We know you were wondering.

You have seen the shovel meetings, the stakes and flags and fluorescent paint in the parking lot, boxes being packed, volunteer lists being checked. Perhaps you have just written a check for the last part of your pledge and are wishing to see equipment on site breaking ground.
Specifications in plumbing, electrical, interior finishes are being finalized by the architect, Tom Weller of Weller & Michal of Harrisville. Including potential for exposing some of the original stonework of the historic building behind the proposed circulation area.
Project Funds raised have been transferred to the Town of Marlborough per Town Meeting to expend for the Library building project. (Congratulation to the 150 Committee for surpassing their $800,000 goal!)
Town of Marlborough Building Advisory Committee has been formed (Ellen Smith – Town Admin, Earle Nelson, Jane Pitt & Gina Paight – Selectpersons, Mike Wilber-Building Inspector, Doug Hamshaw, Bob Sweet, Jeff Miller – 150 Committee, Deb Reynolds – Friends of Frost Free, Kristin Readel, Director – Frost Free Library, Carl Bemis, and Tom Weller, Architect) and is working to resolve site challenges posed by underground infrastructure at the culvert parallel to Route 124 as well as pipe issues at Pleasant Street. We look forward to a successful solution to these infrastructure concerns, completing bid specs and putting out invitations to bid soon. Once bids are received, all parties will review, deliberate, and consider the future of your library project. Do not hesitate to reach out to the building advisory committee with questions.