
- Later this week, Bob has a phone interview with the Fidelity Foundation of Boston and he is very hopeful for a grant and matching grant.
- The committee is still awaiting a decision on the LCHIP and Moose Plate Grants.
- The selectmen and trustees will work with the 150 Committee on the bid process. Doug Hamshaw has begun to prepare the bid on behalf of the Library. Selectmen encourage Trustees to get before Planning & Zoning in a timely manner with appropriate advance planning.
Bob Sweet moves to request Board of Selectmen to authorize construction of Library Addition.
Teresa Horne Seconds, motion accepted unanimously.
Old Business: none
New Business: FEMA Flood Plain Insurance audit for the Town of Marlborough. Kristin will send follow up information to Ellen for points for the town regarding resources available at the library.
At 9:30 Bob Sweet moved to adjourn the meeting. Carl Shepardson seconded the motion. The vote to adjourn was unanimous.Next regular meeting will be October 12, 2019 at 8:30 at the library.
Respectfully submitted, Kristin Readel
Record of the Frost Free Library Board of Trustees Meeting Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH August 10, 2019
In attendance: Rufus Frost V (by phone), Gilda Goodrich, Teresa Horne, Jane Pitt, Kristin Readel, and Bob Sweet.
At 8:35 a.m. Bob Sweet called the meeting of the trustees to order.
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes for the June 8, 2019 meeting was made by Jane Pitt and seconded by Teresa Horne. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report: No report
Director’s Report:
Kristin Readel presented her report.
- The state library is replacing the interlibrary loan system, and this may require staff training and some changes to our hardware. RTM will work with Kristin with the replacement of the current server.
- The Historical Society donated $200. The trustees agreed to use the donation for shelving upstairs for the historical books.
- Kristin and Marge Shepardson attended a Council Development Finance Authority program. She is applying for a $2,500 grant to support the All of Us partnership with the school.
- A big thank you to Don Readel for replacing light bulbs and cleaning the light covers.
- Kristin noted that the carpet in the high traffic areas of the library was dirty. The trustees agreed that the carpet should be cleaned.
150 Building Committee:
- Bob Sweet reported that the fundraising to date is $457,000.
- Later this week, Bob has a phone interview with the Fidelity Foundation of Boston and he is very hopeful for a grant and matching grant.
- The committee received a $25,000 grant from the Putnam Foundation.
- The committee is still awaiting a decision on the LCHIP and Moose Plate Grants.
- The selectmen and trustees will work with the 150 Committee on the bid process.
Old Business:
Rufe Frost shared his research on becoming a notary. He reported the fee is $75 for a 5 year commission. Rufe moved that the director be authorized to become a notary and that the library pay the $75 fee. Teresa Horne seconded the motion and the motion passed.
At 9:37 Teresa Horne moved to adjourn the meeting. Jane Pitt seconded the motion. The vote to adjourn was unanimous.
Next regular meeting will be September 14, 2019 at 8:30 at the library.
Respectfully submitted, Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library Board of Trustees Meeting Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH June 8, 2019
In attendance: Rufus Frost V (by phone), Gilda Goodrich, Teresa Horne, Jane Pitt, Kristin Readel, Bob Sweet, and Gina Paight (9:05)
At 8:37 a.m. Bob Sweet called the meeting of the trustees to order.
Correspondence: ALA regarding the 2020 census and the need for an accurate count as the data has an effect on library funding.
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes for the May 11, 2019 meeting was made by Teresa Horne and seconded by Gilda Goodrich. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report: Gina Paight provided the treasurer’s report. Account balances as of June 8, 2019 are as follows:
- Checking account: $ 2,831.62
- Special Gift fund: $ 15,139.53 This includes gifts in memory of Joanne Morse.
- Elizabeth Richards Concert Fund: $ 2,756.92
Motion to accept the treasurer’s report dated June 8, 2019 was made by Jane Pitt and seconded by Teresa Horne. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Director’s Report:
Kristin Readel presented her report.
- Kristin explained the ongoing problem with moisture in the entry way. Jane Pitt offered to donate a dehumidifier. Thank you!
- Explained a partnership with Marlborough School (All of Us) with a focus on mental health. She met with Marlborough teacher and resident, Robin Fairfield and Shannon Fuller, President of Keene Paras, to discuss the role that the library can play with this committee. Jane recommended Kristin work on a memorandum of understanding to establish the library’s role.
- Kristin will focus on mental health training for the coming year.
Motion to accept the director’s report was made by Jane Pitt and seconded by Teresa Horne. The vote to accept was unanimous.
150 Building Committee:
Bob Sweet reported that the fund raising effort for the addition has exceeded the half-way point. The committee is looking forward to the grant process. Later in the fall, the committee anticipates using the Marlborough Bulletin to communicate for the general campaign.
Old Business:
- Office computer is no longer functioning. Spaulding Hill will bring Kristin a laptop. The town is discussing a new provider for IT services.
- Motion made by Teresa Horne to buy a $150.00 brick to support the building of the veteran’s memorial. The brick will be purchased using funds from the checking account. Kristin will choose the wording. Jane Pitt seconded the motion. The vote to accept was unanimous.
At 9:37 Teresa Horne moved to adjourn the meeting. Jane Pitt seconded the motion. The vote to adjourn was unanimous.
Next regular meeting will be August 10, 2019 at 8:30 at the library.
Respectfully submitted, Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library Board of Trustees Meeting Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH May 11, 2019
In attendance: Craig Cashman, Rufus Frost V, Gilda Goodrich, Teresa Horne, Kristin Readel, and Carl Shepardson
At 8:63 a.m., Chairman Carl Shepardson called the meeting of the trustees to order.
- Invitation to the annual meeting for the NHCT
- Thank you note from Wendy Keeney
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes as amended for the April 13, 2019 meeting was made by Teresa Horne and seconded by Craig Cashman. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report: Gina Paight provided the treasurer’s report. Account balances as of April 12, 2019 are as follows:
- Checking account: $ 2,831.16
- Special Gift fund: $ 14,787.15 This includes $305 in memorial gifts in memory of Joanne Morse.
- Elizabeth Richards Concert Fund: $ 2,841.32 The library is grateful for the donations to the concert fund.
Motion to accept the treasurer’s report dated May 10, 2019 was made by Gilda Goodrich and seconded by Teresa Horne. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Director’s Report:
Kristin Readel presented her report.
Kristin shared the suggested budget line item adjustments to fund the one-time salary adjustment. Discussion ensued. Teresa moved to accept Kristin’s recommendations for budget line item adjustments to fund a one-time salary adjustment. Gilda seconded the motion. The motion passed. Craig Cashman abstained.
The trustees were asked to complete a Library Walk-Through Observation Checklist.
