I hope we can follow his fine example.

As many of you may now by now our community lost a good man this week. Rufus Frost, III, He left us on Tuesday morning. Though I’m grateful his suffering has ended, I find myself wondering how we will fill the gap when we lose such an integral community member. Many of you may have served with Rufus in the Historical Society, the Heritage Commission, The Thief Detecting Society or perhaps here on the Library Trustees. His grandson, Rufus, V, serves as our treasurer today. My dearest hope is that we will honor him best by sharing a smile, a word of encouragement, some GREAT music and a couple of laughs with whoever needs it most. He was fiercly proud of his beautiful family, especially the grands.
Rufus single-handedly got me through COVID closures and repeated changes with his weekly music video and humor bits that he curated and shared every week right thru the closures, state of emergency and associated changes. So simple and so kind. Let’s be like Rufus; in community, kindness and generosity.