What a way to start a Friday

I was first on deck at Marlborough school this morning to read to PreK and Kindergarten classes. I chose You Matter by Christian Robinson. They were dressed in their fancy attire for ‘Fancy Friday. It doesn’t get any better than that.
Readers enjoyed another insightful and thought-provoking discussion thanks to New Hampshire Humanities Council, made possible by a grant from New Hampshire Humanities. Learn
more at www.nhhumanities.org.
Perspectives Book Group. Liz Tentarelli led us through an exploration of why we read non-fiction or don’t as she facilitated discussion around Johanna Neuman’s Gilded Suffragists. Miriah, our baking fairy, made strawberry cake for our tea with the discussion. Our thoughtful readers helped clean up afterwards since Nicki had a Friday off and I was on the desk solo.
The library will be closed Saturday, March 4th so hope you’ve stocked up for the storm. The Lions Roast Beef Dinner is rescheduled for April 1st (thank you to our neighbors at Federated Church!)
Town Reports are out, Earth haven has their 1st lamb of the season. Frost Heaves and potholes are at their finest. Marlborough Gardens had a special on bulbs for Valentines, Cheshire County conservation has their bulk seed order out. Spring can’t be far behind.
Jaiden is offering a Tiny Art Exhibit for Youth Art Month. Check the Facebook page for them as they come in and stop in to add your ‘art’ to the exhibit.