Kristin will continue to consider making the library a Passport Acceptance Facility. Rufe will also look into it.
150 Building Committee:
Carl Shepardson shared an email from Bob Sweet. The first round of visits to donors is nearly complete. The historic register application has been completed. The grant applications for LCHIP and Moose Plate intents have been sent.
At 9:20 Carl Shepardson adjourned the meeting.
Next regular meeting will be June 8, 2019 at 8:30 at the library.
Respectfully submitted, Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library Board of Trustees Meeting Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH April 13, 2019
In attendance: Craig Cashman, Rufus Frost III, Rufus Frost V, Gilda Goodrich, Teresa Horne, Gina Paight, Jane Pitt, Kristin Readel, Carl Shepardson and Bob Sweet
At 8:33 a.m., Chairman, Rufus Frost called the meeting of the trustees to order. Chairman Frost introduced his grandson Rufus Frost V, Rufe, who will be joining the board of trustees.
Correspondence: Kristin reported that the library received a letter from a patron thanking the staff for their ongoing support.
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes for the March 9, 2019 meeting was made by Teresa Horne and seconded by Craig Cashman. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report: Gina Paight provided the treasurer’s report. Account balances as of April 12, 2019 are as follows:
- Checking account: $ 2,772.03
- Special Gift fund: $ 14,482.15
- Elizabeth Richards Concert Fund: $ 2,061.32
Postcards have been sent to community members to solicit donations for the concerts.
Motion to accept the treasurer’s report dated April 12, 2019 was made by Carl Shepardson and seconded by Craig Cashman. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Director’s Report:
Kristin Readel presented her report. Jane Pitt addressed the budget process with regards to pay raises for town employees. Carl questioned which board has the responsibility to adjust the pay rates for library personnel. Carl referred to the RSA that gives the trustees the authority to set pay rates for library personnel. Bob moved that the trustees ask the director to shift budget line items to rectify salary irregularities. Teresa Horne seconded. The motion passed. Gina Paight opposed. Kristin will have the exact numbers at the next meeting.
150 Building Committee:
Bob Sweet reported for the 150 Committee. Bob reported that the committee has pledges and donations of $319,500. He feels that the goal of $400,000 by June 1 is attainable. The committee is compiling a list of major donor prospects and work on grants will begin soon.
Carl reported that in 1997 the library was registered on the National Register of Historic Places. He noted that registration needs to be updated every 10 years. Kristin and Rufus will look for the original application. Carl explained that grants for improving the original structure are available from LCHIP and N.H. Moose Plate Program. He also suggested that in kind donations for demolition in the original section might be used as matching funds.
Old Business: Gina reminded the trustees that interest money from book trust funds will need to be transferred to the budget to offset the budget.
New Business: Bob Sweet nominated Carl Shepardson as the next board chairman. Teresa seconded. The vote to support Bob’s nomination was in the affirmative. The Trustees thanked Rufus Frost III for his many years of service.
At 9:35 Rufus Frost adjourned the meeting.
Next regular meeting will be May 11, 2019 at 8:30 at the library.
Respectfully submitted, Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH
March 9, 2019
In attendance: Craig Cashman, Gina Paight, Kristin Readel, Carl Shepardson, Rufus Frost
8:37 Called to Order, Rufus Frost
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes for the February 9, 2019, meeting was made by Carl Shepardson and seconded by Gina Paight. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report:
Gina Paight reported the following:
- Checking account: $3,017.18
- Special Gift Fund: $14,479.69
- Elizabeth Richards Concert Fund: $2,060.97
Motion to accept the treasurer’s report was made by Carl Shepardson and seconded by Craig Cashman. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Director’s Report:
Carl Shepardson moved to accept as presented, Craig Cashman seconded, Vote to accept was unanimous
150 Committee:
Fundraising continues with good results, Plans and brochures will be available at upcoming town meeting. Doug Hamshaw & Charlie MacVeagh will make a brief presentation under Warrant Article at the direction of Moderator Goodrich
Carl Shepardson reported communication breakdown in regards to his grant exploration duties for the committee and was directed to contact Eleanor Drury.
Committee requests the Trustees to draft and accept Whistle Blower and conflict of interest policies to pave the way for future grant procurement. Sample policies reviewed and accepted. Kristin will post to website and include in manual.
Kristin is looking for 150 partner to join her for Lion’s Club Speaker Meeting. March 21st to inform the group on the project.
Old Business: No report
New Business: Rufus Frost succession planning. Expresses wish to retire as Chair of the Trustees, those in attendance accept with GREAT regret and express intent to maintain the Frost family as ex officio. Rufus will contact his grandson to inquire about his ability to take on the mantle for the Frost Family. Kristin will inquire with Pastor Joe if he is ready/able to join us in April.
At 9:07 Rufus Frost adjourned the meeting. Next regular meeting will be April 13, 2019 at 8:30 at the library.
Respectfully submitted, Kristin Readel
Record of the Frost Free Library Board of Trustees Meeting Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH February 9, 2019
In attendance: Craig Cashman, Teresa Horne, Gina Paight, Jane Pitt, Kristin Readel, Carl Shepardson, and Bob Sweet via phone8:40 Acting chairman, Carl Shepardson called the meeting of the trustees to order.
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes for the January 12, 2019 meeting was made by Jane Pitt and seconded by Gina Paight. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report:
Gina Paight reported the following:
- Checking account: $2,948.02
- Special Gift Fund: $14.475.01
- Elizabeth Richards Concert Fund: $2,060.31
Motion to accept the treasurer’s report was made by Jane Pitt and seconded by Craig Cashman. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Director’s Report:
Kristin Readel reported the following:
- Building Maintenance: Webinar with Primex regarding parking lot condition, no heat upstairs, chilly in director’s office, Amer Electric replaced batteries on Fire Alarm Panel, Gina Paight looking into grant for LED lighting.
- Outreach: Marlborough Bulletin coming back on-line, FFL will cosponsor first issue, local committee is organizing editorial content. Goodwill in Community!
- Programming: Jane’s book group discussed August Heat, Kathleen’s Chicken story time perfect for NH Charitable Trust visit, Kathleen’s last day 2/14 (will cover Jane’s vacation as a sub), drop in knitters continue to meet, Bring your own device, no takers yet but several appointments for Libby.
- Technology: Successful transition to Spaulding Hill, working out kinks, new scanner installed, original sent for diagnostics and being sent back, 2nd scanner will be helpful.
Motion to accept the director’s report was made by Teresa Horne and seconded by Jane Pitt. The vote to accept was unanimous.
