National Friends of Libraries Week.
15th annual National Friends of Libraries Week Oct. 18-24, 2020.
Worker bee, or queen bee? There’s a place for you with Friends of Frost Free. Members have created life long friendships while supporting an important community service.

Friends of Frost Free will have a Pop-up Booksale at Monandock Lion’s Fall yardsale. Contact Friend, Deb Reynolds, to help 876 4722,
Saturday, October 17th, 10 am – 1pm,
Piedra Fina parking lot, 288 Main Street, Marlborough, NH.
Federated Church will have Pumpkin Whoopie Pies for Sale & Monadnock Lions will have gently used treasures to sell. Sale items accepted prior to sale from 8 – 10 am or arrange for pick up with Lion, Mike Keating 876 4011 or 209 2358, Lion, Larry Robinson 876 4067 or 313 4068 or Lion, Dave Moran 876 4722. NOT ACCEPTED – Clothing, Televisions, Appliances, Bedding or Computer Components.
Friends will also be offering refreshments at Monadnock String Quartet on October 7th at 2:15 pm.
Friends also manage the ongoing booksale which has a cart in the foyer and shelves upstairs available whenever the library is open.
Friends also participate in amazonsmile Program. Support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you. Amazon donates .5% of your eligible purchases to Friends.