What do we do all day?
At least once a year or so, a patron saunters in with a sigh ands says something to the effect “What a perfect job, you get to sit and read all day.”

A typical day at Frost Free is hardly EVER typical. Some days may be ‘quiet’ visits-wise but those are the days the staff switches into high gear and addresses collection development, shelf shifting, display planning, overdues, marketing, more planning, reflecting and perhaps a bit of reading.
This week we had a patron who needed computer access to obtain information recommended by her doctor. Binge watchers were lamenting how long they have to wait for the next season. Last week someone used the metal detectors to find some jewelry that ended up in a trash bag. A patron was able to request a replacement vaccine card, another completed our ‘DOT’ survey recently and said, “I don’t use ALL these services, but I’m so glad we have them.” Someone new to town came into ask about volunteering so she could meet new people. The neighbors that moved in across the street were welcomed with an herb garden from our recent plant party thanks to a collaboration with Cheshire County Conservation District and our generous neighbors at Cheshire Floral Farm. A family came in for their library card and was amazed to find out about tomorrow’s magic show and feed worms to Gillbert Clementine, our Axolotl.

Your director’s list this month included – over 300 emails to catch up on after vacation (even with the ‘away from desk’ notice), -Another 100 or so emails debating and negotiating with colleagues across the state regarding increases in our NH Downloadable Budget, -Onboarding for our Tier 1 Digital Literacy grant ($4,000) to offer Digital Literacy Basics Workshops on the Internet, Passwords, Zoom, and Cyber Security and add Chrome Books to our inventory, -Notarizing documents for visitors, -Reconnecting with school staff for story times, visits and collaborations,-Reviewing magazine subscriptions for this year’s renewal (so many are no longer being printed, Entertainment Weekly, Atlantic and many others are now available through the Libby app on your favorite Apple or Android Device) -Offer support to a patron filling their Libby shelf. (Libby has also just upgraded tags in the app for some shelf curation), -Paying the bills, troubleshooting the bills, recording the bills in the spreadsheet, sending bills to the treasurer for grants and reimbursements from grant funds, -Completing summer reading evaluation and summer learning grant report review, -Planning fall programming and displays -Updating staffing, -Fixing the paper jam in the printer, -Reviewing book donations, -Walking the grounds and building, -Planning temporary services, -Connecting with a Keene Sentinel reporter for an article about our new Metal Detectors (Thanks to Streeter’s Treasure Hunters & Professional Treasure Hunter’s Society) in our Library of Things. Thank gawd it’s Friday ;> I’m too tired to even look at my TBR (To Be Read) shelf.