150 Committee:
Discussion regarding the financial sustainably of the FFL addition. A motion was made by Bob Sweet that the trustees agree income from unrestricted trust funds may be used to offset routine expenses of the library addition and seconded by Gina Paight. The vote to accept was unanimous.A second motion was made by Bob Sweet that the Board of Trustees apply for the Frost Free Library to be placed on the New Hampshire Registry of Historic Buildings and seconded by Jane Pitt. The vote to accept was unanimous.A third motion was made by Bob Sweet that the Report to FFL Trustees Use of Certain Trust Funds be included in the minutes and seconded by Carl Shepardson. The vote to accept was unanimous.
New Business: No Report
Old Business: No report
At 9:55 Carl Shepardson adjourned the meeting. Next regular meeting will be March 9, 2019 at 8:30 at the library.
Respectfully submitted, Teresa Horne
Record of the Frost Free Library Board of Trustees Meeting Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH January 12, 2019
In attendance: Craig Cashman, Rufus Frost, Gilda Goodrich, Teresa Horne, Jane Pitt, Kristin Readel, and Carl Shepardson
Due to the ice and cold, the trustees’ meeting was moved to the Frost home on Frost Hill. At 8:45 a.m., Chairman, Rufus Frost called the meeting of the trustees to order.
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes for the December 15, 2018 meeting was made by Jane Pitt and seconded by Craig Cashman. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report: No report
Director’s Report:
Kristin Readel reported the following:
- She toured Moggie’s with owner, Brandt Onorato. She determined that it would not make a suitable temporary location for the library during construction.
- We will continue to stay with Homeland for cleanout from snow.
- The library staff is finding Spaulding Hill technology services very helpful.
- She has updated “Answers for Advocates of Frost Free Library.”
Motion to accept the Director’s Report was made by Teresa Horne and seconded by Carl Shepardson. The vote to accept was unanimous.
150 Building Committee:
Rufus Frost updated the trustees about fundraising. Jane Pitt reminded the trustees about the upcoming town meeting and getting support from the town. She recommends an advisory warrant article.
Old Business:
- The trustees directed Kristin to hire someone to clean the covers of the fluorescent lights.
- She will look into having the outside of the windows cleaned.
- Kristen mentioned that she would like the safe in her office removed.
New Business:
Kristin indicated that the trustees should begin some long range planning.
At 9:22 Rufus Frost adjourned the meeting.
Next regular meeting will be February 9, 2019 at 8:30 at the library.
Respectfully submitted,
Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library Board of Trustees Meeting Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH December 15, 2018
In attendance: Rufus Frost, Carl Shepardson, Kristin Readel, Jane Pitt, Gina Paight, Bob Sweet and Teresa HorneAt 8:36 am Chairman, Rufus Frost called the meeting of the trustees to order.
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes for the November 10, 2018 meeting was made by Bob Sweet and seconded by Jane Pitt with Gina Paight abstaining. Vote accepted
Treasurer’s Report: Gina Paight reported the following:
- Checking Account: $2,962.15
- Special Gift Fund: $14,471.37
- Elizabeth Richards Concert Fund: $2,059.79
Motion to accept the treasurers report was made by Bob Sweet and seconded by Carl Shepardson, the vote was unanimous.
Director’s Report: Kristin Readel reported the following:
- Challenge of discarding of weeded books.
- Overnight parking in the library lot, Kristen will contact Marlborough Police Department to monitor the lot.
- Spaulding Hill Networks awarded town IT.
- 10 people attended the festive tea with the Friends of Frost Free.
- Mini grant submitted for Back Pack Kit – Get Out In Marlborough in collaboration with Conservation Commission.
- Roxbury residents to buy out of town library pass.
Motion to accept the director’s report was made by Gina Paight and seconded by Jane Pitt, the vote was unanimous.
150 Committee Report: Bob Sweet and Rufus Frost reported the following:
- Russell Brandwein creating a 150 Campaign Brochure.
- Selectmen to arrange agenda item for town meeting.
- Jane Pitt will contact Ellen Smith, Town Administrator regarding on-line contributions.
- 100 letters were sent to descendants of Rufus Frost seeking contributions.
- Bob Sweet will research Kate Davis’ will and Mary Lodge gift with Terry Knowles, Charitable Trust-AGA.
- Bob Sweet continuing to discuss relocation of library services during construction.
At 9:37 Rufus Frost adjourned the meeting.
Next regular meeting will be January 12, 2019 at 8:30 at the library.
Respectfully submitted,
Teresa Horne
Record of the Frost Free Library Board of Trustees Meeting Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH November 10, 2018
In attendance: Craig Cashman, Rufus Frost, Gilda Goodrich, Teresa Horne, Kristin Readel, Carl Shepardson and Bob Sweet
At 8:30 the trustees met with Amer Electric to learn about the fire alarm and panic button.
Following the training, the trustees reconvened at the Frost home on Frost Hill. At 8:55 a.m., Chairman, Rufus Frost called the meeting of the trustees to order.
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes for the October 13, 2018 meeting was made by Carl Shepardson and seconded by Craig Cashman. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report: No report
Director’s Report:
Kristin Readel reported the following:
- Training the new youth assistant, Jaiden Blanchard, is going well.
- Filimonov plumbing replaced the outside silcock, and vent and added snow cleats around the roof pipes.
- Craig will research library snow removal.
- There was discussion about IT services. Kristin reported that the internet problem was solved. The library paid $240 to renew the domain name.
- The library will be open Nov. 11 during the Veterans’ Day ceremony.
- Dustin Wilcox will cut down the spruce tree on November 14 at 8:00 AM.
Bob Sweet moved that the Lions’ Club take the spruce tree for the community Christmas tree. Teresa Horne seconded the motion. The motion passed.
The trustees accepted the director’s report.
150 Building Committee: Bob Sweet reported the following:
- The committee is investigating the library’s trust funds.
- Eric Horne is setting up a data system for donors, and Teresa Horne will do the data entry.
- The Brandwein family, local graphic artists, have offered to create a brochure for the fundraising campaign.
- The committee met with Dan Mitchell about radio publicity. He has offered support.
- On December 4th, Ames Auto Museum will host an informational meeting about the library project. People who were interviewed by Eleanor Drury will be invited.
New Business:
Carl offered to organize the hanging of the CLiF banner.
At 9:35 Rufus Frost adjourned the meeting.
Next regular meeting will be December 8, 2018 at 8:30 at the library.
Respectfully submitted,
Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library Board of Trustees Meeting Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH October 13, 2018
In attendance: Craig Cashman, Rufus Frost, Gilda Goodrich, Jane Pitt, Kristin Readel, and Carl Shepardson
At 8:35 a.m., Chairman, Rufus Frost called the meeting of the trustees to order.
