Flamingo Friday Friends
I hope this warm Friday finds you with your toes in the pond.

“Flamingo Friday” is a little something happy that gets me to the end of the week. My mom just got me a pair of glittery flamingo glasses to go with my kimono! What is your happy thought for a summer weekend? I think Jane’s will be a box of new books from Brodart.
A patron just went out the door with “The Duchess of Stone Pond” for some weekend reading. We also have a lovely “Stone Pond” print to enjoy along with our Fermatta arts exhibit of student art from Kaliningrad Russia. Stop in, you never know what you are missing. The Library Telescope is just waiting for its next star gazing date. Brand new Peace Packs from the NH state library are also available through July. InterLibrary Loan has ended the quarantine process, as have we so title will be turning around more quickly.
Big thanks to our Friends group for managing the concert season details. Be sure to support their efforts with your donation to Friends of Frost Free – Concert Series. 2021 is due to start, Tuesday, July 6th at 7 pm, Outdoors shine only with 20th Century Pops thanks to Keating Inc. for their sponsorship. Pops are on Facebook @20thcenturypops if you want a video of past performances.
You can also support the Friends by shopping at the ongoing bookcart sale in the foyer. We just got a BIG donation of paperback romance and thrillers perfect for vacation reads – 5/$1 Such a bargain.