Farewell, Nicki!

Our dear friend and staff member Nicki Demarest has retired this past Friday and will be enjoying some much needed rest and personal time. We will still see her around the library on occasion as she assists the library from a substitute position but we wish her well in her retirement!

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Farewell, Kristin Readel

We are sad to say that Kristin Readel has resigned from her position as Frost Free’s Library Director. She was a very treasured aid to the community and Frost Free has much to thank her for in regards to her determination and hard work in her position as director. We will miss you Kristin, and…

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Gillbert survived the blizzard and you?

There’s plenty of tree work left to do (Thanks in advance to Wilcox Tree Service for putting us on the list). BIG SHOUTOUT to our DPW, PD, FIRE & EMS for all the ways the cleared a path for us during the storm as well as the generous neighbors and friends that pitched in with…

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What a way to start a Friday

I was first on deck at Marlborough school this morning to read to PreK and Kindergarten classes. I chose You Matter by Christian Robinson. They were dressed in their fancy attire for ‘Fancy Friday. It doesn’t get any better than that. Readers enjoyed another insightful and thought-provoking discussion thanks to New Hampshire Humanities Council, made…

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What a week! Here’s hoping you enjoyed the sunshine today and were extra kind to yourself after a week of shoveling.

So excited about all the connections, partnerships and information that were shared at our community partnership event this past Saturday, January 21st at the Community House; 71 people, 10 pots of soup ladled by my fellow Lions club members, countless smiles, hands shook, and details shared. Watch here for the next event. Did you know…

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There’s a Nip in the air.

We still have a few hats, scarves & mittens that need a home, thanks to our knitting fairy. Take what you need or share with someone who looks cold. We’ve collected a delightful assortment of craft supplies to swap. If you dropped materials off, you should have received a ticket to Early bird admission from…

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Crunchy, Swirling, Golden days

Quick, go to YouTube and look for Beggar’s Velvet, Lady of Autumn or Cheryl Wheeler’s Autumn in New England. Have a listen and you’ll know how I’m feeling about these lovely, fleeting, golden days. Today has been a busy day at Frost Free. My favorite kind. 9:30 am we read to Mrs. Hoglund’s preschoolers, Owl…

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