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes for the September 15, 2018 meeting was made by Jane Pitt and seconded by Craig Cashman. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report: Gina Paight provided the treasurer’s report. Account balances as of October 13, 2018 are as follows:
- Checking account: $ 3,892.91
- Special Gift fund: $ 14,419.53 this includes a gift from the Historical Society
- Elizabeth Richards Concert Fund: $ 2,059.53
Motion to accept the treasurer’s report dated October 13, 2018 was made by Jane Pitt and seconded by Craig Cashman. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Director’s Report:
Kristin Readel said the library was very busy this month.
- A candidate for the position of youth circulation assistant is going through the process.
- The trustees asked several questions about the checking account. Kristin will check with Gina to see if there is a checking account policy.
- There was a discussion about payroll for substitutes for the director or circulation desk (assistant librarian). Kristin will meet with Ellen Smith at the town hall to review personnel procedures.
- Kristin explained that after the Hancock library built their meeting room programing increased. She also noted the Hancock library director spends 30% of her time on programing.
- Kristin explained that the library is a member of the National Library of Medicine.
- Ira Gavrin will lead a hike on Saturday, November 17th, 10:30 the Allen Property.
Rufus Frost asked the trustees to accept the Director’s Report. The vote to accept was unanimous.
150 Building Committee:
Rufus Frost reported that the Feasibility Study results indicate that a fundraising campaign for the new addition should be successful.
Old Business:
Kristin announced the CLif Rural Libraries Kickoff at Marlborough School on Thursday, November 8th , 9-2.
New Business:
The library will be open for Veteran’s Day of the outdoor ceremony.
At 9:35 Rufus Frost adjourned the meeting.
Next regular meeting will be November 10, 2018 at 8:30 at the library.
Respectfully submitted,
Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library Board of Trustees Meeting Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH September 15, 2018
In attendance: Craig Cashman, Rufus Frost, Gilda Goodrich, Teresa Horne, Jane Pitt, Kristin Readel, Carl Shepardson, and Bob Sweet
At 8:34 a.m., Chairman, Rufus Frost called the meeting of the trustees to order.
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes for the July 14, 2018 meeting was made by Jane Pitt and seconded by Teresa Horne. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report: Gina Paight provided the treasurer’s report. Account balances as of September 14, 2018 are as follows:
- Checking account: $ 4,143.72
- Special Gift fund: $ 14,215.96 This includes a gift from the McVeagh family
- Elizabeth Richards Concert Fund: $ 2,059.02 All bands have been paid.
Motion to accept the treasurer’s report dated September 14, 2018 was made by Teresa Horne and seconded by Carl Shepardson. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Director’s Report:
Because of trouble with the server, Kristin Readel provided an oral report. She will send out the written report when she is able to access it on the server. She took questions about her report.
- Kristin suggested that we move to a “Shine Only” policy for concerts and other outdoor programing. She explained that moving the concerts because of rain is not only difficult on the library staff, but it is also difficult on the bands. Bob Sweet moved that a “Shine Only” policy for outdoor programing be established. Carl Shepardson seconded the motion. The vote to accept was unanimous.
- She explained that the shared documents in the server have failed. She noted that the server is not really operable. While she is having the technician look into the problem, she wants the trustees to be aware that the server might need replacing.
- She reminded the trustees that the annual conference for the NHMA is coming up.
- The Friends’ annual book sale is just around the corner.
- She shared the Nubanusit Coop meeting minutes- many building project reported
- Many volunteer and service opportunities were presented.
Motion to accept the director’s report dated September 15, 2018 was made by Bob Sweet and seconded by Jane Pitt. The vote to accept was unanimous.
150 Building Committee: Bob Sweet reported the following:
- The trustees reviewed an updated list of the library trust funds.
- Bob reported on the preliminary results of the financial feasibility study for fundraising potential. Eleanor Drury is nearly finished with the interviews, and she is very encouraged about the results. She also noted that there is good interest from several charitable foundations. He also noted that Ms. Drury discovered other valuable information. Based on the preliminary report, the committee has decided to move forward with the fundraising.
- Bob Sweet asked if he could investigate the possibility of borrowing from trust funds against anticipated pledges in lieu of a bridge loan. He will contact the Attorney General Charitable Trusts Unit and Jane Pitt will speak with the town counsel.
- Prior to the fundraising, the trustees will need to answer the question of funding any increase of the ongoing operating costs for the library with the new addition. Several suggestions were made about how to fund any additional operating costs.
Old Business:
Kristin asked the trustees to accept the CliF Rural Library grant. Jane Pitt moved that the trustees accept the CliF grant. Teresa Horne seconded the motion. The vote to accept was unanimous.
At our next meeting we will discuss the credit card and Kindles through Amazon.
At 9:55 Rufus Frost adjourned the meeting.
Next regular meeting will be October 13, 2018 at 8:30 at the library.
Respectfully submitted, Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library Board of Trustees Meeting Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH July 14, 2018
At 8:33 a.m., Chairman, Rufus Frost called the meeting of the trustees to order.
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes as amended for the June 9, 2018 meeting was made by Teresa Horne and seconded by Bob Sweet. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report: Gina Paight provided the treasurer’s report. Account balances as of July 14, 2018 are as follows:
- Checking account: $ 4,038.46
- Special Gift fund: $ 14,164.16
- Elizabeth Richards Concert Fund: $ 3,253.65
Motion to accept the treasurer’s report dated July 14, 2018 was made by Jane Pitt and seconded by Bob Sweet. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Director’s Report:
Kristin Readel took questions about her report and provided additional information.
- There was further discussion about the library getting a credit card. Kristin will research how other libraries have solved the credit card problem.
- Kristin announced that our high school library aide, Angel Marcello, graduated, and the library is looking for a high school student to work 2 hours a week.
- It was announced that Terri Knowles, assistant to the AG’s office as part of the Charitable Trust Unit, is retiring. Her guidance and support will be missed.
- There was discussion about the policy for the private use of the library meeting room. We will continue this discussion at a future meeting.
150 Building Committee:
- Bob Sweet reported that the committee will be sending letters to 35 people requesting interviews to take place in August. The purpose of the interviews is to find out additional information.
- Bob shared trustee concerns about the brook downstream from the proposed construction with the engineer. The engineer felt that the brook would not be a problem with the understanding that construction always has the possibility of problems. The engineer also reviewed the underground camera footage of the brook filmed two years ago.
- The committee thanked Kristin for her help with the campaign.
New Business:
Kristin announced the CLif summer readers’ grant program will be held Tuesday, August 14 at the Community House. She is encouraging the community to attend.
At 9:28 Rufus Frost adjourned the meeting.
No meeting in August. Next regular meeting will be September 15, 2018 at 8:30 at the library.
Respectfully submitted, Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library Board of Trustees Meeting Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH June 9, 2018
In attendance: Craig Cashman, Rufus Frost, Gilda Goodrich, Teresa Horne, Jane Pitt, Kristin Readel, and Bob Sweet
At 8:33 a.m., Chairman, Rufus Frost called the meeting of the trustees to order.
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes of the May 12, 2018 was made by Bob Sweet and seconded by Jane Pitt. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report: No report
Director’s Report –Kristin Readel shared the director’s report for June. Kristin explained that the library needs a credit card to do online business, and with a credit card, the library also needs a credit card policy. Discussion ensued. Bob Sweet moved that the director establish a credit card for the purpose of online purchases with a limit of $500.00. Teresa Horne seconded. Discussion continued. Kristin will provide a policy at the next meeting. The vote to approve was unanimous.Motion to accept the director’s report dated June 9, 2018 was made by Teresa Horne and seconded by Jane Pitt. The vote to accept was unanimous.
150 Building Committee:Bob Sweet reported that the committee is planning the feasibility study with Eleanor Drury. The goal of the campaign is $750,000. Interviews will help establish large scale givers and gather input from the community. Rufus reminded the trustees about the limited parking issue. He recommended that the trustees draft a letter to the Federated Church board about mutual shared parking. Rufus and Bob will work on the memorandum of understanding. Bob Sweet asked about current and future staffing needs. Kristin will take a look at current staffing within the hours with safety in mind. She will also take a look at future programing and examine the need for additional staffing.
Bob Sweet mentioned that closing the library during construction might result in a lower bib from a contractor. Bob offered to research temporary library locations. Gilda Goodrich moved that Bob Sweet pursue an alternative location for the library for the period of the construction. Jane Pitt seconded the motion. The vote to approve was unanimous.
At 9:48 Rufus Frost adjourned the meeting.
Next regular meeting will be July 14, 2018 at 8:30 at the library.
Respectfully submitted, Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library Board of Trustees Meeting Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH May 12, 2018
In attendance: Gilda Goodrich, Teresa Horne, Jane Pitt, Kristin Readel, Carl Shepardson, and Bob Sweet
At 8:35 a.m., acting chairman, Bob Sweet called the meeting of the trustees to order.
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes of the March 10, 2018 was made by Teresa Horne and seconded by Carl Shepardson. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Motion to accept the minutes of the April 21, 2018 was made by Carl Shepardson and seconded by Teresa Horne. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report: No report
Director’s Report –Kristin Readel shared the director’s report for May. There was discussion about a problem with the library’s email accounts. Jane will research the answer at the town hall. Jane further explained that a specialist has come in to inventory the town’s IT needs.
150 Building Committee:Bob Sweet reported that the committee is still collecting preliminary estimates before beginning a financial feasibility study for fundraising potential. Jane reminded the trustees that there needs to be town approval for the project. She will get the legal opinion whether the selectmen can give the approval.
New Business: The trustees reviewed several general library policies. Jane asked if the right to know law and the confidentiality policy are in agreement. Kristin will check the right to know law verses confidentiality.
At 9:33 Teresa Horne moved to adjourn the meeting and Jane Pitt seconded the motion. The vote to adjourn was unanimous.
Next regular meeting will be June 9, 2018 at 8:30 at the library.
Respectfully submitted, Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library Board of Trustees Meeting Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH April 21, 2018
In attendance: Rufus Frost, Craig Cashman, Gilda Goodrich, Teresa Horne, Gina Paight, Kristin Readel and Carl Shepardson,
At 8:37 a.m., Rufus Frost called the meeting of the trustees to order.
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes of the special trustees’ meeting on March 16, 2018, with corrections, was made by Teresa Horne and seconded by Carl Shepardson. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report: Gina Paight distributed and explained the banking activity report dated April 21, 2018. She noted that concert donations are coming in slowly. A discussion about concert donations ensued.
Account balances as of April 21, 2018 are as follows:
- Checking account: 3,685.68
- Special Gift fund: 14,159.89
- Elizabeth Richards Concert Fund: 3,557.56
Motion to accept the treasurer’s report dated April 21, 2018 was made by Carl Shepardson and seconded by Teresa Horne. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Director’s Report –Kristin Readel presented her report. There was no discussion.Motion to accept the director’s report for April 2018 was made by Teresa Horne and seconded by Carl Shepardson. The vote to accept was unanimous.
150 Building Committee:Rufus Frost explained several changes to the proposed plans. The director’s office has been moved to the front of the library and an emergency exit has been added to the proposed youth area. The committee met with Eleanor Drury about undertaking a feasibility study for fundraising potential. The committee is seeking a cost estimate to use for planning purposes.
New Business:The trustees read over a Fact Sheet from the Association of Library Trustees, Advocates, Friends and Foundations, a division of the American Library Association. It outlined the relationship between trustees and Friends of the Library. The trustees reviewed a preliminary copy of a patron pamphlet.
Next regular meeting will be May 12, 2018 at 8:30 at the library.At 9:15 a.m. Rufus Frost adjourned the meeting.
Respectfully submitted, Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library Board of Trustees Meeting Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH March 10, 2018
In attendance: Rufus Frost, Gilda Goodrich, Beverly Harris, Teresa Horne, Gina Paight, Jane Pitt, Kristin Readel and Carl Shepardson,
At 8:33 a.m., Rufus Frost called the meeting of the trustees to order.
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes from February 10, 2018 was made by Beverly Harris and seconded by Carl Shepardson. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report: Gina Paight distributed and explained the banking activity reports dated February 19, 2018 and March 10, 2018. Kristin asked several questions about the 1000 Books Grant. Kristin presented the preliminary concert schedule, and announced plans to send out the postcards asking for concert fund contributions this month.
Account balances as of March 10, 2018 are as follows:
- Checking account: 3,538.93
- Special Gift fund: 14,157.10
- Elizabeth Richards Concert Fund: 3,395.61
Motion to accept the treasurer’s report dated February 19, 2018 was made by Bev Harris and seconded by Jane Pitt. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Director’s Report –Kristin Readel reported that following a pre-safety inspection with Primex, several building safety issues are being addressed. The NH Department of Labor inspected the library on March 9th. She also reported that the State Interlibrary Loan is down and loans are now being handled by phone. This is impacting staff time.Motion to accept the director’s report dated March 10, 2018 was made by Teresa Horne and seconded by Jane Pitt. The vote to accept was unanimous.
150 Building Committee:Rufus Frost announced a joint meeting with the Friends for Friday, March 16th at 4:30 at his home on Frost Hill Road. The 150 Building Committee and the architect will present the plans for the new addition. The Friends and Trustees will vote whether to accept the proposed plans.
New Business:The trustees had a short discussion on the proposed by-laws. A motion to accept the proposed by-laws, with Bob Sweet’s changes, was made by Jane Pitt and seconded by Carl Shepardson. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Next regular meeting will be April 21, 2018 at 8:30 at the library. At 9:03 a.m. Rufus Frost adjourned the meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library Board of Trustees Meeting Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH February 10, 2018
In attendance: Rufus Frost, Gilda Goodrich, Beverly Harris, Teresa Horne, Jane Pitt, Kristin Readel and Carl Shepardson,
At 8:36 a.m., Rufus Frost called the meeting of the trustees to order.
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes from January 20, 2018 was made by Beverly Harris and seconded by Jane Pitt. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report: No report
Director’s Report –Kristin Readel reported that the library has been very busy. She reported that several maintenance issues have been addressed: new thermostat, stack room painting, and roof snow removal. The trustees discussed and compared the library statistics for the last 10 years. The library staff continues to visit the Marlborough preschool, each time providing a bin of books, and the kindergarten teacher has inquired about her class visiting the library.
150 Building Committee:Rufus Frost shared a preliminary copy of the library addition plan. There was discussion about the placement of the director’s office and the location of the Friends’ ongoing book sale. Rufus will contact the architect with the trustees’ questions.
New Business: The by-law discussion will be delayed until the next meeting.
Next meeting will be March 10, 2018 at 8:30 at the library. At 9:45 a.m. Rufus Frost adjourned the meeting.
Respectfully submitted, Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library Board of Trustees Meeting
Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH January 20, 2018
In attendance: Rufus Frost, Gilda Goodrich, Beverly Harris, Teresa Horne, Gina Paight, Jane Pitt, Kristin Readel and Carl Shepardson,
At 8:33 a.m., Rufus Frost called the meeting of the trustees to order.
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes from December 9, 2017 was made by Carl Shepardson and seconded by Beverly Harris. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report: Gina Paight distributed and explained the banking activity report dated January 20, 2018. She explained that the $174.50 Brodart deposit was an overpayment for books. There were several gifts this past month from the families of Bodwell, Bothwell and Bowes. Gina gave Kristin an updated accounting for the 1000 Books Grant. Account balances are as follows:
- Checking account: 3,979.87
- Special Gift fund: 14,497.71
- Elizabeth Richards Concert Fund: 3,395.28
Motion to accept the treasurer’s report was made by Teresa Horne and seconded by Jane Pitt. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Director’s Report – Kristin Readel presented her detailed report explaining building maintenance, community outreach, and upcoming activities. The selectmen explained that the Radner IT contract has been approved for 2018. The selectmen further explained, that going forward, they planned to study the overall IT needs for the town. Kristin reported that the flag pole rope broke. She contacted Trent from the Legion, and they will take care of replacing the rope. Motion to accept the director’s report was made by Teresa Horne and seconded by Beverly Harris. The vote to accept was unanimous.
150 Building Committee: Rufus Frost announced that the committee will meet January 25. They are planning to give a short update at town meeting.
New Business: Kristin, Carl and Rufus will meet with the town budget committee Monday, January 22 at 4:30.
The trustees reviewed the mission statement. Carl Shepardson moved that the new mission statement be as follows, “The mission of the Frost Free Library is to provide access to quality materials, and services which fulfill educational, informational, cultural, and recreational needs of the entire community in an atmosphere that is welcoming, respectful, and businesslike.” Teresa Horne seconded the motion. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Next meeting will be February 10, 2018 at 8:30. At 9:30 a.m. Rufus Frost adjourned the meeting.
Respectfully submitted, Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library Board of Trustees Meeting Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH December 9, 2017
In attendance: Rufus Frost, Gilda Goodrich, Teresa Horne, Jane Pitt, Kristin Readel, Carl Shepardson, and Bob Sweet
At 8:35 a.m., Rufus Frost called the meeting of the trustees to order.
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes from November 18, 2017 was made by Bob Sweet and seconded by Carl Shepardson. Vote to accept was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report: Gina Paight distributed a report dated December 9, 2017.
- Checking account: 3,340.24
- Special Gift fund: 14,346.49
- Elizabeth Richards Concert Fund: 3,394.99
Motion to accept the treasurer’s report was made by Bob Sweet and seconded by Jane Pitt. Vote to accept was unanimous.
Director’s Report –Kristin Readel explained that the annual membership to the NHLTA is $40 per person. Several trustees declined membership, explaining that they can read the newsletter at the library.
She also reported on the following:
- Nikki Demarest took story time to Marlborough preschool. A preschooler’s family visited the library following preschool. The child was signed up for 1000 Books.
- The preliminary budget was presented and discussed. The trustees thanked Kristin for her thoughtful work on the budget.
- Kristin will get the estimated amount for a full time librarian.
Foundation Report: Bob Sweet reported that the new name for the foundation will be the 150 Building Committee. It will become a commitee of the Friends. A separate bank account will be set-up for the 150 Building Committee.The trustees viewed preliminary concepts for the librarian addition.
Next meeting will be January 13, 2017 at 8:30.At 9:55 a.m. Teresa Horne moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Jane Pitt. Vote to adjourn was unanimous.
Respectfully submitted, Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library Board of Trustees Meeting Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH November 18, 2017
In attendance: Rufus Frost, Gilda Goodrich, Beverly Harris, Kristin Readel, Carl Shepardson, and Bob Sweet
At 8:35 a.m., Rufus Frost called the meeting of the trustees to order.
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes from October 14, 2017 was made by Bob Sweet and seconded by Beverly Harris. Vote to accept was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report: Gina Paight sent the following report dated November 17, 2017.
- Checking account: 3,854.89 The balance includes a $1000.00 grant from the Keene and Elm City Rotary
- Special Gift fund: 14,594.15 The balance includes a Helen Gordon gift of $1500.00
- Elizabeth Richards Concert Fund: 3,394.43
Motion to accept the treasurer’s report dated November 17, 2017 was made by Carl Shepardson and seconded by Bob Sweet. Vote to accept was unanimous.
Kristin Readel explained the two donations.
Beverly Harris moved to accept the Keene and Elm City Rotary grant of $1000 to the checking account. Bob Sweet seconded. The vote to accept was unanimous.Bob Sweet moved to accept the Helen Gordon $1,500 donation to the Special Gift Fund. Carl Shepardson seconded. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Director’s Report –Kristin Readel reported that she attended NHLA Engaging Communities. She stated that the program was inspiring. The deposit for Superior Door was submitted and work on the front doors should begin soon. The quotes to paint the original library from Stebbins painting were discussed. The trustees approved Stebbins’ quote to spot paint the ceiling and walls where needed.Kristin asked about budget preparation. A discussion ensued.Bob Sweet moved that the costs of the director’s position returning to 40 hours per week be determined. Carl seconded. The motion passed; Beverly Harris abstained. Kristin will contact Ellen Smith at the town hall for the information.The motion to accept the director’s report was made by Bob Sweet and seconded by Beverly Harris. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Foundation Report: Bob Sweet reported that on November 30th the Directors will meet with architect Tom Weller.
- Kristin gave several directors and Mr. Weller a tour of the library.
- All directors, except one, have toured the library.
- Bob also reported that the directors are continuing to discuss forming a 501C3 or becoming a subcommittee of the Friends and using their 501C3 status. The trustees discussed this idea and made several recommendations for Bob to relay to the directors.
Next meeting will be December 9, 2017 at 8:30.
At 9:40 a.m. Rufus Frost adjourned the meeting.
Record of the Frost Free Library Board of Trustees Meeting Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH October 14, 2017
In attendance: Rufus Frost, Gilda Goodrich, Beverly Harris, Jane Pitt, Kristin Readel, Carl Shepardson, and Bob Sweet
At 8:32 a.m., Rufus Frost called the meeting of the trustees to order.
Treasurer’s Report: The report will be emailed.The trustees reviewed a Town of Marlborough Actual and Budgeted Expenses and Encumbrance report for September. There were several questions about the Contract, labor and equipment category. Kristin will research the answers.
Director’s Report –Kristin Readel reported that she has been actively working with the school’s afterschool program director, Frannie Ashworth. She also reported that Bring Your Own Devices with Sarah Bollinger has been very successful. The motion to accept the director’s report was made by Bob Sweet and seconded by Carl Shepardson. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Foundation Report:Rufus Frost reported that the Board of Directors for the foundation met September 28th at the town hall. Bob Sweet reported that the directors requested additional input from the staff and the trustees. A discussion ensued.
Old Business: The trustees decided to repair the front door hinges. Jane Pitt moved up to $1000 from the Mary Lodge Fund be used to repair the front doors. Bob Sweet seconded and the vote to approve was unanimous.
Next meeting will be November 18, 2017 at 8:30.At 9:45 a.m. Carl Shepardson moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Bob Sweet. Vote to adjourn was unanimous.
Respectfully submitted,
Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library Board of Trustees Meeting Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH September 9, 2017
In attendance: Rufus Frost, Gilda Goodrich, Beverly Harris, Teresa Horne, Gina Paight, Jane Pitt, Kristin Readel, Carl Shepardson, and Bob Sweet
At 8:32 a.m., Rufus Frost called the meeting of the trustees to order.
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes from July 22, 2017 was made by Bob Sweet and seconded by Jane Pitt. Vote to accept was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report: Gina Paight reported the following:
The balances are updated through September 9, 2017
- Checking account: 3,200.85
- Special gifts fund: 13,093.07
- Elizabeth Richards Concert Fund: 3,394.15
Discussion ensued about donations. Gina will follow-up on the concert sponsorship donations.
Motion to accept the treasurer’s report dated September 9, 2017 was made by Bob Sweet and seconded by Jane Pitt. Vote to accept was unanimous.
Director’s Report –Kristin Readel reported that she is getting an estimate to repair the ceiling of the old building. She is also getting an estimate for reproduction hinges for the front doors. There was discussion about the library’s emergency management plan. Currently, the plan is to call 911. The motion to accept the director’s report was moved by Bob Sweet and seconded by Teresa Horne. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Foundation Report: Bob Sweet moved that the following people be elected as Directors of the Frost Free Library Foundation: Michael Farhm, Rufus S. Frost III, Douglas Hamshaw, Maidli Hill, Charlton MacVeagh, Jr., Jeffrey Miller, Cheri Nutting, Robert K. Sweet, Jr. and Sarah Wardell. Jane Pitt seconded the motion. The motion was approved.Bob reported that the building committee of the foundation will need clear direction, and to that end, Bob presented a summary of the Patience Jackson report. He announced the first meeting of the directors will be September 28th at 4 pm at the town hall.
Bob Sweet moved that up to $10,000 be authorized to be expended from interest from unrestricted trust funds for the purpose of up front expenses for the capital fund drive. Teresa Horne seconded the motion.Bob reported that he met with Dick Hill, town trustee of trust funds, and they examined the library trust fund accounts. Bob provided the trustees with a breakdown of the accounts with principal, interest, purpose and restrictions indicated. Discussion about the trust funds ensued. The motion was approved.
Next meeting will be October 14, 2017 at 8:30.At 10:02 a.m. Teresa Horne moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Bob Sweet. Vote to adjourn was unanimous.
Respectfully submitted, Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library Board of Trustees Meeting Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH July 22, 2017
In attendance: Rufus Frost, Gilda Goodrich, Beverly Harris, Teresa Horne, Jane Pitt, Kristin Readel, and Bob SweetAt 8:36 a.m., Rufus Frost called the meeting of the trustees to order.
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes from June 10, 2017 was made by Jane Pitt and seconded by Teresa Horne. Vote to accept was unanimous.
Bob Sweet amended the minutes to indicate that the Foundation will have 7 to 9 directors.
Treasurer’s Report: Gina Paight sent a report.
The balances are updated through July 22, 2017
- Checking account: 2,698.30
- Special gifts fund: 13,090.85 This includes a $200 donation from the Marlborough Historical Society.
- Elizabeth Richards Concert Fund: 4,758.47 This includes a deduction of $525.00 for concert expenses.
Motion to accept the treasurer’s report dated July 22, 2017 was made by Teresa Horne and seconded by Bob Sweet. Vote to accept was unanimous.
Director’s Report – Kristin Readel reported on the following.
- Shared that she has been at the library for 90 days
- Is continuing to research hinges for the antique front doors
- Alerted the trustees to the chipped paint on the original building’s ceiling and she will look into getting it repaired.
- Discussed upcoming programs
- Included year-to-date budget information
The report was approved.
Foundation Report: Bob Sweet reported on the following
- Five directors have been confirmed
- Shared a tentative calendar for the Frost Free Library Capital Project. He indicated that the timeframe will need to be flexible. It was determined that a presentation to the public in March at the 2018 Town Meeting will be included in the timeline.
- Provided the trustees with a flow chart of responsibilities for the Capital Project
Old Business:The location of the addition was revisited. Kristin Readel suggested that the trustees tour of the grounds to consider the placement of the addition.
Next meeting will be September 9, 2017 at 8:30.At 10:07 a.m. Bob Sweet moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Teresa Horne. Vote to adjourn was unanimous.
Respectfully submitted, Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library Board of Trustees Meeting Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH June 10, 2017
In attendance: Rufus Frost, Gilda Goodrich, Beverly Harris, Teresa Horne, Jane Pitt, Kristin Readel, and Bob SweetAt 8:33 a.m., Rufus Frost called the meeting of the trustees to order.
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes from May 6, 2017 was made by Bob Sweet and seconded by Beverly Harris. Vote to accept was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report: Gina Paight sent a report.
The balances are updated through May 11, 2017
- Checking account: 2,647.86
- Special gifts fund: 12,888.69
- Elizabeth Richards Concert Fund: 5,257.60
Motion to accept the treasurer’s report from May 11, 2017 was made by Beverly Harris and seconded by Jane Pitt. Vote to accept was unanimous.
Beverly Harris reported that Gina Paight had provided information to the town’s auditors.
Director’s Report – Kristin Readel reported on the following.
- Concerts have been booked
- People are responding positively about the building project
- There was discussion about collecting funds from the concert sponsors
- Attended her first Friends meeting
- Prepared for the 1000 Books celebration
- The antique double doors need repairing. They will not be used, except for emergencies, until they are repaired
- The traffic counter was installed although the staff is using the manual counter for reference calls
The report was approved.
Foundation Report Bob Sweet reported on the following:
- Bob requested that out-of-town cardholders get the newsletters
- He asked the selectmen to research the library trust funds
- Bob reported that the Foundation will need 9 to 12 directors. He and Rufus are in the process of inviting community members to join the Foundation. Two prospective candidates have declined.
- Jane and Kristin will get ahold of copies of RFPs from neighboring towns’ libraries.
New Business:
- Considered a request to sell food at the library concerts. It was determined that there would be no outside vendors at the concerts.
- Rufus presented a proposal to have the library’s fencing repaired. The proposal from Dave’s Auto includes repairing the 16 dented pipes, straightening, sanding and painting all 58 sections. Selectmen will research the maintenance budget to check if there are any funds to start the project.
Bob Sweet moved we begin the repairs to the fence piping as funds from the budget and trust funds allow. Teresa Horne seconded the motion. The motion was approved.
- Kristin shared that the state library has a developed a para librarian certification. She will send additional information by email.
Next meeting will be July 15, 2017 at 8:30.At 10:13 a.m. Bob Sweet moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Jane Pitt. Vote to adjourn was unanimous.
Respectfully submitted, Gilda Goodrich
Record of the Frost Free Library Board of Trustees Meeting Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH May 6, 2017
In attendance: Kristin Readel, Rufus Frost, Beverly Harris, Jane Pitt, Bob Sweet and Teresa Horne
Rufus Frost called the meeting to order at 8:40 a.m.
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes from April 8th, 2017 was made by Bob Sweet and seconded by Beverly Harris. Vote was unanimous with Jane Pitt abstaining.
Treasurer’s Report: None reported
Director’s Report: Kristin Readel reported on the following:
- Attended Nubanusit Coop at Ingalls Memorial in Rindge on 3D Printer Training. Printer to be shared with a regional handler.
- Attended community partner’s summit at the Marlborough School. Discussed service projects and community needs. Possible collaboration with Diane Goodman, Spanish teacher on Heiffer project.
- Press releases to Leger and Sentinel to announce new director.
- Meeting with Fran Ashworth, Edventures to discuss summer programming.
- The Caterpillar Lab program during school vacation had record attendance of 91! Additional grant for programming in the works for May 20th.
- Updates with vendors and websites are in the works with goal of avoiding credit card encumbrances.
- Thanks to Nicki and Jane for being so supportive to Kristin in her new position!
- Elizabeth Richards Summer Concert giving at $1,900.
- Due to state funding cuts FFL did not receive KBA funding for this summer. Block booking with Alstead and Fitzwilliam for Steve Corning, Comedy & Juggling for Friday 7th at 10a.m. and John & Rebecca Higby for The YoYo Show August 3rd.
- Suggested humanities program for August 26th anniversary, Jeff Warner, Music in my Pockets: Family Fun in Folk Music.
- Kristin and Jane walked the FFL property to evaluate the property, discussion followed. Jane and Beverly will discuss with Brian Tarr the condition of the yard.
- Kristin will attend Youth Mental Health day at Peterborough Library on June 3rd. Teresa Horne moved to accept the director’s report and was seconded by Bob Sweet. Vote was unanimous.
Committee Report: Rufus Frost and Bob Sweet reported on the following for the Capital Fund Campaign:
- Outlined a draft plan for the Capital Fund Campaign for additional programming space at the FFL as approved by the warrant article at town meeting in March.
- Membership for the proposed foundation was also discussed.
The next meeting is scheduled for Saturday June 10th, 2017 at 8:30 a.m. At 10:00 a.m. Jane Pitt moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Teresa Horne. Vote to adjourn was unanimous.
Respectfully submitted, Teresa Horne
Record of the Frost Free Library Board of Trustees Meeting Frost Free Library, Marlborough, NH April 8th, 2017
In attendance: Kathleen Ash, Rufus Frost, Beverly Harris, Carl Shepardson, Bob Sweet, and Teresa Horne
Also in attendance: Kristin Readel
Rufus Frost called the meeting to order at 8:38 a.m.
Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes from March 11th, 2017 was made by Carl Shepardson and seconded by Beverly Harris. Vote to accept the minutes was unanimous.
A motion was also made to accept the minutes from March 28th, 2017 by Teresa Horne and seconded by Beverly Harris. Vote was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report: None reported
Director’s Report: Kathleen Ash reported on the following:
- Welcome to the new Director, Kristin Readel! Thank you to the search committee.
- Ernie Fowler will be coordinating a series of gardening programs for the library. Jeanne Sable will be speaking on her book Seed Keepers of Crescentville, and gardening on May 16th, at 6:30 p.m.
- Cassie will assist in overseeing the two programs scheduled: The Alzheimer’s Association program and The Caterpillar Lab.
- Jane has been given authority to sign time cards.
- Seth Radner has donated some free labor to the FFL. Thank you Seth!
- Scott Filimonov replaced the leaking water heater.
- Postcards have been sent to area businesses requesting their donation for the 2017 Elizabeth Richards concerts.
- The NH Humanities program NH Roads Taken or Not was well attended.
Search Committee:
- Carl Shepardson made a motion to accept with regret Kathleen Ash’s resignation and was seconded by Bob Sweet. The vote was unanimous.
- Rufus Frost made a motion to accept with enthusiasm the hiring of Kristin Readel and was seconded by Beverly Harris. The vote was unanimous.
Old Business:
- Kristen Readel will contact Brian Tarr regarding the sink holes in the FFL lawn.
- Beverly Harris relayed that the warrant article authorizing the FFL trustees to establish the 501 c (3) foundation to raise private funds passed at the town meeting.
- Bob Sweet presented proposed bylaws for the FFL 501 c (3) foundation and discussion followed.
- Potential foundation members were suggested.
The next meeting is scheduled for Saturday May 6th, 2017 at 8:30 a.m.At 10:00 Teresa Horne moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Carl Shepardson. Vote to adjourn was unanimous.
Respectfully submitted, Teresa Horne